Ⅰ 如何正确安装java plug-in
新版的plug-in通常都是包含在jre中 ... 对你说的registry的问题, 我所碰到就只是jre1.3i(国际版) ... 最好还是安装最新的jre, 你可以在netscape6中找到, 或者干脆去sun去download一个下来吧 :)
最后对plug-in出错的原因, 就只能等高手来讲啦, hehehe ...
不知道是不是jvm版本冲突什么的? 瞎猜的, hohohoho ...
Ⅱ java plug in是什么意思
Java Runtime Environment的插件。用来运行java程序。不需要什么特别的设置。等于你的机器里面有了jvm。
Java Web Start 是一项新的技术,目的在于改善用户通过Internet发布Java程序的经验。下面是Java Web Start应用程序和applet之间的区别。
1,Java Web Start用于发布普通的Java应用程序,这些应用程序将通过调用类中的mian方法开始运行,并且不需要继承Applet类。
2,Java Web Start应用程序不存在浏览器中,它是在浏览器之外显示的。
3,Java Web Start应用程序可以通过浏览器启动,但是底层机制与启动applet有很大区别。浏览器和执行applet的Java运行环境紧密结合。而Java Web Start的集成就更为松散。当加载一个Java Web Start应用程序描述符时,浏览器只启动一个外部应用程序。这一点和浏览器启动如Adobe Acrobat或RealAudio这样的辅助应用程序的机制一样。即使是不用好的浏览器提供商也不会干扰这种机制。
4,Java Web Start的“沙箱”比较宽松,它允许未签名的应用程序访问一些本地资源。
Ⅲ 一台电脑可以装两个版本的JAVA plug-in吗
JavaPlug-in软件允许JavaApplet和JavaBeans组件在使用Sun的JavaRuntimeEnvironment(JRE)的浏览器中运行,而不是在使用缺省的Java运行环境的浏览器中运行。JavaPlug-in可用于NetscapeNavigator和Microsoft Internet Explorer。
J2RE是Java2 Runtime Environment,即Java运行环境,有时简称JRE。如果你只需要运行Java程序或Applet,下载并安装它即可。如果你要自行开发 Java软件,请下载JDK。在JDK中附带有JRE。注意由于Microsoft对Java的支持不完全,请不要使用IE自带的虚拟机来运行 Applet,务必安装一个JRE或JDK。
Ⅳ 如何设置IE的java plug-in为Sun java plug-in
点击工具-〉internet选项—〉高级,你就可以看到你的IE是不是使用的Sun java plug-in
Ⅳ Java Plug-in 1.6.0_10-rc的问题
Ⅵ 我用手机访问网站,显示 java plug-in is required 然后就什么都不显示了 是缺java插件吧 如何安装
另外小嘉建议友友可以尝试清理缓存数据信息、更换网络接入点和浏览器UA标识、关闭压缩中转再重新访问试试看是否可以解决! 请友友了解~ 希望能帮助到您!
Ⅶ java(tm) plug-in 2 ssv helper是什么
通俗的来讲,Java(TM) plug-in 2 SSV Helper是浏览器运行时附带加载的一个插件,Java应用程序利用此插件来支持工具栏,BHO,浏览器栏等。它主要用于在浏览器上运行java小程序时构建java的运行时环境,打个比方,你家好比是浏览器,你需要把煤气灶打开来提供一个高温环境才能炒菜做饭,而这个插件就好比煤气灶。如果需要在Internet Explorer中查看浏览器中的Java应用程序和插件,您应该保留Java(tm)Plug-In 2 SSV Helper;如果你不需要在浏览器上运行java小程序(比如是你的个人电脑而不是公司的并且你不是做软件开发的等情况),完全可以禁用该插件的加载。
Java is a programming language. You need something called the Java Runtime Environment to run programs written in Java. The Plugin is part of that. A small number of websites also use this. The Java Runtime Environment will appear in Programs and Features in the Control Panel and can be uninstalled from there. Unfortunately, there is a bug in the uninstallation that leaves the entry for the plugin in the Internet Explorer Manage Addons window after Java is uninstalled. This is harmless because the file has been deleted. To remove the entry in Manage Addons would require editing the Registry.
This bug has been known since at least 2008, but nothing seems to have been done about it.
The "SSV Helper" is not the main add-on for Java and we can still run Java applications from the Internet with it disabled. The question was what does this particular add-on do and the implications of disabling it.
The overwhelming number of near-useless, tautological replies to this question here and elsewhere is pretty disappointing.
Here is what I discovered, buried in this bug report on Sun's Java community:
"This object is responsible for a propagation of Java Plug-in settings from admin account to all regular (non admin) user accounts. In other words if SSVHelper is registered with IE then the only thing admin needs to do in order to switch from a new Java Plug-in to an old Java Plug-in is to run from a command line: ssvagent.exe -high -jpisetup -old or uncheck a checkbox "Enable the next generation Java Plug-n" in Java Control Panel. In both cases changes will be propagated to non admin user accounts."
Therefore, if you are not in a managed, Enterprise environment—as in, this is your own personal computer—then the SSVHelper Java Browser Helper Object does nothing useful for you, and can be safely disabled.
Ⅷ 2003系统 安装 j2re后,Java Plug-in在控制面板里没有,是怎么回事情
换句话说:JRE中包含了java plug-in,而在JDK中是不包含的。
Ⅸ java plug-in自动填写 IE窗口中登录以后,弹出工资输入界面,由于没有数据导入功能,
import org.python.core.PyFunction;
import org.python.core.PyInteger;
import org.python.core.PyObject;
import org.python.util.PythonInterpreter;
public class FirstJavaScript {
public static void main(String args[]) {
PythonInterpreter interpreter = new PythonInterpreter();
PyFunction func = (PyFunction) interpreter.get("adder",
int a = 2010, b = 2;
PyObject pyobj = func.__call__(new PyInteger(a), new PyInteger(b));
System.out.println("anwser = " + pyobj.toString());
}// main
Ⅹ java plug in问题