❶ 求几个sql文件,就是有数据的,拿来练习SQL语句
❷ 谁有sql 语句练习题,越多越好!
额 我只晓得SQLServer的T-SQL
中文版SQL Server 2000开发与管理应用实例
CSDN SQL大版主的书籍,可说非常不错了
可以看下 微软技术丛书sql2005 T-SQL查询与T-SQL程序设计
❸ SQL入门怎么练习
自己安装一个SQL SERVER然后按照书上的一点一点执行,先从最基本的开始
❹ 想学习SQL语言,该用什么软件来练习SQL语句
电脑上装个Mysql。然后再装Navicat for MySQL
❺ 如何在一台电脑上练习SQL语句
1.选择你想安装的 sql2000。或是sql 2005
2.安装成功后,打开sql server 服务管理器,然后开启
3.企业管理器 然后 就可以 创建数据库 表了
4.也可以在 查询分析器里面 写查询语句,但是要找到 对应的数据库 来查询
❻ 想练习SQL,有没有什么网上数据库是能直接拿来练习SQL的
建议安装一个EasyAPM-Server v2.1.0 RC,你就可以随便练习操作sql数据库了。
❼ sql练习!!!
alter talbe stuscore
add constraint ch_a check(english<100 and english>0)
select * from stuinfo where name like '张%' and sex = '男'
select time from stuinfo where name = '刘k'
❽ 我想练习sql语句,请问如何做呢
create database test on
log on
use test
CREATE TABLE employees(
emp_id char (4) primary key,
ename nvarchar (10) NOT NULL,
age tinyint NOT NULL,
title nvarchar (10) NULL,
salary money NULL,
insert into employees values('0001','杨建新','22','经理','3000')
insert into employees values('0002','杨建新','23','职员','4000')
insert into employees values('0003','杨建新','24','总经理','5000')
insert into employees values('0004','杨建新','26','职员','2000')
sp_admpdevice 'disk','test_bak','c:\backup\test_bak.bak'
backup database test to test_bak with name='test_full_bak1'
insert into employees values('0005','王建新','24','总经理','1000')
insert into employees values('0006','刘建新','26','职员','2000')
backup log test to test_bak with name='test_log_bak1'
truncate table employees
use master
backup log test to test_bak with name='test_log_recovery',norecovery
restore database test from test_bak with file=1,norecovery
restore log test from test_bak with file=2,recovery
restore log test from test_bak with file=2,norecovery
restore log test from test_bak with file=3,recovery
restore log test from test_bak with file=3,stopat='2008-11-16 11:25:00'
sp_addlogin 'mike','123456','northwind'
use northwind
sp_grantdbaccess 'mike','mike' --或:sp_adser 'mike','mike'
sp_addrole tablecreate
grant create table to tablecreate
sp_addrolemember 'tablecreate','mike'
grant insert on procts to mike
revoke insert on procts from mike
sp_helprole tablecreate
sp_helprolemember tablecreate
sp_droprolemember 'tablecreate','mike'
sp_droprole tablecreate
sp_revokedbaccess 'mike'
sp_droplogin 'mike'
❾ SQL练习题
一 学生 – 课程数据库
1 查询 7号课程没有考试成绩的学生学号
select sno from sc where cno=’7’ and grade is not null
2 查询 7号课程成绩在90分以上或60分以下的学生学号
select sno from sc where grade>90 or grade<60
3 查询课程名以“数据”两个字开头的所有课程的课程号和课程名。
Select cno,cname from c where cname like ‘数据%’
4 查询每个学生所有课程的平均成绩,输出学生学号、平均成绩
select sno,avg(grade) from sc group by sno
5 查询每门课程的选修人数,输出课程号、选修人数。
Select cno,count(*) from sc group by cno
6 查询选修 7号课程的学生的学号、姓名、性别。
Select s.sno, sname,ssex from s , sc where s.sno=sc.sno and cno = ‘7’
7 查询选修7号课程学生的平均年龄。
Select avg(sage) from s , sc where s.sno=sc.sno and cno = ‘7’
8 查询由30名以上学生选修的课程号。
Select sno from sc group by cno having count(*)>30
9 查询至今没有考试不及格的学生学号
a: select sno from s where sno not in ( select sno from sc where grade<60 )
b: select sno from sc group by sno having min(grade)>=60
1 找出选修课程号为 C2 的学生学号与成绩。
Select sno,grade from sc where cno=’C2’
2 找出选修课程号为C4 的学生学号与姓名。
Select s.sno , sname from s,sc where s.sno=sc.sno and cno=’C4’
3 找出选修课程名为 Maths 的学生学号与姓名。
Select s.sno ,sname from s,sc,c
where s.sno=sc.sno and c.cno=sc.cno and cname = ‘Maths’
4找出选修课程号为C2或C4 的学生学号。
Select distinct sno from sc where cno in (‘C2’,’C4’)
或: Select distinct sno from sc where cno=’C2’ or cno =’C4’
5找出选修课程号为C2和C4 的学生学号。
Select sno from sc where cno =’C2’ and sno in (
select sno from sc where cno = ‘C4’ )
6 找出不学C2课程的学生姓名和年龄
select sname , sage from s where sno not in ( select sno from sc where cno=’C2’ )
select sname , sage from s where not exists ( select * from sc where sc.sno=s.sno and cno=’C2’ )
7 找出选修了数据库课程的所有学生姓名。(与3同)
Select s.sno ,sname from s,sc,c
where s.sno=sc.sno and c.cno=sc.cno and cname = ‘数据库’
8 找出数据库课程不及格的女生姓名
select sname from s where ssex = ‘女’ and sno in ( select sno from sc where grade<60 and cno in ( select cno from c where cname=’数据库’) )
Select sname from s,sc,c
where s.sno=sc.sno and c.cno=sc.cno and ssex=’女’ and cname = ‘数据库’ and grade<60
9 找出各门课程的平均成绩,输出课程名和平均成绩
select cname , avg(grade) from sc , c where c.cno =sc.cno group by sc.cno
select sname , avg(grade) from s , sc where s.sno=sc.sno group by sc.sno
11 找出至少有30个学生选修的课程名
select cname from c where cno in ( select cno from sc group by cno having count(*)>=30 )
12 找出选修了不少于3门课程的学生姓名。
Select sname from s where sno in ( select sno from sc group by sno having count(*)>=3)
13 找出各门课程的成绩均不低于90分的学生姓名。
Select sname from s where sno not in ( select sno from sc where grade<90)
14* 找出数据库课程成绩不低于该门课程平均分的学生姓名。
Select sname from s where sno in (
Select sno from sc , c where sc.cno=c.cno and cname=’数据库’ and
Grade > (Select avg(grade) from sc , c where sc.cno=c.cno and cname=’数据库’ ) )
15 找出各个系科男女学生的平均年龄和人数。
Select sdept,ssex , avg(sage) , count(*) from s
Group by sdept , ssex
16 找出计算机系(JSJ)课程平均分最高的学生学号和姓名。
Select sc.sno , sname from s, sc where s.sno=sc.sno and sdept=’JSJ’
Group by sc.sno Having avg(grade) =
( Select top 1 avg(grade) from sc, s where s.sno=sc.sno and sdept=’JSJ’
group by sc.sno order by avg(grade) DESC )
三 客户 – 商品数据库中包括3按各表:KH,FP,YWY
1 查询工资在 1000 到3000 元之间的男性业务员的姓名和办公室编号。
Select Yname , Ono from YWY where salary between 1000 and 3000 and Ysex=’男’
2 查询各个办公室的业务员人数,输出办公室编号和对应的人数。
Select Ono , count(*) from YWY group by Ono
3 查询每个客户在2002年5月购买的总金额,输出客户号和相应的总金额。
Select Kno,sum(Fmoney) from FP where fdate between ‘2002.5.1’ and ‘2002.5.31’
Group by Kno
4 查询2002年5月购买次数超过5次的所有客户号,且按客户号升序排序。
Select Kno from FP where fdate between ‘2002.5.1’ and ‘2002.5.31’
Group by Kno having count(*)>5
Order by Kno ASC
5 查询各办公室男性和女性业务员的平均工资。
Select Ono,Ysex ,avg(salary) from YWY group by Ono , Ysex
6 查询2002年5月曾经在王海亮业务员手中购买过商品的客户号、客户姓名、联系电话。
Select Kno,Kname,phone from KH where Kno in (
Select kno from FP where fdate between ‘2002.5.1’ and ‘2002.5.31’ and
Yno=(select Yno from YWY where Yname = ‘王海亮’ )
7 查询所有工资比1538号业务员高的业务员的编号、姓名、工资。
Select yno ,Yname, salary from YWY where salary >
( Select salary from YWY where Yno=’1538’ )
8 查询所有与1538号业务员在同一个办公室的其他业务员的编号、姓名。
Select Yno , Yname from YWY where Yno<>’1538’ and Ono in (
Select Ono from YWY where Yno=’1538’ )
9 查询销售总金额最高的业务员的编号。
Select Yno from FP Group By Yno Having sum(Fmoney) =
(Select top 1 sum(Fmoney) from FP group by Yno ORDER BY sum(Fmoney) DESC)
10 查询所有业务员的编号、姓名、工资以及工资比他高的其他业务员的平均工资。
Select y1.Yno ,y1.Yname ,y1.salary , avg( y2. salary) from YWY y1 , YWY y2
Where y1.Yno<>y2.Yno and y1.salary < y2.salary
Group by y1.Yno
Sno salary sno salary
1 100 1 100
2 120 2 120
3 90 3 90
4 110 4 110
四 某中学数据库中由一张表:
1 找出每个班级的班级代码、学生人数、平均成绩。
Select BJDM,count(*) ,avg(CJ) from SC group by BJDM
2 找出每个学生的班级代码、学生姓名、考试科目数、总成绩。
Select BJDM,XSXM,count(*) , sum(CJ) from SC
Group by BNXH
3 输出一张表格,每位学生对应一条记录,包括:班级代码、姓名、语文成绩、数学成绩、外语成绩。
create view v1 (bjdm,xsxm, yw,sx,wy ) AS
select bjdm , xsxm , cj , 0,0 from sc where km=’语文’
select bjdm , xsxm , 0 , cj,0 from sc where km=’数学’
select bjdm , xsxm , 0,0,cj from sc where km=’外语’
select bjdm, xsxm , sum(yw) as 语文, sum(sx) as 数学, sum(wy) as 外语 from v1 group by bjdm, xsxm
select a.bjdm,a.xsxm , a.km,a.cj , b.km,b.cj , c.km,c.cj from sc a , sc b , sc c
where a.bjdm=b.bjdm and a.bnxh= b.bnxh and b.bjdm=c.bjdm and b.bnxh= c.bnxh
and a.km=’语文’ and b.km=’数学’ and c.km=’外语’
4 输出一张表格:由成绩低于60分的每位学生对应一条记录,包括字段:班级代码、姓名、最低成绩。
Select bjdm,xsxm ,min(CJ) from sc where grade<60 group by bjdm,xsxm
得到平均成绩:create view V1 (bjdm,bnxh ,avg_cj) AS
select bjdm,bnxh ,avg(cj) from sc where bjdm , bnxh
select sc.bjdm,sc.xsxm ,max(cj) , avg_cj from sc , V1
where sc.bjdm=v1.bjdm and sc.bnxh=V1.bnxh and cj<60
group by sc.bjdm,sc.xsxm
select bjdm, xsxm , avg(cj) from sc
where sno not in ( select sno from sc where grade<60)
group by bjdm, xsxm
create view V1 (bjdm,bnxh ,min_cj) as
select bjdm,bnxh,min(cj) from sc group by bjdm,bnxh
select sc.bjdm,sc.xsxm , avg(cj) from sc , v1
where sc.bjdm=v1.bjdm and sc.bnxh=v1.bnxh and sc.cj <> v1.min_cj
group by bjdm,bnxh
select sc.bjdm,sc.xsxm , ( sum(cj) – min(cj) ) / count(*) from sc
group by bjdm , bnxh
create view V1 ( km, min_cj) as
select km,min(cj) from sc group by km
select sc.km , avg(cj) from sc , v1
where sc.km=v1.km and sc.cj <> v1.min_cj
group by sc.km
select km , (sum( cj) – min(cj) )/count(*) from sc
group by km
select km , (sum( cj) – min(cj) – max(cj) )/count(*) from sc
group by km
五 数据库存放着某高校1990年以来英语四、六级的考试情况,且规定:
1 英语四、六级考试每年分别在6月和12月举行二次;
2 四级没有通过的学生不能报考六级;
3 某一级的考试只要没有通过可以反复参加考试;
4 某一级的考试一旦通过就不能再报考同级的考试;
5 允许报了名但不参加考试。
学生表:S(Sno, Sname, Ssex, Sage, Sdept),其中Sno为主码。
考试表:E(Sno, Year, Month, Level, Grade),学号、年、月、级别、成绩。
其中(Sno, Year, Month)为主码。
1. 找出各次四级和六级考试的参考人数和平均成绩(报了名但没有参加考试的不作统计)
select year , month,level ,count(*) , avg(grade)
group by year,month , level
2. 找出各次四级考试中平均分最高的系科(报了名但没有参加考试的不作统计)。
A: Select sdept from s , e where s.sno=e.sno
Where level=4
Group by sdept
Having avg(grade)>=ALL(
Select avg(grade) from s , e where s.sno=e.sno where level=4 Group by sdept )
B: Select top 1 sdept from s , e where s.sno=e.sno
Where level=4
Group by sdept
Order by (avg(grade) desc
3. 找出已经通过英语六级考试的学生的学号、姓名和性别(用连接方法做)
select s.sno,sname,ssex from s,e
where s.sno=e.sno and level=6 and grade>=60
4. 找出在同一年中四、六级考试都参加了的学生的学号
1) select sno from E
where (level=4 and grade>=60) or level=6
group by year having count(*)>=2
2) select sno from E X where level=4 and grade>=60 and exists (
select * from E Y where Y.sno=X.sno and year=X.year and level=6 )
5. 找出只参加一次考试就通过了英语六级考试的学生的学号
select sno from E
where level=6
group by sno
having count(*)=1 错,想想为何?
1) select sno from E
where level=6
group by sno
having count(*)=1 and max(grade)>=60
2) select sno from E where level=6 and grade>=60 and sno in (
select sno from E where level=6 group by sno having count(*)=1)
6. 找出至今没有通过英语四级考试的学生的学号(应包括至今还没有参加过考试或者是参加了但还没有通过两种)
select sno from E where level=4
group by sno
having max(grade)<60
Select sno from s where sno not in( select sno from E)
7. 找出英语六级考试中合格人数最少的考试年份和月份(有并列的都要列出,用一句SQL语句)。
Select year , month From E
Where level = 6 and grade>=60
Group by year , month
Having count(*) <=all
(Select count(*) from E where level=6 and grade>=60 group by year , month )