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package java.lancs ;

* Graphics objects for practical classes (Java 1.1 version)
* @author Roger Garside/Richard Cardoe
* @version Last Rewritten: 24/Sept/97

import java.awt.* ;
import java.awt.event.* ;

* class to hold details about the shape to draw
class BasicShape
// name of the shape - RECTANGLE, OVAL, etc.
int shape ;
// dimensions of the shape
int x, y, w, h ;
// colour of the shape
Color colour ;

// constructor to initialise the variables to default values
public BasicShape()
shape = -1 ;
x = -1 ;
y = -1 ;
w = -1 ;
h = -1 ;
colour = Color.green ;
} // end of constructor method

// constructor to initialise the variables to specifier values
public BasicShape(int sh, int x1, int y1, int w1, int h1, Color col)
shape = sh ;
x = x1 ;
y = y1 ;
w = w1 ;
h = h1 ;
colour = col ;
} // end of constructor method
} // end of class BasicShape

* a canvas to draw on
class BasicCanvas extends Canvas
BasicGraphics parent ;

// constructor method
public BasicCanvas(BasicGraphics p)
parent = p ;
} // end of constructor method

// called when class is initialised to put window on the screen
// or when window needs to be redrawn
public void paint(Graphics g)
Dimension d = getSize() ;
int cx = d.width / 2,
cy = d.height /2 ;
g.setColor(Color.black) ;
g.drawRect(1, 1, d.width - 3, d.height - 3) ;
int yy = 25 ;
while (yy < d.height)
if (yy % 100 == 0)
g.drawLine(1, yy, 11, yy) ;
g.drawLine(d.width - 13, yy, d.width - 3, yy) ;
g.drawLine(1, yy, 6, yy) ;
g.drawLine(d.width - 8, yy, d.width - 3, yy) ;
yy += 25 ;
int xx = 25 ;
while (xx < d.width)
if (xx % 100 == 0)
g.drawLine(xx, 1, xx, 11) ;
g.drawLine(xx, d.height - 13, xx, d.height - 3) ;
g.drawLine(xx, 1, xx, 6) ;
g.drawLine(xx, d.height - 8, xx, d.height - 3) ;
xx += 25 ;

for (int i = 0 ; i < parent.noOfShapes ; i++)
g.setColor(parent.shapeList[i].colour) ;

if (parent.shapeList[i].shape == BasicGraphics.RECTANGLE)
g.drawRect(parent.shapeList[i].x, parent.shapeList[i].y,
parent.shapeList[i].w, parent.shapeList[i].h) ;
else if (parent.shapeList[i].shape == BasicGraphics.FILLED_RECTANGLE)
g.fillRect(parent.shapeList[i].x, parent.shapeList[i].y,
parent.shapeList[i].w, parent.shapeList[i].h) ;
else if (parent.shapeList[i].shape == BasicGraphics.OVAL)
g.drawOval(parent.shapeList[i].x, parent.shapeList[i].y,
parent.shapeList[i].w, parent.shapeList[i].h) ;
else if (parent.shapeList[i].shape == BasicGraphics.FILLED_OVAL)
g.fillOval(parent.shapeList[i].x, parent.shapeList[i].y,
parent.shapeList[i].w, parent.shapeList[i].h) ;
else if ((parent.shapeList[i].shape == BasicGraphics.TRIANGLE) ||
(parent.shapeList[i].shape == BasicGraphics.FILLED_TRIANGLE))
int x1 = parent.shapeList[i].x ;
int y1 = parent.shapeList[i].y ;
int w1 = parent.shapeList[i].w ;
int h1 = parent.shapeList[i].h ;

Polygon p = new Polygon() ;
p.addPoint(x1, y1 + h1) ;
p.addPoint(x1 + w1, y1 + h1) ;
p.addPoint(x1 + (w1 / 2), y1) ;
p.addPoint(x1, y1 + h1) ;

if (parent.shapeList[i].shape == BasicGraphics.TRIANGLE)
g.drawPolygon(p) ;
g.fillPolygon(p) ;
} // end of method paint

} // end of class BasicCanvas

* class to draw simple shapes in a window
public class BasicGraphics extends Frame implements ActionListener
// maximum width of window
private static final int MAX_WIDTH = 600 ;

// maximum height of window
private static final int MAX_HEIGHT = 400 ;

* definition of a rectangle shape
public static final int RECTANGLE = 1 ;

* definition of an oval shape
public static final int OVAL = 2 ;

* definition of a triangle shape
public static final int TRIANGLE = 3 ;

* definition of a filled-in rectangle
public static final int FILLED_RECTANGLE = 4 ;

* definition of a filled-in oval
public static final int FILLED_OVAL = 5 ;

* definition of a filled-in triangle
public static final int FILLED_TRIANGLE = 6 ;

BasicShape[] shapeList = new BasicShape[50];

int noOfShapes = 0;

private BasicShape newShape = new BasicShape();

private Button quit ;

* constructor to lay out the window
public BasicGraphics()
setTitle("BasicGraphics Window") ;
setSize(MAX_WIDTH, MAX_HEIGHT + 50) ;

BasicCanvas c = new BasicCanvas(this) ;
add("Center", c) ;

Panel p = new Panel() ;
p.setLayout(new FlowLayout()) ;
quit = new Button("Quit") ;
p.add(quit) ;
quit.addActionListener(this) ;
add("South", p) ;
} // end of constructor method

* handles button depression events, etc.
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event)
dispose() ;
System.exit(0) ;
} // end of method actionPerformed

* set the type of shape that you want to draw
* @param shape e.g. BasicGraphics.RECTANGLE
public void setShape(int shape)
if ((shape != RECTANGLE) && (shape != FILLED_RECTANGLE) &&
(shape != OVAL) && (shape != FILLED_OVAL) &&
(shape != TRIANGLE) && (shape != FILLED_TRIANGLE))
System.err.println("This is not a valid shape");
newShape.shape = shape ;
} // end of method setShape

* set the dimensions of the shape that you want to draw
* @param x x-coordinate of the top left hand corner of the bounding
* rectangle
* @param y y-coordinate of the top left hand corner of the bounding
* rectangle
* @param w width of the bounding rectangle
* @param h height of the bounding rectangle
public void setDimensions(int x, int y, int w, int h)
if (newShape.shape == -1)
System.err.println("You need to set the shape first");
if ((x < 5) || (y < 5) || (w < 5) || (h < 5) ||
(x + w > MAX_WIDTH - 5) || (y + h > MAX_HEIGHT - 5))
System.err.println("Invalid dimensions supplied") ;
newShape.x = x ;
newShape.y = y ;
newShape.w = w ;
newShape.h = h ;
} // end of method setDimensions

* set the colour of the shape that you want to draw
* @param colour the Color type (Color.red, Color.blue, etc.)
public void setColour(Color colour)
if (newShape.x == -1)
System.err.println("You need to set the dimensions first");
newShape.colour = colour ;
shapeList[noOfShapes] = new BasicShape(newShape.shape,
newShape.x, newShape.y,
newShape.w, newShape.h,
newShape.colour) ;
noOfShapes++ ;
newShape = new BasicShape() ;
} // end of method setColour

* draws the window on the screen with the specified shapes
public void draw()
setVisible(true) ;
} // end of method draw

} // end of class BasicGraphics

Ⅱ JAVA 类定义如下


Ⅲ java中什么是类



public class Person {

private String name; //属性:姓名

private int height; //属性:身高

private int weight; //属性:体重

public Person() {}

public Person(String name, int height, int weight) {

this.name = name;

this.height = height;

this.weight = weight;


//... some methods...

public void doSth() { //行为:

//... do something





public class Dog{
String breed; int age; String color; void barking(){

void hungry(){

void sleeping(){


  • 局部变量:在方法、构造方法或者语句块中定义的变量被称为局部变量。变量声明和初始化都是在方法中,方法结束后,变量就会自动销毁。

  • 成员变量:成员变量是定义在类中,方法体之外的变量。这种变量在创建对象的时候实例化。成员变量可以被类中方法、构造方法和特定类的语句块访问

  • 类变量:类变量也声明在类中,方法体之外,但必须声明为static类型。

  • 一个类可以拥有多个方法,在上面的例子中:barking()、hungry()和sleeping()都是Dog类的方法。

Ⅳ java中如何定义一个类,定义一个类需要注意那些地方

类名首字母习惯要大写,例如:HelloWorld 类名和变量名每个单词用大写字母格开, 并且变量名以小写字母开头, 如 userData;一个JAVA类文件最好有一个public类,而且只能有一个.访问权限看情况, 原则是尽可能的私有(private),不得就保护(protected),最后是公有(public). 如果是自己要封装jar,不给别人用,也可以默认,也就是包之间可以访问数据类型没什么说的吧,看基础了.变量名已经说了,变量名还有一个就是final类型的静态变量,相当于c/c++的全局变量,一般都是全部大写方法的话,除了构造函数,其它都必须要有返回值,访问权限一样,看需要其它得自己去看书了,有本叫 JAVA开发大全吧好像 里面有说到JAVA的命名规则

Ⅳ java类的里面可以再定义一个类吗


  1. java内部类分为: 成员内部类、静态嵌套类、方法内部类、匿名内部类 。

  2. 内部类的共性

(1)、内部类仍然是一个独立的类,在编译之后内部类会被编译成独立的.class文件,但是前面冠以外部类的类名和$符号 。

(2)、内部类不能用普通的方式访问。内部类是外部类的一个成员,因此内部类可以自由地访问外部类的成员变量,无论是否是private的 。


Ⅵ JAVA中类是什么意思如何定义一个类


Ⅶ java中如何定义一个类

class {

Ⅷ Java类和方法的定义


  • 方法是解决一类问题的步骤的有序组合

  • 方法包含于类或对象中

  • 方法在程序中被创建,在其他地方被引用



public class Dog{

String breed;

int age;

String color;

void barking(){

void hungry(){

void sleeping(){



barking(),hungry(),sleeping() 叫方法

Ⅸ java定义一个类





Ⅹ JAVA 中定义一个人的类

import java.util.Date;/**
* @author dy 定义一个“人”的类 2010-4-6下午03:56:35
class Person {
private String sex;
private Date date; // 无参构造函数
public Person() { } // 有参构造函数
public Person(String sex, Date date) {
this.sex = sex;
this.date = date;
} // get()、set()方法
public String getSex() {
return sex;
} public void setSex(String sex) {
this.sex = sex;
} public Date getDate() {
return date;
} public void setDate(Date date) {
this.date = date;
* @author
* 定义“学生”类,继承“人”类
class Student extends Person {

private String name;
private String stuno;
private String grade;
private String stu_native;

public String getName() {
return name;
} public void setName(String name) {
this.name = name;
} public String getStuno() {
return stuno;
} public void setStuno(String stuno) {
this.stuno = stuno;
} public String getGrade() {
return grade;
} public void setGrade(String grade) {
this.grade = grade;
} public String getStu_native() {
return stu_native;
} public void setStu_native(String stu_native) {
this.stu_native = stu_native;

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