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发布时间: 2022-04-11 17:59:01

㈠ 什么是 sql

SQL全称是“结构化查询语言(Structured Query Language)”,是数据库中使用的标准数据查询语言,IBM公司最早使用在其开发的数据库系统中,1986年10月,美国ANSI对SQL进行规范后作为关系数据库管理系统的标准语言(ANSI X3. 135-1986),1987年得到国际标准化组织的支持成为国际标准。不过各种通行的数据库系统在实现过程中都对SQL规范作了某些扩充,所以实际上不同的数据库系统的SQL语言不能完全相互通用。




数据定义语言(如CREATE, DROP等语句)
数据控制语言(如COMMIT, ROLLBACK等语句)


㈡ 讨论mysql,sql server,oracle数据库 的测评比较的文献


㈢ 关于SQL SERVER2000的参考文献拜托了各位 谢谢

李昆,SQL SERVER2000课程设计案例精编,北京:中国水利水电出版社,2006 何文华, SQL Server 2000 应用开发教程,北京:电子工业出版社出版,2007 仝春灵,数据库原理与应用—SQL Server 2000,北京:电子工业出版社,20 够了吧 哎~都是被毕业论文逼得

㈣ 英文翻译 有关sql server的文献

Web应用是应用软件,包括动态Web页面,用户可以通过在浏览器上运行的客户端模块访问软件。客户端模块的编码是浏览器支持如HTML,Java,ASP语言,PHP等三轮胎的Web应用程序,用户提供查询规范作为一个预先定义的格式在前轮输入。这些投入使用的中间用轮胎中的应用服务器进行SQL查询。后轮胎包含数据库服务器。由于Web浏览器无处不在的Web应用程序是流行的,和使用Web浏览器作为客户端的方便,有时称为瘦客户端。的能力,更新和维护Web应用程序没有分发和安装软件的潜在的成千上万的客户端计算机是其受欢迎的主要原因。常见的Web应用程序包括电子邮件,在线零售销售,在线拍卖,网上银行,和许多其他功能的应用。高脆弱性的统计报告,在2010年度2011 [ 2 ],指出25种最常见的程序错误或漏洞造成最成功的SQL注入攻击以及其他Web应用攻击。这些漏洞是危险的因为它给机会*部资助的UGC DRS我SAP的攻击下,从应用程序数据库中窃取数据。据称,SQL注入攻击的Web应用程序中得分最高的排名中。据悉,SQL注入是一种通过攻击者攻击Web服务器最常见和最简单的技术,数据服务器和有时网络。这类网络攻击是Web应用程序的未经授权的访问进行了基础性的作用,断裂,和数据存储的完整性违规。在SQL注入攻击显着上升的报道由思科[ 3 ]太。信息系统审计细胞报告[ 4 ]推荐评审的应用控制网络银行应用程序进行渗透测试在保持现行的指引由印度储备银行的观点,它的行为和在印度的其他适用的法规和要求检查的应用如SQL注入漏洞,跨站脚本等。在本文中,在2节中,我们报告的SQL注入攻击及其不同类别的背景。在本节中我们还提出了其存在的实际检测。我们终于在本节讨论2,该方法的简单想法称为无用的。在3节中,提出了rd检测方法。我们报告我们的问题在第4节中的检测算法。实验结果和最后的结束语是在第5和6分别报道。

㈤ ASP,access,sql类毕业论文参考文献

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㈥ 求SQL数据库论文


摘 要 数据库性能问题一直是决策者及技术人员共同关注的焦点,影响数据库性能的一个重要因素就是SQL查询语句的低效率。论文首先分析了导致SQL查询语句性能低下的四个常见原因以及SQL调优的一般步骤,然后分别针对如何降低I/O操作、在查询语句中如何避免对查询结果的高成本操作以及在多表连接时如何提高查询效率进行了分析。
关键词 ORACLE;SQL;优化;连接

1 引言
2 影响SQL性能的原因
3 SQL优化的一般步骤

图1 SQL优化的一般步骤
4 SQL语句的优化
4.1 优化排序操作
4.1.1 排序过程分析
(1) 将数据分成多个小的集合,对每一集合进行排序。
(2) 服务器向磁盘申请临时空间,将排好序的中间结果写入临时段,再对另外的集合进行排序。
(3) 在所有的集合均排好序后,服务器再将它们进行合并得到最终的结果,如果排序区尺寸太小,合并无法一次完成时,将分多次进行。
4.1.2 SQL中引起排序的操作
4.1.3 如何避免排序
对经常进行排序和连接操作的字段建立索引。在建立索引后,当服务器向这些字段发出排序请求时,将直接引用索引而不进行排序操作;当进行等值连接查询操作时,若建立连接的字段未建立索引,服务器进行的是排序合并连接(SORT MERGE JOIN),连接操作的过程如下:
如果建立连接的字段已建立索引,服务器进行嵌套循环连接(NESTED LOOP JOINS),该连接方式不需要任何排序,其过程如下:
UNION在进行表链接后会筛选掉重复的记录,所以在表链接后会对所产生的结果集进行排序运算,删除重复的记录再返回结果。大部分应用中是不会产生重复记录的,最常见的是过程表与历史表UNION 。因此,采用UNION ALL操作符替代UNION,因为UNION ALL操作只是简单的将两个结果合并后就返回。
4.2 优化I/O
4.2.1 应用基于函数的索引
基于函数的索引(FUNCTION BASED INDEX,简记为FBI)提供了索引计算列并在查询中使用这些索引的能力。FBI的实质是对查询所需中间结果进行预处理。如果一个FBI与查询语句中的内嵌函数完全匹配,CBO在生成查询计划时,将自动启用索引范围扫描(INDEX RANGE SCAN)替换全表扫描(FULL TABLE SCAN)。考察下面的代码段并用AUTOTRACE观察创建FBI前后执行计划的变化。
select * from emp where upper(ename)=’SCOTT’
Execution Plan
1 0 TABLE ACCESS (FULL) OF 'EMPLOYEES' (Cost=2 Card=1 Bytes=22)
Execution Plan
4.2.2 应用物化视图和查询重写
select dept.deptno,dept.dname,count(*)
from emp,dept
where emp.deptno=dept.deptno
group by dept.deptno,dept.dname
2 1 HASH JOIN (Cost=5 Card=14 Bytes=224)
3 2 TABLE ACCESS (FULL) OF 'DEPT' (Cost=2 Card=4 Bytes=52)
4 2 TABLE ACCESS (FULL) OF 'EMP' (Cost=2 Card=14 Bytes=42)
305 recursive calls
46 consistent gets
create materialized view emp_dept build immediate
refresh on demand
enable query rewrite
select dept.deptno,dept.dname,count(*)
from emp,dept
where emp.deptno=dept.deptno
group by dept.deptno,dept.dname
1 0 TABLE ACCESS (FULL) OF 'EMP_DEPT' (Cost=2 Card=327 Bytes=11445)
79 recursive calls
28 consistent gets
可见,在建立物化视图之前,首先执行两个表的全表扫描,然后进行HASH连接,再进行分组排序和选择操作;而建立物化视图后,CBO自动将上述复杂操作转换为对物化视图EMP_DEPT的全扫描,相关的统计数据也有了很大的改善,递归调用(RECURSIVE CALLS)由305降到79,逻辑I/O(CONSISTENT GETS)由46降为28。
4.2.3 将频繁访问的小表读入CACHE
4.3 多表连接优化
4.3.1 消除外部连接
4.3.2 谓词前推,优化中间结果

Select a.prod_name,sum(b.sale_quant),
From proct a,tele_sale b,online_sale c,store_sale d
Where a.prod_id=b.prod_id and a.prod_id=c.prod_id
and a.prod_id=d.prod_id And a.order_date>sysdate-90
Group by a.prod_id;
Select a.prod_name,b.tele_sale_sum,c.online_sale_sum,d.store_sale_sum From proct a,
(select sum(sal_quant) tele_sale_sum from proct,tele_sale
Where proct.order_date>sysdate-90 and proct.prod_id =tele_sale.prod_id) b,
(select sum(sal_quant) online_sale_sum
from proct,tele_sale
Where proct.order_date>sysdate-90 and proct.prod_id =online_sale.prod_id) c,
(select sum(sal_quant) store_sale_sum
from proct,store_sale
Where proct.order_date>sysdate-90 and proct.prod_id =store_sale.prod_id) d,
Where a.prod_id=b.prod_id and
a.prod_id=c.prod_id and a.prod_id=d.prod_id;
5 结束语
[1]Thomas Kyte.Effective Oracle by Design:Design and Build High-performance Oracle Application[M],The McGral- Hill Companies,Inc,2003
[2]Kevin Loney,George Koch,Oracle 9i:The Complete Reference[M],The McGral-Hill Companies,Inc,2002
[3] Oracle9i SQL Reference release 2(9.2)[OL/M],2002.10. http://www.oracle.com/technology/
[4] Oracle9i Data Warehousing Guide release 2(9.2) [OL/M],2002.03. http://www.oracle.com/technology/
[5]Alexey Danchenkov,Donald Burleson,Oracle Tuning:The Definitive Reference[OL/M],Rampant Techpress,2006.
[6] Oracle9i Database Concepts release 2(9.2) [OL/M],2002.08. http://www.oracle.com/technology/
[7] Oracle9i supplied plsql packages and types reference release 2(9.2) [OL/M],2002.12. http://www.oracle.com/ technology/

㈦ 有关sql的英文文献~

Microsoft Corp. said earnings for its fiscal first quarter rose 24 percent, thanks in part to healthy server sales. But its sales outlook in the current quarter concerned some analysts and shares fell slightly Thursday.
For the quarter ended Sept. 30, the Redmond-based software maker earned $3.14 billion, or 29 cents per share, up from $2.53 billion, or 23 cents per share, in the same period last year.

The most recent results included a charge of 2 cents per share to account for a legal settlement with RealNetworks Inc. The results for the year-ago period included a one-time charge of $359 million, or 3 cents per share, to account for a legal settlement with Novell Inc.

Without the one-time charge, the company would have earned 31 cents per share. Analysts polled by Thomson Financial were expecting earnings of 30 cents per share on revenue of $9.78 billion.

Revenue for the quarter rose to $9.74 billion from $9.19 billion in the same period last year.

For the current fiscal second quarter ending Dec. 31, Microsoft said it expects to earn 32 cents or 33 cents per share, on revenue of between $11.9 billion and $12 billion.

The revenue figure is slightly below the current Wall Street consensus estimate of $12.29 billion, which analyst Charles Di Bona with Bernstein & Co. said is likely what sent shares lower in after-hours trading.

Microsoft shares fell 26 cents, or 1 percent, to close at $24.85 in trading Thursday on the Nasdaq Stock Market. The results were released after regular trading. In after-hours trading, shares were down an additional 40 cents.

In an interview with The Associated Press, Microsoft Chief Financial Officer Chris Liddell said he thought analysts were expecting bigger spikes in sales of the company's new Xbox 360 video game console and SQL Server, both of which are e out in November. But Microsoft expects to "see more of a ramp-up throughout the course of the year."

Microsoft also said Thursday that it plans to ship between 4.5 million and 5.5 million Xbox 360 consoles worldwide by June 2006. Analyst Rick Sherlund with Goldman Sachs said the fact that Microsoft is forecasting a steady stream of Xbox consoles, rather than big spikes, will likely mean shortages for customers ring the holidays.

"You will not come close to meeting demand in the December quarter," he said.

Sherlund said that raises concerns that there could be some proction snafus, but he noted that the company still has plenty of time to gain an edge over Sony's PlayStation 3, which isn't e out until next spring.

Microsoft said it is on track with its Xbox manufacturing plans.

Microsoft did not change its overall revenue guidance for the full fiscal year ending June 30 of between $43.7 billion and $44.5 billion.

Earnings guidance for the full fiscal year was only slightly changed from the previous quarter's guidance for that period. Microsoft said it expects to earn $1.26 to $1.30 per share, including the 2-cent charge related to the RealNetworks settlement. The company had previously said it expected to earn $1.27 to $1.32 per share for the full year, without the charge.

"We feel good about the quarter ahead and good about the year ahead," Liddell said.

In the fiscal first quarter, Microsoft said results were helped in particular by strong growth in its Server and Tools unit. The company saw a 15 percent increase in revenue growth from its SQL Server proct although a new version of the software is e out in November.

Di Bona said the company performed well overall.

"It's not a bad earnings number," he said.

Microsoft also said Thursday that it expects to accelerate a previously announced plan to buy back around $30 billion in company stock. Microsoft has already repurchased about $11 billion in shares, and Liddell said the company expects to repurchase the additional $19 billion by the end of 2006. It previously had said it expected to complete the plan by June of 2008.

Liddell said the accelerated buyback showed "confidence about the future performance of the company."

He noted that Microsoft, with a cash pile of around $40 billion as of Sept. 30, clearly has the money for it.

㈧ 谁能帮我翻译一下下面的文献,急用谢谢了,有关VB和SQL方面的




Command Clauses Predicates Operators Aggregate Functions
Create From Distinct AND Avg
Drop Where Top OR Count
Alter Group By NOT Sum
Select Having Between Max
Insert Order By Like Min
Update In



Order By
Sorts the records by any combination of fields you chose.
This should get you started. Try out a few of the examples on one of the databases which come with VB and you'll see that it's really very easy to use the power of SQL!


㈨ 关于PB 或者SQL server 的英文文献极其翻译

sql server SQL
SQL is Structured Query Language English acronym, which means for the Structured Query Language. SQL language is the main function of establishing ties with the various databases, for communication. In accordance with ANSI (American National Standards Institute) requirements, SQL as a relational database management system standard language. SQL statements can be used to implement a wide range of operations, such as updating the data in the database, extract data from the database and so on. At present, the vast majority of the popular relational database management systems such as Oracle, Sybase, Microsoft SQL Server, Access, adopted the standard SQL language. Although many databases on the SQL statement for the redevelopment and expansion, but including the Select, Insert, Update, Delete, Create, and Drop, including the standard SQL commands can be used to complete almost all the database operations.
SQL Server
SQL Server is a relational database management system. It was originally proposed by Microsoft Sybase and Ashton-Tate three companies jointly developed in 1988 with the introction of the first OS / 2 version. After the introction of Windows NT in, Microsoft and Sybase in the development of SQL Server on the split, Microsoft will migrate to SQL Server on Windows NT system, focusing on promoting the development of SQL Server version of Windows NT. Sybase is more focused on SQL Server in the UNIX operating system applications.
SQL Server 2000 is Microsoft Launches the SQL Server database management system, the inherited version of SQL Server 7.0 version of the merits, at the same time it increases than many of the more advanced features. Good scalability with ease of use and related high degree of software integration, across from the running Microsoft Windows 98 laptop running Microsoft Windows 2000 large-scale multi-processor servers such as the use of multiple platforms.
SQL Server 2005?
SQL Server 2005 is a comprehensive database platform, the use of integrated business intelligence (BI) tools to provide enterprise-class data management. SQL Server 2005 relational database engine for data and structured data to provide a more secure and reliable storage function that allows you to build and manage high availability for business and high-performance data applications.
SQL Server 2005 data engine is the enterprise data management solutions for the core. The SQL Server 2005 combines the analysis, reporting, integration and notifications. This makes your business can build and deploy cost-effective BI solutions that help your team through the Scorecard, Dashboard, Web services and data applications to mobile devices to all areas of business.
With Microsoft Visual Studio, Microsoft Office System and the new development kit (including the Business Intelligence Development Studio) to enable the close integration of SQL Server 2005 unique. Whether you're a developer, database administrator, information worker or decision-makers, SQL Server 2005 that can provide you with innovative solutions to help you benefit from more data.
[Edit this paragraph] Microsoft SQL Server 2008
SQL Server 2008 is a major proct version, it introced many new features and key improvements made to date it has become the strongest and most comprehensive version of SQL Server. The article described in detail in Microsoft SQL Server 2008's new features, advantages and features ... ...
Microsoft's data platform to meet these data explosion and the next generation of data-driven applications that demand and support the data platform vision: mission-critical enterprise data platform, dynamic development, relational data and business intelligence.
Microsoft data platform vision
SQL Server's vision
Many factors have led to an explosion of information storage. A new type of information, such as pictures and digital video, and RFID tags obtained from the sensor information, the company's digital information in the rapid growth of the number. Compliance with the norms and requirements of the development of globalization, the security of information storage and are available at any time. At the same time, the cost of disk storage significantly reced so that every dollar invested can store more data. Users to move quickly in a large amount of data to find relevant information. In addition, on any device they want to use this information, and plan to use every day, such as the Microsoft Office system applications. The explosion of data and user expectations for an increase in the management of the company has created many challenges.
Microsoft ® data platform vision to provide a solution to meet these needs, this solution is companies can store and manage the use of many data types, including XML, e-mail, time / calendar, files, documents, geographic, etc., at the same time provide a rich set of services to interact with the data: search, query, data analysis, reporting, data integration, synchronization and powerful. Users can access from the creation to archive to any device, from desktop to mobile devices
SQL Server 2008 new features
The platform has the following characteristics:
Trusted - allows the company can be a very high security, reliability and scalability to run their most mission-critical applications.
Efficient - allows the company to rece development and management of their data infrastructure of the time and cost.
Intelligence - provides a comprehensive platform for users in your time of need to send him to observe and information.
A trusted
(A) the protection of your information
In the past the basis of SQL Server 2005 on, SQL Server 2008 made the following enhancements to expand its security:
* Simple data encryption
SQL Server 2008 can be the entire database, data files and log files for encryption, without requiring changes to applications. Encrypt enable companies to meet compliance with the norms and their concern about data privacy requirements. Simple and the benefits of data encryption, including the use of any scope or ambiguous search query data encryption to enhance data security to prevent unauthorized user access, as well as data encryption. These can change the applications have been concted.
* Foreign key management
SQL Server 2008 for the encryption and key management provides a comprehensive solution. In order to meet evolving data center for more information on the needs of security, to the supplier's investment company to manage the security key. SQL Server 2008 by supporting third-party key management and hardware security mole (HSM) procts to provide for the needs of a very good support.
* Enhanced the review
SQL Server 2008 allows you to review the operation of your data, resulting in improved compliance and security. Review of more than modification of data, including all of the information, but also on the data when reading the information. SQL Server 2008 as server with enhanced configuration and management review of such a function, which allows the company to meet the needs of a variety of norms. SQL Server 2008 can also define a database review of each specification, so the review can be configured for each separate database for the development. For a specific configuration object for the review so that review of the implementation of better performance, higher flexibility in configuration.
(Ii) to ensure business sustainability
* Improved database mirroring
SQL Server 2008 on SQL Server 2005, and provides a more reliable database mirroring to enhance the platform. The new features include:
Automatic page repair. SQL Server 2008 through a request for cooperation from the mirror to be the wrong machine to pages to the main computer and the image can be transparent to repair the data page 823 and 824 errors.
To improve performance. SQL Server 2008 reced the output of the log stream in order to enable database mirroring the network bandwidth required to achieve the minimum.
[Edit this paragraph] SQL Server Analysis Server Install
sql server 2000 the previous version, for example, there is generally no more than 7.0 version, only the Standard Edition with the desktop version, users who do not know what version of the equipment, the installation can be a prerequisite for the installation instructions to install, usually in WIN2000 Server Edition's Wear Standard Edition, and other systems installed on the desktop version of the can; and SQL Server 2000 installed on the larger issues, when the common issues are as follows:
(1) interruption of server configuration.
(2) when the interruption of registered ActiveX.
(3) show that 100% of the time to interrupt.
(4) prompt: command line option syntax error, type command /? For help, continue with the installation, the last time in there to configure the server: can not find the specified dynamic-link SQLUNIRL.DLL path ... ...
(5) before the procere to create a pending file operations, before running Setup, you must restart the
(1) (2) (3) solution:
Reminder: In order to avoid misoperation the first database backup into the registry and can not SQL Server 2000, can be backup Program Files \ Microsoft SQL Server \ MSSQL \ Data folder of the document.
1, first uninstall SQL Server (uninstall does not matter can not continue to operate below)
2, the Microsoft SQL Server to delete the entire folder.
3, run the registry, delete the following items:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ Microsoft SQL Server
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Microsoft SQL Server
4, if necessary, restart the system on
5, re-install
Can also try to run the installation of single-step method of SQL Server 2000:
1: Add SQL Server 2000 CD-ROM.
2: In the "Start" - "Run" type "F: \ x86 \ setup.exe k = dbg" (F is the CD-ROM)
First, different operating systems support SQL Server 2000 version and hardware requirements.
Windows 2000 Server can be installed any SQL Server 2000 version.
Windows 2000 Professional can only install SQL Server 2000 Personal Edition, Developer Edition, Evaluation, MCDE
SQL Server 2000 versions and hardware requirements.
(4) solution
Because the path of installation files (full path), there are Chinese.
For example, c: \ SQLSERVER Chinese Enterprise Edition \
Changed to c: \ SQLSERVER \
(5) solution
a, restart the machine and then install, if there is the error, follow these steps
B, at the beginning -> Run, type regedit
c, to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SYSTEM \ CurrentControlSet \ Control \ Session Manager position
D, select the file -> Pour out the preservation
e, in the right window right-click PendingFileRenameOperations, select Delete, and then confirmed
F, restart the installation, problem-solving
-------------------------------------------------- -----
If the problem remains, try to repair the operating system
Under the command prompt:
Sfc / scannow
Finally, the method: for Windows 2000 installation disk and installation disk SQL Server2000
Sometimes the cause of the problem is very strange that someone has to replace a power supply to solve the problem.
1 to uninstall your SQL Server 2000, the time necessary to delete Program Files \ Microsoft SQL Server folder
2 Open the registry
In the "Start" - "Run", type "regedit"
3 clicks to open in the following order
+ Microsoft
+ Windows
+ CurrentVersion
+ Setup
+ ExceptionComponents
4 ExceptionComponents the following to delete all folders!
Such as (60BFF50D-FB2C-4498-A577-C9548C390BB9)
6 to restart:
7 re-install SQL Server 2000

sql server SQL
SQL是英文Structured Query Language的缩写,意思为结构化查询语言。SQL语言的主要功能就是同各种数据库建立联系,进行沟通。按照ANSI(美国国家标准协会)的规定,SQL被作为关系型数据库管理系统的标准语言。SQL语句可以用来执行各种各样的操作,例如更新数据库中的数据,从数据库中提取数据等。目前,绝大多数流行的关系型数据库管理系统,如Oracle, Sybase, Microsoft SQL Server, Access等都采用了SQL语言标准。虽然很多数据库都对SQL语句进行了再开发和扩展,但是包括Select, Insert, Update, Delete, Create,以及Drop在内的标准的SQL命令仍然可以被用来完成几乎所有的数据库操作。
SQL Server
SQL Server 是一个关系数据库管理系统。它最初是由Microsoft Sybase 和Ashton-Tate三家公司共同开发的,于1988 年推出了第一个OS/2 版本。在Windows NT 推出后,Microsoft与Sybase 在SQL Server 的开发上就分道扬镳了,Microsoft 将SQL Server 移植到Windows NT系统上,专注于开发推广SQL Server 的Windows NT 版本。Sybase 则较专注于SQL Server在UNIX 操作系统上的应用。
SQL Server 2000 是Microsoft 公司推出的SQL Server 数据库管理系统,该版本继承了SQL Server 7.0 版本的优点,同时又比它增加了许多更先进的功能。具有使用方便可伸缩性好与相关软件集成程度高等优点,可跨越从运行Microsoft Windows 98 的膝上型电脑到运行Microsoft Windows 2000 的大型多处理器的服务器等多种平台使用。
SQL Server 2005?
SQL Server 2005 是一个全面的数据库平台,使用集成的商业智能 (BI) 工具提供了企业级的数据管理。SQL Server 2005 数据库引擎为关系型数据和结构化数据提供了更安全可靠的存储功能,使您可以构建和管理用于业务的高可用和高性能的数据应用程序。
SQL Server 2005 数据引擎是本企业数据管理解决方案的核心。此外 SQL Server 2005 结合了分析、报表、集成和通知功能。这使您的企业可以构建和部署经济有效的 BI 解决方案,帮助您的团队通过记分卡、Dashboard、Web services 和移动设备将数据应用推向业务的各个领域。
与 Microsoft Visual Studio、Microsoft Office System 以及新的开发工具包(包括 Business Intelligence Development Studio)的紧密集成使 SQL Server 2005 与众不同。无论您是开发人员、数据库管理员、信息工作者还是决策者,SQL Server 2005 都可以为您提供创新的解决方案,帮助您从数据中更多地获益。
[编辑本段]微软SQL Server 2008
SQL Server 2008是一个重大的产品版本,它推出了许多新的特性和关键的改进,使得它成为至今为止的最强大和最全面的SQL Server版本。这篇文章详细介绍了Microsoft SQL Server 2008中的新的特性、优点和功能……
SQL Server的愿景
许多因素致使产生了信息存储爆炸。有了新的信息类型,例如图片和视频的数字化,和从RFID标签获得的传感器信息,公司的数字信息的数量在急剧增长。遵守规范和全球化的发展要求信息存储的安全性和在任何时候都可用。同时,磁盘存储的成本显着地降低了,使得公司投资的每一美元可以存储更多的数据。用户必须快速的在大量的数据中找到相关的信息。此外,他们想在任何设备上使用这个信息,并且计划每天使用,例如Microsoft Office系统应用程序。对数据爆炸和用户期望值的增加的管理为公司制造了许多挑战。
Microsoft® 数据平台愿景提供了一个解决方案来满足这些需求,这个解决方案就是公司可以使用存储和管理许多数据类型,包括XML、e-mail、时间/日历、文件、文档、地理等等,同时提供一个丰富的服务集合来与数据交互作用:搜索、查询、数据分析、报表、数据整合,和强大的同步功能。用户可以访问从创建到存档于任何设备的信息,从桌面到移动设备的信息
SQL Server 2008新功能
· 可信任的——使得公司可以以很高的安全性、可靠性和可扩展性来运行他们最关键任务的应用程序。
· 高效的——使得公司可以降低开发和管理他们的数据基础设施的时间和成本。
· 智能的——提供了一个全面的平台,可以在你的用户需要的时候给他发送观察和信息。
在过去的SQL Server 2005的基础之上,SQL Server 2008做了以下方面的增强来扩展它的安全性:
* 简单的数据加密
SQL Server 2008可以对整个数据库、数据文件和日志文件进行加密,而不需要改动应用程序。进行加密使公司可以满足遵守规范和及其关注数据隐私的要求。简单的数据加密的好处包括使用任何范围或模糊查询搜索加密的数据、加强数据安全性以防止未授权的用户访问、还有数据加密。这些可以在不改变已有的应用程序的情况下进行。
* 外键管理
SQL Server 2008为加密和密钥管理提供了一个全面的解决方案。为了满足不断发展的对数据中心的信息的更强安全性的需求,公司投资给供应商来管理公司内的安全密钥。 SQL Server 2008通过支持第三方密钥管理和硬件安全模块(HSM)产品为这个需求提供了很好的支持。
* 增强了审查
SQL Server 2008使你可以审查你的数据的操作,从而提高了遵从性和安全性。审查不只包括对数据修改的所有信息,还包括关于什么时候对数据进行读取的信息。SQL Server 2008具有像服务器中加强的审查的配置和管理这样的功能,这使得公司可以满足各种规范需求。SQL Server 2008还可以定义每一个数据库的审查规范,所以审查配置可以为每一个数据库作单独的制定。为指定对象作审查配置使审查的执行性能更好,配置的灵活性也更高。
* 改进了数据库镜像
SQL Server 2008基于SQL Server 2005,并提供了更可靠的加强了数据库镜像的平台。新的特性包括:
· 页面自动修复。SQL Server 2008通过请求获得一个从镜像合作机器上得到的出错页面的重新拷贝,使主要的和镜像的计算机可以透明的修复数据页面上的823和824错误。
· 提高了性能。SQL Server 2008压缩了输出的日志流,以便使数据库镜像所要求的网络带宽达到最小。
[编辑本段]SQL Server 服务器安装剖析
sql server 2000以前的版本,例如7.0一般不存在多个版本,只有标准版跟桌面版,用户如果不清楚该装什么版本的话,可按安装上的安装先决条件指示安装,一般在WIN2000 服务器版上装标准版,其他的系统装桌面版的就可以;而SQL Server 2000安装问题就比较大,时常见问题有如下:
(2)注册 ActiveX 时中断.
(4)提示:command line option syntax error, type command /? for help,继续安装,最后在配置服务器的时候出现:无法找到动态链接SQLUNIRL.DLL于指定的路径……
提醒:为避免误操作,先备份注册表和数据库进不了SQL Server 2000,可以备份 Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL\Data 文件夹的文件.
1、先把SQL Server卸载(卸载不掉也没有关系,继续下面的操作)
2、把Microsoft SQL Server文件夹整个删掉。
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server
另外也可尝试单步运行安装 SQL Server 2000的方法:
1:放入 SQL Server 2000 光盘.
2:在"开始"--"运行"键入 "F:\x86\setup.exe k=dbg" (F是光盘)
一、不同的操作系统支持的SQL Server 2000版本以及对硬件的要求。
Windows 2000 Server可以安装SQL Server 2000的任何版本.
Windows 2000 Professional只能安装SQL Server 2000的个人版、开发版、评估版、MCDE
SQL Server 2000各版本以及对硬件的要求。
比如 c:\SQLSERVER中文企业版\
c、到HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager 位置
sfc /scannow
最后的方法:换Windows 2000 安装盘 和SQL Server2000安装盘
1 先卸载您的 SQL Server 2000,必要的时候删除 Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server 文件夹
2 打开注册表
在"开始"--"运行"键入 "regedit"
3 按下列顺序点击打开
+ Microsoft
+ Windows
+ CurrentVersion
+ Setup
+ ExceptionComponents
4 将 ExceptionComponents 下面的文件夹全部删除!
如 {60BFF50D-FB2C-4498-A577-C9548C390BB9}
6 重新启动:
7 重新安装 SQL Server 2000

㈩ 求Visual Studio或SQL 2005英文文献


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