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发布时间: 2022-04-15 18:41:31

A. cocos2dx proj.win32 怎么编译

1、Python的安装和设置 安装基本上就是下一步, 下一步就好了. 中间安装路径, 我选择的是"C:\Python27\", 等下要用到这个路径. 右键单击“计算机”,选择“属性”----》“高级系统设置”,在“高级”选项卡下选择“环境变量”! 在“系统变量”下选中“Path”

B. 怎么配置source insight使得可以编译C语言程序

source insight使得可以编译C语言程序配置方法:
要想编译c,需要配置Pc Lint。
1、假设source insight的安装目录在d:/pclint8,那么pclin.exe就在这个目录,
打开菜单:options->custom commands
a) 添加一个新的命令名,例如:Pc Lint
b) 在run 中填入:
d:/pclint8/lint -u -ic:/lint std env-si %f
d:/pclint8 是你的Pclint所在的目录.
c) 在path中填入:
d) 勾选下面的选项:
Iconic Window
Capture Output
Save Files First
Parse Links in Output
File, then Line
e) 在Pattern 框中填入:
^/([^ ]*/) /([0-9]+/)
-i"e:/myproj/include" //头文件寻找路径
e:/myproj/source/source1.c //需要编译的文件1
e:/myproj/source/source2.c //需要编译的文件2
d:/pclint8/lint -u -ic:/lint std env-si %f
d:/pclint8/lint -u -ic:/lint std test env-si

C. 把java项目变成可运行的bat文件

你把编译好的项目和bat放到同一个目录下,里面写java 你main函数的名字就好了 追问: 大哥能不能说的详细一点的 回答: bat 文件内写java 你main函数的名字 追问: 我的项目不只一个类,还有外部jar包。你讲的这样是行不通的。 回答: 首先呢,你path下配置好jdk 在cmd中可以直接操作你编译好的main文件使你的程序正常运行,之后呢在你程序的main函数的java文件下,创建一个xxx.bat 文件,里面只写一句话,就是你在cmd中运行你程序的那句 java main函数那个java文件名 补充: 编译好的项目,在WINDOWS下可以这样打包与执行: 1、工程目录设置为 $\proj 2、代码文件放到 $\proj\snake\Frame1.java/**最简单的一个frame*/package snake; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import javax.swing.*; public class Frame1{ public static void main(String[] args) { JFrame frame = new JFrame (); frame.addWindowListener( new WindowAdapter() { public void windowClosing( WindowEvent e ) { System.exit(0);}});frame.setVisible(true);}}3、设置manifest.mf 文件,放到目录: $\proj\manifest.mf Main-Class: snake.Main 4、设置批处理文件,此处先编译,后打包,再运行,放到目录 $\proj\play.bat@echo offjavac snake\*.java java -jar snake.jar@echo on追问: 报了错,加载驱动异常。因为我用到了外部jar包。 追问: 这位大哥.。我按着你的步骤做了一下,发现打包之后Main-Class: snake.Main 在 manifest.mf 文件中这句话不见了,我把这句话自己手动加上去了,他还是说找不到这个snake包下的main方法类。能不能给我解释一下?ハ蕶ニ③ 的感言: 虽然不是你说的这样解决的,不过还是非常感谢你了。

D. 如何编译mapserver在windows环境下

推荐 C 盘

gdwin32 的bgd.lib是第一次编译后拷贝过来的运行makemsvcimport.bat
libpng 的libpng.lib,libpngd.lib是第一次编译后拷贝过来的vc6
freetype 的freetype2110_D.lib在vc7下面编译成功
zlib zlib.lib 编译成功在zlib123\contrib\vstudio\vc7用vc7
proj proj.lib 在vc7环境下编译成功
curl libcurl.lib 在vc6编译下成功 C:\projects\curl\lib
gdal gdal.lib 用submake.bat批处理文件执行编译成功
pdflib 用vc7编译成功 C:\projects\PDFlibLite
fcgi 没有成功 将fcgi_config_x86.h改为fcgi_config.h用vc6编译成功
jpeg 没有编译成功将gdal里的拷贝过来
regex 没有编译成功

# nmake.opt - MapServer 4.x configuration for MSVC++
# This VC++ configuration is used in building MAPSERVER.LIB, MAPSERV.EXE,
# and the other MapServer command-line programs.
# To use the makefile:
# - Open a DOS prompt window
# - Run the VCVARS32.BAT script to initialize the VC++ environment variables
# - Start the build with: nmake /f makefile.vc
# $Id: nmake.opt,v 1.24 2005/12/08 19:14:48 hobu Exp $
# Contents:
# Section I: Mapserver Options (you may want to edit)
# Section II: Support Libraries (you must edit)
# Section III: Debug Flags (no need to edit)
# Section IV: Variable Setup (should not need to edit)
# Section V: UMN GIS System Setup (should not need to edit)
# Section VI: Collect compiler flags
# Section I: Mapserver Options
# Uncomment the following to link mapserv.exe withh dll
# Set the following to point to the current directory.
MS_BASE = C:\projects\mapserver
# Optmization and related compile flags.
# Optimized, with using MSVCRT.
# Debug with MSVCRT
# Optimized, with LIBC.
# Input raster format options:
# The lite version of mapserver 4.x supports only GIF, PNG and JPEG data for
# input. If you wish to support many geospatial raster formats for input
# you will need the GDAL support library from http://www.gdal.org/.
# Once built, enable the GDAL flag, and point GDAL_DIR to the directory
# where GDAL was built.
# Input vector format options
# The lite version of Mapserver 4.x only suports ESRI shapefiles for input.
# The OGR library (part of GDAL) supports a variety of geospatial vector
# formats including mapinfo, Arc/Info binary coverages, S-57, SDTS,
# Microstation DGN (pre-v7), TIGER, UK .NTF. It also include support for
# treating non-spatial tablular data from ODBC, CSV, mysql, Oracle Spatial,
# and PostgreSQL as spatial table with use of the VRT (virtual) driver.
# NOTE: Both -DUSE_OGR and -DUSE_GDAL need to be defined if you want to
# use GDAL/OGR for both raster and vector support, but GDAL_DIR needs only
# be defined once.
# JPEG Input:
# JPEG input for raster layers is also available through GDAL, If you wish
# to build support for JPEG without GDAL, uncomment the following flag
# and provide the full path to the jpeg support library project directory.
# See http://www.ijg.org/ for support library.
# Output format options:
# If you wish to allow JPEG output maps, uncomment the following flag.
# If not using a GD build with an internal of libjpeg, you will
# also need to uncomment JPEG_DIR and point to it; however, with BGD.DLL
# that is not necessary.
# If you wish to allow PNG output maps, uncomment the following flag.
# If not using a GD build with an internal of libpng, you will
# also need to uncomment PNG_DIR and ZLIB_DIR and point to it; however, with
# BGD.DLL that is not necessary.
# See http://www.libpng.org/pub/png/libpng.html for support library.
# See http://www.gzip.org/zlib/ for support library.
#flag to indicate the use of zlib library. It is used intially in SVG
#output to compressed files.
# If you wish to allow Windows BMP output maps, uncomment the following flag.
# If you wish to have FLASH output, uncomment the following flag and provide
# the full path to the MING support library project directory.
# See http://ming.sourceforge.net/ for support library.

# If you wish to have PDF output, uncomment the following flag and provide the
# full path to the PDF support library project directory.
# See http://www.pdflib.com/ for support library.

# Annotation fonts.
# If you wish to annotate your maps with true type fonts unccomment the
# following flag. Provide the full path to the FreeType 2.x external
# support library, unless it is provided within your GD build as is the
# case with BGD.DLL.
# See http://www.freetype.org for support library.

# Direct connectivity to Postgresql PostGIS.
# To turn on direct connectivity to Postgresql PostGIS uncomment the following
# flag and set the full path name to the project directory for the
# Postgresql native Win32 client library.
# See http://www.postgresql.org for support library.
#POSTGIS_DIR =c:/projects/libpq
ORACLE_DIR = c:\Oracle\Ora81
# Direct connectivity to ArcSDE.
# To turn on direct connectivity to ArcSDE uncomment the following
# flag and set the full path name to the project directory for ArcSDE.
# Since ESRI includes the version number in the name of their libraries
# you may need to change that number in Section III of this configuration
# file.
# See http://www.esri.com/software/arcgis/arcinfo/arcsde/index.html for
# support library
# EPPL7 Support
# This activates ERDAS as well. It is included in the distribution.
# Probably the best raster alternative if
# you've got EPPL7 laying around. See http://www.lmic.state.mn.us/ for
# more information.
# Uncomment out the following flag and set the full path name to the
# epplib.obj file.
# If you want to ignore missing datafile errors uncomment the following
# line. This is especially useful with large tiled datasets that may not
# have complete data for each tile.
# If you want to use shape Z and M parameter this option must be set.
# It's OFF by default.
# If you want antialiasing (note that It requires gd2)
# Enable if you want thread safe locking, not needed for simple CGI.
# Use this flag to compile with WMS Server support.
# To find out more about the OpenGIS Web Map Server Specification go to
# http://www.opengis.org/
# Use this flag to compile with WMS Client support. WMS Client support
# allows you to pull layers from other OGIS WMS servers on the interent and
# incorporate them into your map.
# To find out more about the OpenGIS Web Map Server Specification go to
# http://www.opengis.org/
# you need the libcurl library from http://curl.haxx.se/library/c/
# Set the full path to the curl project directory.
# You may also need to the full path to the windows socket library.
WINSOCK_LIB = "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98\Lib\WSOCK32.LIB"
# Use -DUSE_WFS_SVR to compile with WFS server support, requires OGR and PROJ4
# Use -DUSE_WFS_LYR to compile with WFS client support, requires libcurl
# Use -DUSE_WCS_SVR to compile with WCS server support, requires GDAL.
#libiconv support is used for to support double bytes (see bug 911).
#uncomment the following to build with libiconv support.
# Reprojecting.
# If you would like mapserver to be able to reproject data from one
# geographic projection to another, uncomment the following flag
# Proj.4 distribution (cartographic projection routines). PROJ.4 is
# also required for all OGC services (WMS, WFS, and WCS).
# For PROJ_DIR use full path to Proj.4 distribution
# php Mapscript.
# If you plan to build PHP mapscript uncomment the following flag and
# set the full path to the PHP project directory
# Apparently these aren't as commonplace. Edit the
# following line to reflect the missing functions on your platform.

# Section II: External Support Libraries
# You will need to set the paths to various support library projects
# that you have compiled.

E. 在avrstudio软件编译过程中,出现了unknow name type proj_char,这个问题怎么解决啊

用的wingcc吧 缺个头文件
#include <avr/pgmspace.h>

F. 如何使用C++Builder编译Delphi使用Obj文件

一直以来,Delphi 都可以用命令行 dcc32 ProjectName.dpr 对项目进行编译链接,非常方便,Delphi对项目文件的参数配置处理的很简单,便于阅读处理起来也很直观,编译的中间文件也很简单(dcu,dcp)。
而C++Builder就没那么幸运了,因为包含了C++的特征,各种编译的中间文件:lib,obj,res,map,tds。后来新版又增加了一些预编译文件:ilc,ild,ilf,...,pch,#00,...等等等等,各种搜索路径(Include Path,Library Path,Browse Path...),要是用bcc32及ilink32手工进行编译链接,命令的参数都足够写上大半天。幸好,在旧版C++Builder中,如果要用命令行编译BCB项目,只要将bpr文件转换为mak文件,再使用make命令进行编译链接也比较方便,不需要过多的处理:
[plain] view plainprint?
bpr2mak -oProject1.mak Project1.bpr
make -fProject1.mak

自从Delphi/C++Builder开始使用 MSBuild* 编译系统后(好像是RAD Studio 2006开始,具体忘记了),Delphi项目在保存为dpr的同时,也会保存一份dproj的项目文件,dpr依旧沿用旧格式,dproj 则以MSBuild规范以XML格式保存,除了可以用旧方式命令行编译dpr外,也可以用:

[plain] view plainprint?
msbuild.exe /t:Rebuild /p:Config=Debug ProjectName.dproj

进行编译,但msbuild必须设定一些环境变量,RAD Studio自带了一个命令行工具已经做好了这些,其实就是设定了以下几个环境变量($(BDS)\bin\rsvars.bat):

[plain] view plainprint?
@SET BDS=C:\Embarcadero\RAD Studio\7.0
@SET BDSCOMMONDIR=C:\Users\Public\Documents\RAD Studio\7.0
@SET FrameworkDir=C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727
@SET FrameworkVersion=v2.0.50727
@SET FrameworkSDKDir=
@SET PATH=%FrameworkDir%;%FrameworkSDKDir%;%PATH%

C++Builder则又更杯具了一些,bpr2mak.exe工具已经没有了,所以只能采用MSBuild进行命令行编译。更加杯具的是,随着Delphi和BCB被多次转卖收购,新版本的发布似乎总会有各种各样的Bug,比如手头的RAD Studio 2009进行命令行编译,Delphi正常,BCB则报出超过100个错误,类似如下:

[plain] view plainprint?
C:\Embarcadero\RAD Studio\7.0\Bin\CodeGear.Cpp.Targets(2175,3): error : Error: Unresolved external '__fastcall Strhlpr::UnicodeFree(System::UnicodeString&)' referenced from C:\EMBARCADERO\RAD STUDIO\7.0\LIB\DEBUG\VCLE.LIB|ustring
C:\Embarcadero\RAD Studio\7.0\Bin\CodeGear.Cpp.Targets(2175,3): error : Error: Unresolved external 'Typinfo::BooleanIdents' referenced from C:\EMBARCADERO\RAD STUDIO\7.0\LIB\DEBUG\VCLE.LIB|vclinit

检查了一下发现编译过程(bcc32.exe)没有问题,只是在ilink32.exe链接过程中报错,在IDE中打开此项目进行编译,查看Message->Output窗口,比较两者的ilink32命令行参数,发现两者有两个地方有明显差异,一个是IDE生成的命令中没有类似 C:\Embarcadero\RAD Studio\7.0\lib\EN\debug 的路径(指的是EN这个目录,去除上面rsvars.bat中的@SET LANGDIR=EN 就可以避免产生这样的搜索路径) ,但是虽然这个目录不存在,也应该不至于导致出错。第二个差异是缺少了rtl.bpi和vcl.bpi的附加obj参数,解决办法是在$(BDS)\bin目录中找到 CodeGear.Cpp.Targets 文件,用记事本打开,搜索字符“memmgr.lib“,在前面加上"rtl.bpi;vcl.bpi" (用;分隔,不含引号),一共有两处要修改。或者查找 "c0w32",在后面加上 "rtl.bpi;vcl.bpi",只有一处修改 —— 因为IDE的命令行中 rtl.bpi vcl.bpi是在c0w32和memmgr.lib中间的。—— (注意:在XE2中,加在c0w32后面已经不管用了,编译会报另一个错误VCL.BPIW.OBJ不存在,Targets文件有很大变化,可能参数的位置变动过了,导致与其他参数混在一起,所以还是加到memmgr.lib处更加合理)。

一些组件包比如DevExpress的Package,没有dproj或者cproj 项目文件,只能通过IDE进行转换,但坑爹的是bpk在好几个版本以前(CRS 2007?)已经不支持bpk项目,根本打不开也谈不上转换了,但它其实是一个make文件,可惜用make命令编译还是要出错,不想去研究了。总之,BCB永远活在Delphi的阴影下。

G. 头文件和源文件有什么区别















H. android环境下cocos2dx-3.13.1,新建项目后proj.android下没有build_native.py脚本文件,如何编译项目

好像最近几个版本不能使用build_native.py来build c++内容了,你这个项目都没这个文件应该是完全取消了这个项目的生成方式。不如你试试命令行:
cocos compile -p android

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