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Ⅰ 关于java的问题:什么是类写出java中类定义的格式

类(Class)是面向对象程序设计(OOP,Object-Oriented Programming)实现信息封装的基础。类是一种用户定义的引用数据类型,也称类类型。每个类包含数据说明和一组操作数据或传递消息的函数。类的实例称为对象。







Ⅱ java中类修饰符有哪些

1.class不加修饰符的时候 即直接声明 class A{ }




(2)java累扩展阅读: 网络-java关键字

Ⅲ Java类的定义

package java.lancs ;

* Graphics objects for practical classes (Java 1.1 version)
* @author Roger Garside/Richard Cardoe
* @version Last Rewritten: 24/Sept/97

import java.awt.* ;
import java.awt.event.* ;

* class to hold details about the shape to draw
class BasicShape
// name of the shape - RECTANGLE, OVAL, etc.
int shape ;
// dimensions of the shape
int x, y, w, h ;
// colour of the shape
Color colour ;

// constructor to initialise the variables to default values
public BasicShape()
shape = -1 ;
x = -1 ;
y = -1 ;
w = -1 ;
h = -1 ;
colour = Color.green ;
} // end of constructor method

// constructor to initialise the variables to specifier values
public BasicShape(int sh, int x1, int y1, int w1, int h1, Color col)
shape = sh ;
x = x1 ;
y = y1 ;
w = w1 ;
h = h1 ;
colour = col ;
} // end of constructor method
} // end of class BasicShape

* a canvas to draw on
class BasicCanvas extends Canvas
BasicGraphics parent ;

// constructor method
public BasicCanvas(BasicGraphics p)
parent = p ;
} // end of constructor method

// called when class is initialised to put window on the screen
// or when window needs to be redrawn
public void paint(Graphics g)
Dimension d = getSize() ;
int cx = d.width / 2,
cy = d.height /2 ;
g.setColor(Color.black) ;
g.drawRect(1, 1, d.width - 3, d.height - 3) ;
int yy = 25 ;
while (yy < d.height)
if (yy % 100 == 0)
g.drawLine(1, yy, 11, yy) ;
g.drawLine(d.width - 13, yy, d.width - 3, yy) ;
g.drawLine(1, yy, 6, yy) ;
g.drawLine(d.width - 8, yy, d.width - 3, yy) ;
yy += 25 ;
int xx = 25 ;
while (xx < d.width)
if (xx % 100 == 0)
g.drawLine(xx, 1, xx, 11) ;
g.drawLine(xx, d.height - 13, xx, d.height - 3) ;
g.drawLine(xx, 1, xx, 6) ;
g.drawLine(xx, d.height - 8, xx, d.height - 3) ;
xx += 25 ;

for (int i = 0 ; i < parent.noOfShapes ; i++)
g.setColor(parent.shapeList[i].colour) ;

if (parent.shapeList[i].shape == BasicGraphics.RECTANGLE)
g.drawRect(parent.shapeList[i].x, parent.shapeList[i].y,
parent.shapeList[i].w, parent.shapeList[i].h) ;
else if (parent.shapeList[i].shape == BasicGraphics.FILLED_RECTANGLE)
g.fillRect(parent.shapeList[i].x, parent.shapeList[i].y,
parent.shapeList[i].w, parent.shapeList[i].h) ;
else if (parent.shapeList[i].shape == BasicGraphics.OVAL)
g.drawOval(parent.shapeList[i].x, parent.shapeList[i].y,
parent.shapeList[i].w, parent.shapeList[i].h) ;
else if (parent.shapeList[i].shape == BasicGraphics.FILLED_OVAL)
g.fillOval(parent.shapeList[i].x, parent.shapeList[i].y,
parent.shapeList[i].w, parent.shapeList[i].h) ;
else if ((parent.shapeList[i].shape == BasicGraphics.TRIANGLE) ||
(parent.shapeList[i].shape == BasicGraphics.FILLED_TRIANGLE))
int x1 = parent.shapeList[i].x ;
int y1 = parent.shapeList[i].y ;
int w1 = parent.shapeList[i].w ;
int h1 = parent.shapeList[i].h ;

Polygon p = new Polygon() ;
p.addPoint(x1, y1 + h1) ;
p.addPoint(x1 + w1, y1 + h1) ;
p.addPoint(x1 + (w1 / 2), y1) ;
p.addPoint(x1, y1 + h1) ;

if (parent.shapeList[i].shape == BasicGraphics.TRIANGLE)
g.drawPolygon(p) ;
g.fillPolygon(p) ;
} // end of method paint

} // end of class BasicCanvas

* class to draw simple shapes in a window
public class BasicGraphics extends Frame implements ActionListener
// maximum width of window
private static final int MAX_WIDTH = 600 ;

// maximum height of window
private static final int MAX_HEIGHT = 400 ;

* definition of a rectangle shape
public static final int RECTANGLE = 1 ;

* definition of an oval shape
public static final int OVAL = 2 ;

* definition of a triangle shape
public static final int TRIANGLE = 3 ;

* definition of a filled-in rectangle
public static final int FILLED_RECTANGLE = 4 ;

* definition of a filled-in oval
public static final int FILLED_OVAL = 5 ;

* definition of a filled-in triangle
public static final int FILLED_TRIANGLE = 6 ;

BasicShape[] shapeList = new BasicShape[50];

int noOfShapes = 0;

private BasicShape newShape = new BasicShape();

private Button quit ;

* constructor to lay out the window
public BasicGraphics()
setTitle("BasicGraphics Window") ;
setSize(MAX_WIDTH, MAX_HEIGHT + 50) ;

BasicCanvas c = new BasicCanvas(this) ;
add("Center", c) ;

Panel p = new Panel() ;
p.setLayout(new FlowLayout()) ;
quit = new Button("Quit") ;
p.add(quit) ;
quit.addActionListener(this) ;
add("South", p) ;
} // end of constructor method

* handles button depression events, etc.
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event)
dispose() ;
System.exit(0) ;
} // end of method actionPerformed

* set the type of shape that you want to draw
* @param shape e.g. BasicGraphics.RECTANGLE
public void setShape(int shape)
if ((shape != RECTANGLE) && (shape != FILLED_RECTANGLE) &&
(shape != OVAL) && (shape != FILLED_OVAL) &&
(shape != TRIANGLE) && (shape != FILLED_TRIANGLE))
System.err.println("This is not a valid shape");
newShape.shape = shape ;
} // end of method setShape

* set the dimensions of the shape that you want to draw
* @param x x-coordinate of the top left hand corner of the bounding
* rectangle
* @param y y-coordinate of the top left hand corner of the bounding
* rectangle
* @param w width of the bounding rectangle
* @param h height of the bounding rectangle
public void setDimensions(int x, int y, int w, int h)
if (newShape.shape == -1)
System.err.println("You need to set the shape first");
if ((x < 5) || (y < 5) || (w < 5) || (h < 5) ||
(x + w > MAX_WIDTH - 5) || (y + h > MAX_HEIGHT - 5))
System.err.println("Invalid dimensions supplied") ;
newShape.x = x ;
newShape.y = y ;
newShape.w = w ;
newShape.h = h ;
} // end of method setDimensions

* set the colour of the shape that you want to draw
* @param colour the Color type (Color.red, Color.blue, etc.)
public void setColour(Color colour)
if (newShape.x == -1)
System.err.println("You need to set the dimensions first");
newShape.colour = colour ;
shapeList[noOfShapes] = new BasicShape(newShape.shape,
newShape.x, newShape.y,
newShape.w, newShape.h,
newShape.colour) ;
noOfShapes++ ;
newShape = new BasicShape() ;
} // end of method setColour

* draws the window on the screen with the specified shapes
public void draw()
setVisible(true) ;
} // end of method draw

} // end of class BasicGraphics

Ⅳ 什么是java类





Ⅳ java中有哪些类库


1. java.lang包:


2.java.awt包 :







提供时间日期、随机数以及列表、 *** 、哈希表和堆栈春世枯等创建复杂数据结构的类;





Ⅵ 请问java中的类是什么意思

Java创建一个类的关键字为class,基本语法格式为public class ClassName{};在开发中,通常类的名字首字母大写。类中包含了类的特定属性,比如我们创建一个动物类,动物有自己的属性名字,年龄等属性特点,我们创建好动物这个类之后,当需要一个动物的时候,就去创建一个动物的对象,之后使用这个具体的对象进行操作就可以。创建对象的关键字是new,基本语法为 ClassName objectName = new ClassName();
Java类的继承关键字是extends,基本语法为: public class ChiledClass extends ParentClass{};
在开发中,我们通常会将类的属性设置为私有的,这样外部就不会随意访问到这个属性。但是为了让外部能够访问该属性值,我们通常使用 set和get方法去设置和获取该属性值,这样如果开发中不想让别人随意修改该属性,可以将set方法去掉,只留下get方法,这样这个属性就只可以访问而不可以修改,很好的保护的这个属性值,不让别人去随意修改。

Ⅶ java中有哪些类


String 字符串类

System 可得到系统信息

StringBuilder 字符串工具类

Thread 线程类

Math 与数学有关的工具类

ArrayList 底层用数组实现的集合

LinkedList 底层用链表实现的集合

HashMap 接口Map的一个实现类

HashSet 接口Set的一个实现类

Scanner 简单文本扫描器

Calendar 日期类

Date 日期类

File 目录或文件操作类

FileInputStream 输入流

FileOutputStream 输出流

BufferedInputStream 具有缓冲的输入流

BufferedOutputStream 具有缓冲的输出流

BufferedReader 从字符输入流中读取文本,缓冲各个字符



Ⅷ java中什么是类


Ⅸ 怎么用"java"写一个类

class B{\x0d\x0a private int a;//声明变量\x0d\x0a public B()//构造函数\x0d\x0a{\x0d\x0a}\x0d\x0apublic void setA(int a)//设置a的值\x0d\x0a{\x0d\x0a this.a=a;\x0d\x0a\x0d\x0a}\x0d\x0apublic int getA()//获取a的值\x0d\x0a{\x0d\x0areturn a;\x0d\x0a}\x0d\x0apublic public static void main(String[] args)//必须要的主函数\x0d\x0a{\x0d\x0aB b=new B();//建立一个B的对象b\x0d\x0ab.setA(3);//调用b对象里的方法setA();\x0d\x0aSystem.out.println(b.getA);//输出a\x0d\x0a\x0d\x0a}\x0d\x0a\x0d\x0a}

Ⅹ Java中常用的类有哪些

一. System:

1.首先是System类,因为从一开始从接触java起,我们就无时无刻都在接触它,经常用它来向屏幕,向控制台打印输出一些信息,System.out.println(“hello world”);这个只是在控制台输出一条信息“hello world”,今天我们学到这里,才知道out只是System类中的一个字段,也就是一个成员变量,而且还是静态的,是一个对象的引用,即PrintStream,是标准的输出流,向标准的输出设备输出信息的,所以我们这里才调用了对象out的println()这个方法。所以类似与out字段的还有其他两个,如in是InputStream类的一个对象,那么in则是一个标准的输入对象,他可以读取或则也可以说从键盘或则其他输入设备接收或者读入一个信息,那么err也是PrintStream类的一个对象,则是标准的错误输出流,那其实这些所谓的标准的输入输出,他们功能实现底层是靠C语言和设备直接沟通的,java只是依赖C语言完成了这些功能。



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