1. sql 查询排除一个字段的其他字段
create table test_sel_cols(id number, password varchar2(200), remark1 varchar2(100), remark2 varchar2(100), remark3 varchar2(100), remark4 varchar2(100));
2. SQL的查询语句(除法)有哪些
select * from table1 where 工资>2500 and 工资<3000 //同上
select 姓名 from table1 where 性别='0' and 工资='4000'
select * from table1 where not 工资= 3200
select * from table1 order by 工资desc //将工资按照降序排列
select * from table1 order by 工资 asc //将工资按照升序排列
select * from table1 where year(出身日期)=1987 //查询table1 中所有出身在1987的人select * from table1 where name like '%张' /'%张%' /'张%' //查询1,首位字‘张’3,尾位字‘张’2,模糊查询
select * from table1 order by money desc //查询表1按照工资的降序排列表1 (升序为asc)
select * from table1 where brithday is null //查询表1 中出身日期为空的人
3. sql查询除了某个字段的值以外的其实记录
4. sql排除查询
select * from test1 a left join test2 b
on a.cname=b.cname
where b.pname is null and b.b.cname is not null
最简单的还是直接用left join....有效率点..如果用in,效率慢多了.