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发布时间: 2023-03-30 21:31:15

㈠ c++程序编译后自动生成的文件有什么用,分别解释下

1, PCH文件



如何使用预编译头文件以提高编译速度?要使用预编译头文件,必须指定一个头文件(.H),它包含我们不会经常修改的代码和其他的头文件,然后用这个头文件(.H)来生成一个预编译头文件(.PCH)VC默认的头文件就是StdAfx.h,因为头文件是不能编译的,所以我们还需要一个.CPP文件来作桥梁,VC默认的文件为StdAfx.cpp,这个文件里只有一句代码就是:#include "StdAfx.h".接下来要用它生成.PCH文件,涉及到几个重要的预编译指令:/Yu,/Yc,/Yx,/Fp.简单地说,/Yc是用来生成.PCH文件的编译开关.在Project->setting->C/C++的Category里的Precompiled Header,然后在左边的树形视图中选择用来编译生成.PCH文件的.CPP文件(默认即StdAfx.cpp)你就可以看到/Yc这个开关,它表示这个文件编译了以后是否生成.PCH文件(可能/Yc的c表示create)./Fp指令指定生成的.PCH文件的名字及路径(可能/Fp的p代表path)./Yu的u即use使用,工程中只要包括了.H文件的文件都会有这个/Yu指令.如果选择自动Automatic...的话则原来为/Yc的地方就换成了/Yx指令.如果选择自动,则每次编译时编译器会看以前有没有生成过.PCH文件,有则不现生成否则就再次编译产生.PCH文件.





D.如果丢了或删了.PCH文件而以后要再修改工程文件时,可将指定的/Yc的.CPP文件(默认为StdAfx.cpp)重新编译一次即可再次生成.PCH文件,不用傻傻的按F7或Rebuild All

2, NCB文件

.ncb 无编译浏览文件(no compile browser)。当自动完成功能出问题时可以删除此文件。build后会自动生成

3, OBJ文件



4, PDB文件

程序数据库 (PDB) 文件保存着调试和项目状态信息,使用这些信息可以对程序的调试配置进行增量链接。当以 /ZI 或 /Zi(用于 C/C++)生成时,将创建一个 PDB 文件。

在 Visual C++ 中,/Fd 选项用于命名由编译器创建的PDB 文件。当使用向导在Visual Studio 中创建项目时,/Fd 选项被设置为创建一个名为 project.PDB 的 PDB。

如果使用生成文件创建 C/C++ 应用程序,并指定 /ZI 或 /Zi 而不指定 /Fd 时,则最终将生成两个 PDB 文件:

*VC80.PDB (更笼统地说就是 VCx0.PDB,其中 x 表示 Visual C++ 的版本。)该文件存储各个 OBJ 文件的所有调试信息并与项目生成文件驻留在同一个目录中。

*project.PDB 该文件存储 .exe 文件的所有调试信息。对于C/C++,它驻留在 \debug 子目录中。

每当创建 OBJ 文件时,C/C++ 编译器都将调试信息合并到 VCx0.PDB 中。插入的信息包括类型信息,但不包括函数定义等符号信息。因此,即使每个源文件都包含公共头文件(如 <windows.h>),这些头文件中的 typedef 也只存储一次,而不是在每个 OBJ 文件中都存在。

链接器将创建 project.PDB,它包含项目的 EXE 文件的调试信息。project.PDB文件包含完整的调试信息(包括函数原型),而不仅仅是在 VCx0.PDB 中找到的类型信息。这两个 PDB 文件都允许增量更新。链接器还在其创建的 .exe 或 .dll 文件中嵌入 .pdb 文件的路径。

Visual Studio 调试器使用 EXE 或 DLL 文件中的PDB 路径查找 project.PDB 文件。如果调试器在该位置无法找到 PDB 文件或者如果路径无效(例如,如果项目被移动到了另一台计算机上),调试器将搜索包含 EXE 的路径,即在“选项”对话框(“调试”文件夹,“符号”节点)中指定的符号路径。调试器不会加载与所调试的二进制不匹配的 PDB。

5, ILK文件

在增量链接时,LINK 更新在第一次增量链接期间创建的 .ilk 状态文件。该文件和 .exe文件或 .dll 文件具有相同的基名称,并具有扩展名 .ilk。在后面的增量链接期间,LINK 更新 .ilk 文件。如果缺少 .ilk 文件,则 LINK 执行完全链接并创建新的 .ilk 文件。如果 .ilk 文件无法使用,则 LINK 执行非增量链接。有关增量链接的详细信息,请参见渐进式链接(/INCREMENTAL) 选项。

6, MAP文件



(1)code指程序代码,常存在.text section

(2)data指存程序中声明的变量,常存在.data section,未初始化的变量会被存在.bss section。




visual studio中方法:右击工程,选择Properties,然后选择 Configuration Properties -Linker - Debugging,将Generate Map File项改成Yes。



Timestamp is4b9603e2 (Tue Mar 09 16:16:34 2010) //这个是时间戳,每次编译都不同,后面符号对应的地址一般也不同。

Preferred loadaddress is 00010000 //这是编译时的预装载地址,实际上模块被加载的地址可能跟这个不同,所以来确定某个地址对应哪个符号信息的时候,还需要知道该模块加载在内存的真正起始地址,然后根据偏移量来确定。

Start Length Name Class

0001:00000000 001c3950H .text CODE ==》存放程序代码

0003:000008b8000af67cH .data DATA ==》初始化的变量

0003:000aff40003930b1H .bss DATA ==》未初始化的变量




mpbin /allyourmolename > a.txt 可以把所有的信息保存在一个a.txt中,里面可以找到时间戳、原debug路径信息及函数列表等。



1C2 machine (Thumb)

6 number of sections

49EC0BAE time date stamp Mon Apr 2013:44:14 2009 //时间戳

0 file pointer to symbol table

0 number of symbols

E0 size of optional header

2102 characteristics


32 bit word machine



10B magic # (PE32)

9.00 linker version

53E00 size of code

76A00size of initialized data

0 size of uninitialized data

502ACentry point (100502AC)

1000 base of code

55000 base of data

10000000 image base (10000000 to100CDFFF)

1000 section alignment

200 file alignment

5.01 operating system version

0.00 image version

5.01 subsystem version

0 Win32 version

CE000 size of image

400 size of headers

其中 10000000 image base (10000000 to 100CDFFF)是重要的信息,与map file中的 Preferred load address is10000000 意义相同。


Time Type Size RVA Pointer

-------- ------ -------- -------- --------

49EC0BAE cv 81 000020FC CFC Format: RSDS, {A5C699F0-C26D-427E-BC54-3504731BA9B8}, 1,d:\Projects\Final\MyUsbToPc_CPL\MyUsbToPc\Windows Mobile 6 Professional SDK(ARMV4I)\Debug\MyUsbToPc.pdb //原编译路径

Begin End Prolog Excpt 32bit Fixup 【Function Name】

0000000010001000 10001040 10001010 N Y Y DllMain

0000000810001040 10001064 10001050 N Y Y ?InitApplet@@YAHPAUHWND__@@@Z (int __cdecl InitApplet(struct HWND__*))

0000001010001064 10001068 10001064 N Y Y ?TermApplet@@YAXXZ (void __cdecl TermApplet(void))

0000001810001068 100013DC 10001078 N Y Y CPlApplet

00000020 1000141C 100014B4 10001420 N Y Y _DllMainCRTStartup

00000028100014B4 100014BC 100014B4 N Y Y GetCurrentProcess

00000030100014BC 100014F0 100014C0 N Y Y

00000038 100014F0 1000155C 100014F4 N Y Y _cinit

00000040 1000155C 10001660 10001560 N Y Y

0000004810001660 10001678 10001664 N Y Y exit

0000005010001678 10001690 1000167C N Y Y _exit

0000005810001690 100016AC10001694 N Y Y _cexit

00000060 100016AC 100016F8 100016B0 N Y Y _c_exit


【注意:很多exe或dll在编译时时将此信息隐藏的,Function Name会变成空的】



















Usage: nm[option(s)] [file(s)]

List symbols in[file(s)] (a.out by default).


nm helo

08049f20 d_DYNAMIC


080484ec R_IO_stdin_used

w _Jv_RegisterClasses

08049f10 d__CTOR_END__

08049f0c d__CTOR_LIST__

08049f18 D__DTOR_END__

08049f14 d__DTOR_LIST__

08048500 r__FRAME_END__

08049f1c d__JCR_END__

08049f1c d__JCR_LIST__

0804a020 A__bss_start

0804a00c D__data_start

080484a0 t __do_global_ctors_aux

08048340 t__do_global_dtors_aux

0804a010 D__dso_handle

w __gmon_start__

0804849a T __i686.get_pc_thunk.bx

08049f0c d__init_array_end

08049f0c d__init_array_start

08048430 T__libc_csu_fini

08048440 T__libc_csu_init

U __libc_start_main@@GLIBC_2.0

0804a020 A _edata

0804a028 A _end

080484cc T _fini

080484e8 R_fp_hw

08048298 T _init

08048310 T_start

0804a020 bcompleted.6635

0804a00c Wdata_start

0804a024 bdtor_idx.6637

080483a0 t frame_mmy

080483c4 T main

U printf@@GLIBC_2.0

0804a014 D x

0804a018 D y

0804a01c D z



int x = 10;

int y = 20;

int z = 30;

extern int__data_start;//这里引用了编译器插入的符号

int main(void)


int *ds = &__data_start;

printf("%p\n", ds);

printf("now x = %d\n", x);


*ds = 100;

printf("now x = %d\n", x);


7, IDB文件

The compiler savesstate information from the first compile in the project’s .IDB file (the default name is project.IDB or VC60.IDBfor files compiled without a project).

The compiler usesthis state information to speed subsequent compiles.

8, SLN文件

Visual Studio.Solution 通过为环境提供对项目、项目项和解决方案项在磁盘上位置的引用,可将它们组织到解决方案中。

㈡ Delphi的命令行编译命令

Borland出品的Delphi,有着闪电般的编译速度,但是在界面控件使用较多、工程项目较大的时候,编译一个工程仍需要一段时间,打开庞大的Delphi IDE,也需要时间。其实,在一个工程开发结束,调试完成之后的Release编译,完全可以用命令行来执行,因为Delphi的编译器参数不像C++编译器那样复杂。

笔者把Delphi联机手册中关于命令行编译(command-line compiler)的几篇主题作了翻译,希望对Delphi开发人员有帮助。

1. Command-line compiler
2. Command-line compiler options
3. Compiler directive options
4. Compiler mode options
5. DCC32.CFG file
6. Debug options
7. Directory options
8. IDE command-line options
9. Generated files

Command-line compiler
Delphi's command-line compiler (dcc32.EXE) lets you invoke all the functions of the IDE compiler (DELPHI32.EXE) from the DOS command line (see IDE command-line options. Run the command-line compiler from the DOS prompt using the syntax:
dcc32 [options] filename [options]
dcc32 [选项] [文件名] [选项]
where options are zero or more parameters that provide information to the compiler and filename is the name of the source file to compile. If you type dcc32 alone, it displays a help screen of command-line options and syntax.
If filename does not have an extension, the command-line compiler assumes .dpr, then .pas, if no .dpr is found. If the file you're compiling to doesn't have an extension, you must append a period (.) to the end of the filename.
If the source text contained in filename is a program, the compiler creates an executable file named filename.EXE. If filename contains a library, the compiler creates a file named filename.DLL. If filename contains a package, the compiler creates a file named filename.BPL. If filename contains a unit, the compiler creates a unit file named filename.dcu.
You can specify a number of options for the command-line compiler. An option consists of a slash (/) or immediately followed by an option letter. In some cases, the option letter is followed by additional information, such as a number, a symbol, or a directory name. Options can be given in any order and can come before or after the file name.

Command-line compiler options
The IDE lets you set various options through the menus; the command-line compiler gives you access to these options using the slash (/) delimiter. You can also precede options with a hyphen (-) instead of a slash (/), but those options that start with a hyphen must be separated by blanks. For example, the following two command lines are equivalent and legal:
The first command line uses hyphens with at least one blank separating options. The second uses slashes and no separation is needed.
The following table lists the command-line options. In addition to the listed options, all single-letter compiler directives can be specified on the command line, as described in Compiler directive options.
Option Description
选项 描述
Aunit=alias 设置单元别名
B 编译所有单元
CC 编译控制台程序
CG 编译图形界面程序
Ddefines 编译条件符号定义
Epath 可执行文件输出路径
Foffset 查找运行期间错误
GD 生成完整.Map文件
GP 生成.Map文件Public段
GS 生成.Map文件Segment段
H 输出提示信息
Ipaths 文件包含路径
J 生成.Obj目标文件
JP 生成C++类型.Obj目标文件
Kaddress Set image base address
LEpath 包.BPL文件输出路径
LNpath .dcp文件输出路径
LUpackage 使用运行期间包列表
M 编译有改动的源文件
Npath dcu/dpu文件输出目录
Opaths .Obj文件(汇编目标代码文件)路径
P 按8.3格式文件名查找
Q 安静模式
Rpaths 资源文件(.RES)路径
TXext 目标文件扩展名
Upaths 单元文件路径
V 为Turbo Debugger生成调试信息文件
VN 以.Giant格式生成包含命名空间的调试信息文件(将用于C++Builder)
VR 生成调试信息文件.rsm
W 输出警告信息
Z Disable implicit compilation
$directive Compiler directives
--Help 显示编译选项的帮助。同样的,如果你在命令行单独输入dcc32,也会显示编译选项的帮助。
--version 显示产品名称和版本

Compiler directive options
Delphi supports the compiler directives described in Compiler directives. The $ and D command-line options allow you to change the default states of most compiler directives. Using $ and D on the command line is equivalent to inserting the corresponding compiler directive at the beginning of each source file compiled.
Switch directive option
The $ option lets you change the default state of all of the switch directives. The syntax of a switch directive option is $ followed by the directive letter, followed by a plus (+) or a minus (-). For example:
dcc32 MYSTUFF -$R-
compiles MYSTUFF.pas with range-checking turned off, while:
dcc32 MYSTUFF -$R+
compiles it with range checking turned on. Note that if a {$R+} or {$R-} compiler directive appears in the source text, it overrides the -$R command-line option.
You can repeat the -$ option in order to specify multiple compiler directives:
dcc32 MYSTUFF -$R--$I--$V--$U+
Alternately, the command-line compiler lets you write a list of directives (except for $M), separated by commas:
dcc32 MYSTUFF -$R-,I-,V-,U+
Only one dollar sign ($) is needed.
Note that, because of its format, you cannot use the $M directive in a list of directives separated by commas.
Conditional defines option
The -D option lets you define conditional symbols, corresponding to the {$DEFINE symbol} compiler directive. The -D option must be followed by one or more conditional symbols separated by semicolons (;). For example, the following command line:
“-D”选项允许你定义一个编译条件,符合你用{$DEFINE symbol}定义的编译器指令。“-D”选项后必须跟随一或多个用分号分隔的编译条件符号,如下命令:
defines three conditional symbols, iocheck, debug, and list, for the compilation of MYSTUFF.pas. This is equivalent to inserting:
at the beginning of MYSTUFF.pas. If you specify multiple -D directives, you can concatenate the symbol lists. Therefore:

is equivalent to the first example.

Compiler mode options
A few options affect how the compiler itself functions. As with the other options, you can use these with either the hyphen or the slash format. Remember to separate the options with at least one blank.
Make (-M) option
The command-line compiler has built-in MAKE logic to aid in project maintenance. The -M option instructs command-line compiler to check all units upon which the file being compiled depends. Using this option results in a much quicker compile time.
A unit is recompiled under the following conditions:
The source file for that unit has been modified since the unit file was created.
Any file included with the $I directive, any .OBJ file linked in by the $L directive, or any .res file referenced by the $R directive, is newer than the unit file.
The interface section of a unit referenced in a uses statement has changed.
Units compiled with the -Z option are excluded from the make logic.
If you were applying this option to the previous example, the command would be:
dcc32 MYSTUFF -M
Build all (-B) option
编译所有 选项(-B)
Instead of relying on the -M option to determine what needs to be updated, you can tell command-line compiler to update all units upon which your program depends using the -B option. You can't use -M and -B at the same time. The -B option is slower than the -M option and is usually unnecessary.
If you were using this option in the previous example, the command would be
dcc32 MYSTUFF -B
Find error (-F) option
查找错误 选项(-F)
When a program terminates e to a runtime error, it displays an error code and the address at which the error occurred. By specifying that address in a -Faddress option, you can locate the statement in the source text that caused the error, provided your program and units were compiled with debug information enabled (via the $D compiler directive).
In order for the command-line compiler to find the runtime error with -F, you must compile the program with all the same command-line parameters you used the first time you compiled it.
As mentioned previously, you must compile your program and units with debug information enabled for the command-line compiler to be able to find runtime errors. By default, all programs and units are compiled with debug information enabled, but if you turn it off, using a {$D-} compiler directive or a -$D- option, the command-line compiler will not be able to locate runtime errors.
Use packages (-LU) option
Use the -LU option to list additional runtime packages that you want to use in the application being compiled. Runtime packages already listed in the Project Options dialog box need not be repeated on the command line.
Disable implicit compilation (-Z) option
The -Z option prevents packages and units from being implicitly recompiled later. With packages, it is equivalent to placing {$ IMPLICITBUILD OFF} in the .dpk file. Use -Z when compiling packages that provide low-level functionality, that change infrequently between builds, or whose source code will not be distributed.
Target file extension (-TX) option
The -TX option lets you override the default extension for the output file. For example,
generates compiled output in a file called MYSTUFF.SYS.
Quiet (-Q) option
The quiet mode option suppresses the printing of file names and line numbers ring compilation. When the command-line compiler is invoked with the quiet mode option
dcc32 MYSTUFF -Q its output is limited to the startup right message and the usual statistics at the end of compilation. If any errors occur, they will be reported.


DCC32.CFG file
You can set up a list of options in a configuration file called DCC32.CFG, which will then be used in addition to the options entered on the command line. Each line in configuration file corresponds to an extra command-line argument inserted before the actual command-line arguments. Thus, by creating a configuration file, you can change the default setting of any command-line option.
The command-line compiler lets you enter the same command-line option several times, ignoring all but the last occurrence. This way, even though you've changed some settings with a configuration file, you can still override them on the command line.
When dcc32 starts, it looks for DCC32.CFG in the current directory. If the file isn't found there, dcc32 looks in the directory where DCC32.EXE resides.
Here's an example DCC32.CFG file, defining some default directories for include, object, and unit files, and changing the default states of the $O and $R compiler directives:
Now, if you type:
the compiler performs as if you had typed the following:

Debug options
The compiler has two sets of command-line options that enable you to generate external debugging information: the map file options and the debug info options.
Map file (-G) options
The -G option instructs the command-line compiler to generate a .map file that shows the layout of the executable file. Unlike the binary format of executable and .dcu files, a .map file is a legible text file that can be output on a printer or loaded into the editor. The -G option must be followed by the letter S, P, or D to indicate the desired level of information in the .map file. A .MAP file is divided into three sections:
Line Numbers
-GS outputs only the Segment section, -GP outputs the Segment and Publics section, and -GD outputs all three sections. -GD also generates a .DRC file that contains tables of all string constants declared using the resourcestring keyword.
-GS选项只输出Segment Section,-GS选项输出Segment和Publics,-GD输出所有的三个Sections.-GD选项也生成一个扩展名为.DRC的文件包含所有的用resourcestring关键字声明的字符串常量。
For moles (program and units) compiled in the {$D+,L+} state (the default), the Publics section shows all global variables, proceres, and functions, and the Line Numbers section shows line numbers for all proceres and functions in the mole. In the {$D+,L-} state, only symbols defined in a unit's interface part are listed in the Publics section. For moles compiled in the {$D-} state, there are no entries in the Line Numbers section.
用默认的编译选项{$D+,L+}编译模块(程序或单元),Publics Section列举所有的全局变量、过程和函数,Line Numbers Section列举模块中所有的过程和函数的行号。如果用{$D+,L-}编译选项编译模块,Publics Section中仅列举在单元的interface部分定义的符号。如果用{$D-}选项编译模块,在Line Numbers Section没有任何入口。
Debug info (-V) options
The -V options (-V, -VN. and -VR), which cause the compiler to generate debug information, can be combined on the command line.
Generate Turbo Debugger debug info (-V) option
生成Turbo Debugger使用的调试信息的选项(-V)
When you specify the -V option on the command line, the compiler appends Turbo Debugger 5.0-compatible external debug information at the end of the executable file. Turbo Debugger includes both source- and machine-level debugging and powerful breakpoints.
当你在命令行中使用-V选项时,编译器会在可执行文件的末尾附加与Turbo Debugger5.0一致的外部调试信息。Turbo Debugger包含代码和硬件级别的强大的断点。
Even though the debug information generated by -V makes the resulting executable file larger, it does not affect the actual code in the executable, and does not require additional memory to run the program.
The extent of debug information appended to the executable file depends on the setting of the $D and $L compiler directives in each of the moles (program and units) that make up the application. For moles compiled in the {$D+,L+} state, which is the default, all constant, variable, type, procere, and function symbols are known to the debugger. In the {$D+,L-} state, only symbols defined in a unit's interface section are known to the debugger. In the {$D-} state, no line-number records are generated, so the debugger cannot display source lines whe

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