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发布时间: 2022-07-06 10:32:44

python 井字棋 ALPHA-BETA剪枝算法和暴力算法 具体代码

#!/usr/bin/env python
'''Tic tac toe in python, Minimax with alpha-beta pruning.'''
import sys
import random
import getopt

# Board: array of 9 int, positionally numbered like this:
# 0 1 2
# 3 4 5
# 6 7 8

# Well-known board positions
WINNING_TRIADS = ((0, 1, 2), (3, 4, 5), (6, 7, 8), (0, 3, 6), (1, 4, 7),
(2, 5, 8), (0, 4, 8), (2, 4, 6))
PRINTING_TRIADS = ((0, 1, 2), (3, 4, 5), (6, 7, 8))
# The order in which slots get checked for absence of a player's token:
SLOTS = (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8)

# Internal-use values. Chosen so that the "winner" of a finished
# game has an appropriate value, as X minimizes and O maximizes
# the board's value (function board_valuation() defines "value")
# Internally, the computer always plays Os, even though the markers[]
# array can change based on -r command line flag.
X_token = -1
Open_token = 0
O_token = 1

# Strings for output: player's markers, phrase for end-of-game
MARKERS = ['_', 'O', 'X']
END_PHRASE = ('draw', 'win', 'loss')


def board_valuation(board, player, next_player, alpha, beta):
'''Dynamic and static evaluation of board position.'''
# Static evaluation - value for next_player
wnnr = winner(board)
if wnnr != Open_token:
# Not a draw or a move left: someone won
return wnnr
elif not legal_move_left(board):
# Draw - no moves left
return 0 # Cat
# If flow-of-control gets here, no winner yet, not a draw.
# Check all legal moves for "player"
for move in SLOTS:
if board[move] == Open_token:
board[move] = player
val = board_valuation(board, next_player, player, alpha, beta)
board[move] = Open_token
if player == O_token: # Maximizing player
if val > alpha:
alpha = val
if alpha >= beta:
return beta
else: # X_token player, minimizing
if val < beta:
beta = val
if beta <= alpha:
return alpha
if player == O_token:
retval = alpha
retval = beta
return retval

def print_board(board):
'''Print the board in human-readable format.
Called with current board (array of 9 ints).
for hole in row:
print MARKERS[board[hole]],

def legal_move_left(board):
''' Returns True if a legal move remains, False if not. '''
for slot in SLOTS:
if board[slot] == Open_token:
return True
return False

def winner(board):
''' Returns -1 if X wins, 1 if O wins, 0 for a cat game,
0 for an unfinished game.
Returns the first "win" it finds, so check after each move.
Note that clever choices of X_token, O_token, Open_token
make this work better.
for triad in WINNING_TRIADS:
triad_sum = board[triad[0]] + board[triad[1]] + board[triad[2]]
if triad_sum == 3 or triad_sum == -3:
return board[triad[0]] # Take advantage of "_token" values
return 0

def determine_move(board):
''' Determine Os next move. Check that a legal move remains before calling.
Randomly picks a single move from any group of moves with the same value.
best_val = -2 # 1 less than min of O_token, X_token
my_moves = []
for move in SLOTS:
if board[move] == Open_token:
board[move] = O_token
val = board_valuation(board, X_token, O_token, -2, 2)
board[move] = Open_token
print "My move", move, "causes a", END_PHRASE[val]
if val > best_val:
best_val = val
my_moves = [move]
if val == best_val:
return random.choice(my_moves)

def recv_human_move(board):
''' Encapsulate human's input reception and validation.
Call with current board configuration. Returns
an int of value 0..8, the Human's move.
looping = True
while looping:
inp = input("Your move: ")
yrmv = int(inp)
if 0 <= yrmv <= 8:
if board[yrmv] == Open_token:
looping = False
print "Spot already filled."
print "Bad move, no donut."

except EOFError:
except NameError:
print "Not 0-9, try again."
except SyntaxError:
print "Not 0-9, try again."

if looping:

return yrmv

def usage(progname):
'''Call with name of program, to explain its usage.'''
print progname + ": Tic Tac Toe in python"
print "Usage:", progname, "[-h] [-c] [-r] [-x] [-X]"
print "Flags:"
print "-x, -X: print this usage message, then exit."
print "-h: human goes first (default)"
print "-c: computer goes first"
print "-r: computer is X, human is O"
print "The computer O and the human plays X by default."

def main():
'''Call without arguments from __main__ context.'''
opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "chrxX",
["human", "computer", "help"])
except getopt.GetoptError:
# print help information and exit:

next_move = HUMAN # Human goes first by default

for opt, arg in opts:
if opt == "-h":
next_move = HUMAN
if opt == "-c":
next_move = COMPUTER
if opt == "-r":
MARKERS[-1] = 'O'
MARKERS[1] = 'X'
if opt in ("-x", "-X", "--help"):

# Initial state of board: all open spots.
board = [Open_token, Open_token, Open_token, Open_token, Open_token,
Open_token, Open_token, Open_token, Open_token]

# State machine to decide who goes next, and when the game ends.
# This allows letting computer or human go first.
while legal_move_left(board) and winner(board) == Open_token:

if next_move == HUMAN and legal_move_left(board):
humanmv = recv_human_move(board)
board[humanmv] = X_token
next_move = COMPUTER

if next_move == COMPUTER and legal_move_left(board):
mymv = determine_move(board)
print "I choose", mymv
board[mymv] = O_token
next_move = HUMAN

# Final board state/winner and congratulatory output.
# "You won" should never appear on output: the program
# should always at least draw.
print ["Cat got the game", "I won", "You won"][winner(board)]
except IndexError:
print "Really bad error, winner is", winner(board)

if __name__ == '__main__':
except KeyboardInterrupt:

㈡ 怎样用python写一个很简单的井字过三关的program

1. 写这个program有什么难题出现?

2. 怎样解决这些难题?

3. 解释这个program是怎样用?
然后打开命令行,输入 python Tictactoe.py就可以运行了。

㈢ 高手帮忙用python 编写井字游戏

游戏一般用PYGAME 编写!我没学过

㈣ 求python井字游戏程序的map用途详解


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