Ⅰ 如何在AIX系统下编译c或c++源文件,具体说明一下。谢谢各位高手。
如果你有myprogram.cpp文件,那么使用xlC myprogram.cpp 就可以编译了,默认生成输出文件名为a.out,
如果要指定输出文件,可以使用xlC myprogram.cpp -o myprogram,这样就可以生成名字为myprogram的文件
Ⅱ 怎么确认AIX C/C++ compiler XL C的license是否完成版
使用IBM CICS Transaction Server需要使用AIX XLC C/C++编译器编译C语言和C++的应用程序,。AIX上的XLC不是免费的编译器软件,需要额外购买license。如果没有购买license,XLC只能使用60天,过期了就不能编译。怎么确定在服务器上安装XLC编译器是完整版还是试用版?
lslpp -l | grep “vac*” 或者 lslpp -l | grep -i vac
vac.lic COMMITTED XL C for AIX LicenceFiles
vac.licAgreement COMMITTED IBM XL C ElectronicLicense
vacpp.lic COMMITTED IBM XL C/C++ LicenceFiles
vacpp.licAgreement COMMITTED IBM XL C++ ElectronicLicense
Ⅲ Apache的配置文件语法错误,问题所在怎么修改
Full text of PR number 2312:
Received: (qmail 27406 invoked by uid 2012); 28 May 1998 19:08:53 -0000
Message-Id: <[email protected]>
Date: 28 May 1998 19:08:53 -0000
From: Tim Evans <[email protected]>
Reply-To: [email protected]
To: [email protected]
Subject: syntax error in distributed httpd.conf file
X-Send-Pr-Version: 3.2
>Number: 2312
>Category: os-aix
>Synopsis: syntax error in distributed httpd.conf file
>Confidential: no
>Severity: serious
>Priority: medium
>Responsible: apache
>State: closed
>Class: sw-bug
>Submitter-Id: apache
>Arrival-Date: Thu May 28 12:10:00 PDT 1998
>Last-Modified: Thu May 27 12:42:51 PDT 1999
>Originator: [email protected]
>Release: 1.3b7
AIX 4.3; AIX cc
After compiling and installing 1.3b7 in default location, I changed *only* the port number in
the distributed httpd.conf file. httpd fails to start with this error:
Syntax error on line 40 of /usr/local/apache/conf/access.conf:
Expected </Directory> but saw </Directory>
NOTE: "Expected </Directory> but saw </Directory>"
State-Changed-From-To: open-analyzed
State-Changed-By: coar
State-Changed-When: Sun Sep 27 09:41:57 PDT 1998
This is a known problem with the AIX C compiler (see also
PRs 2534, 2664, 2853, and 3042). IBM are aware of the
problem. I'm putting this report into 'analyzed' so we
can notify you of the correction if and when we get one.
Category-Changed-From-To: general-os-aix
Category-Changed-By: coar
Category-Changed-When: Sun Sep 27 09:41:57 PDT 1998
State-Changed-From-To: analyzed-closed
State-Changed-By: [email protected]
State-Changed-When: Sun Dec 13 14:54:32 PST 1998
The AIX compiler problem which gave the error of
"on Expected </Files> but saw </Files>" has been fixed.
+ A set of PTF's which correct the problem are available from:
+ The PTF's are: U462005, U462006, U462007, and U462023 through
+ U462030. The PTF's have been tested and do indeed fix the problem.
Thanks for using Apache
From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]
Cc: [email protected]
Subject: Re: os-aix/2312: syntax error in distributed httpd.conf file
Date: Wed, 16 Dec 1998 14:00:19 -0500
Yes, the listed PTF's are for the xlC 3.6.4 compiler.
Please talk with your IBM Service Rep. to see
if your compiler is effected.
> Synopsis: syntax error in distributed httpd.conf file
> State-Changed-From-To: analyzed-closed
> State-Changed-By: [email protected]
> State-Changed-When: Sun Dec 13 14:54:32 PST 1998
> State-Changed-Why:
> The AIX compiler problem which gave the error of
> "on Expected </Files> but saw </Files>" has been fixed.
> + A set of PTF's which correct the problem are available from:
> +
> + The PTF's are: U462005, U462006, U462007, and U462023 through
> + U462030. The PTF's have been tested and do indeed fix the problem.
These PTF's appear to be for the old AIX compiler, not the latest one
(i.e. "C for AIX Version 4.3").
Comment-Added-By: [email protected]
Comment-Added-When: Mon Feb 1 07:34:08 PST 1999
According to the IBM compiler people:
The AIX 4.3 compiler is old and out of support.
The AIX 3.6.4 C/C++ compiler problem is fixed with the PTF's
listed above
The only forthcoming comiler fix is for the AIX 4.4 C compiler
and this PTF's to fix this will be available in April 99.
Sorry for any confusion that IBM numbering scheme has caused.
Comment-Added-By: [email protected]
Comment-Added-When: Thu May 27 12:42:49 PDT 1999
IBM has released a fix their 4.4 C compiler.
The APAR number is IX87837, you can go to:
use the AIX Fix Distribution Service, and search on the APAR number above,
it will pull up the updated filesets with the fix.
Evidently this fix has been available for a while, but I just
got wind of the updated APAR. Shane
[In order for any reply to be added to the PR database, ]
[you need to include <[email protected]> in the Cc line ]
[and leave the subject line UNCHANGED. This is not done]
[automatically because of the potential for mail loops. ]
2.针对自己编译器的版本进行修改,我是在最后一种情况,所以我升级了aix的c 编译器,升为4.4.0.3.
Ⅳ unix下C编译器版本如何查看
常用的编译器有gcc, clang, c-compiler, xlc(AIX)等。一般他们会绑定到cc(软连接), 所以你可以查看下cc指向哪个连接,如果遵循GNU语法,那么看版本就是cc --version. 一个系统可以装多个版本的多种编译器,那么就可以看下$PATH变量中优先哪个生效?当然还有其他编译器,如intel 厂商的。可以看man XXXX 然后搜 version.
Ⅳ 新手入门:AIX下如何用命令行编译并执行一个C程序GCC和CC的区别是什么
谢谢! 明天我去试一下。另外,在AIX下我输入:gcc -v 想查看GCC版本号,提示GCC不存在,但是输入:cc -v 则提示IBM XLC的版本信息,不知道这个是什么原因 ?
Ⅵ AIX 6.1环境安装的xlc 9.0版本编译器但是不能编译,求大神指教越详细越好~
uncompress vacpp.90.aix61.oct2007.ptf.tar.Z
tar xvf vacpp.90.aix61.oct2007.ptf.tar
Ⅶ 有哪位大哥在aix上用过tuxedo啊,最好是用gcc编译器