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发布时间: 2024-07-28 16:44:07

phpcms png透明图片裁剪后变成黑底请各位高手给出解决方式


❷ php如何判断图片是透明图

用php的扩张imagick 来做 getImageAlphaChannel方法来判断

❸ php怎么输出背景透明的图片

这里有范例 http://php.net/manual/en/imagick.examples-1.php
/* Read the image */
$im = new Imagick("test.png");
/* Thumbnail the image */
$im->thumbnailImage(200, null);

/* Create a border for the image */
$im->borderImage(new ImagickPixel("white"), 5, 5);

/* Clone the image and flip it */
$reflection = $im->clone();

/* Create gradient. It will be overlayed on the reflection */
$gradient = new Imagick();

/* Gradient needs to be large enough for the image and the borders */
$gradient->newPseudoImage($reflection->getImageWidth() + 10, $reflection->getImageHeight() + 10, "gradient:transparent-black");

/* Composite the gradient on the reflection */
$reflection->compositeImage($gradient, imagick::COMPOSITE_OVER, 0, 0);

/* Add some opacity. Requires ImageMagick 6.2.9 or later */
$reflection->setImageOpacity( 0.3 );

/* Create an empty canvas */
$canvas = new Imagick();

/* Canvas needs to be large enough to hold the both images */
$width = $im->getImageWidth() + 40;
$height = ($im->getImageHeight() * 2) + 30;
$canvas->newImage($width, $height, new ImagickPixel("black"));

/* Composite the original image and the reflection on the canvas */
$canvas->compositeImage($im, imagick::COMPOSITE_OVER, 20, 10);
$canvas->compositeImage($reflection, imagick::COMPOSITE_OVER, 20, $im->getImageHeight() + 10);

/* Output the image*/
header("Content-Type: image/png");
echo $canvas;

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