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发布时间: 2022-05-27 04:47:22

‘壹’ linux下运行hspice显示word too long,是什么问题,求高人解答

1. 用which查找hspice调用的文件,应该在hspice安装路径下的bin里的“hspice”,比如“hspice_vE-2010.12-SP2/hspice/bin/hspice",这是一个csh脚本
2. 用vim打开这个csh脚本,找到以下几行把它们注释掉即可,大约在202行
if (("$sse" == "") || ($status != 0)) then
echo " Error: SSE2 instruction is not supported on this machine."
echo " HSPICE has adopted SSE2 instruction since 2006.09 version."
echo " Please review the release note for more detailed information."
exit 1

如果你是32位linux,那么可以直接调用hspice的可执行文件来仿真,而不要用它默认的bin下hspice csh脚本,比如在.cshrc中加上一个alias语句
alias hspice $hspice_install_dir/hspice/linux/hspice

‘贰’ hspice的网表怎么生成。我有一个电路图,想用hspice仿真,请问网表怎么生成,是用什么软件

像这么简单的电路用手写就可以了(看看网表的基本写法就可以写出来了),保存成.sp格式的文件,如果想用软件的话,在pc上可以用workview、orcad等,如果在linux系统下,可以用cadence composer、laker adp等

‘叁’ Win下和linux下 Hspice的区别


‘肆’ Linux下有哪些电路仿真的软件

逻辑电路的话一般是对硬件描述语言(HDL)进行仿真的软件,比如altera公司的ModelSim,开源的http://gna.org/projects/ghdl/(VHDL),Icarus Verilog(Verilog)等,更多可以参考List of HDL simulators,以及VHDL。
如果是模拟电路的话,一般以spice的众多衍生版本,比如商业的NI Multisim: 强大的电路设计和教学软件,Synopsys HSPICE,以及开源的http://ngspice.sourceforge.net/等等……


‘伍’ hspice for linux 安装求助

How to install Hspice on Linux:
1 download installation files
2 you will get the tar files:
3 First, install the installer. Un-compress the tar files by command: “tar –xvf installer_v2.8.tar.Z”. then you will get a folder “install_bin” and file “install.now” “setup.sh”.
4 change to “root” and create folder for where you want to install it. Example: create folder “tools” under “/” path.
5 go to the path “~/linux_installer” and run “setup.sh” with “root”
6 ring installing, specify the source path for SCL.
7 After install, you will get a folder like “11.4(basic on your scl version)” under you installed path.

8 go to the path “~/linux_installer” and run “setup.sh” with “root” again. And specify the path “linux_version” to install Hspice

9 remember to modify the installed path again.
10 wait to install… after install, you will see below message:
11 set floating license variable “SNPSLMD_LICENSE_FILE”.

‘陆’ 在linux下面有没有的类似Proteus的单片机仿真软件啊。求高手指点


‘柒’ 关于hspice提问


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