❶ 吉林赤柏松硫化铜-镍矿床的矿浆成因模式
1 矿床地质简述
图6 赤柏松矿床矿浆成因模式图
进而言之,伴随早元古代五台期构造运动的多次活动,岩浆库中已经过层状液态分异的岩、矿浆由上至下依次间歇式贯入,先后形成辉长辉绿岩、中色橄榄辉长苏长岩、暗色橄榄辉长苏长岩、细粒辉长苏长岩与辉长玢岩等侵入岩相,构成赤柏松 1 号复式基性岩体。各岩相间均为侵入与隐秘侵入接触关系。
研究证实,当暗色橄榄辉长苏长岩岩浆侵入中色橄榄辉长苏长岩岩浆时,在二者接触处由于双扩散对流作用而发生了岩浆混合作用,形成了矿化异常富集的混熔岩 ( hybrid) 。混熔岩中矿化之所以富集 ( 图 7) ,除上述原因外,A. J. Naldrett ( 1990) 实验研究表明,新鲜岩浆的注入可以使所产生的混合岩浆中的硫化物达到过饱和而熔离出来,促进硫化物的富集[16]。T.N.Irrine(1977)亦曾指出,“镁铁质岩浆混合可引起硫化物的不混熔性”。I.H.Campbcll等(1983)研究认为非洲布什维尔德杂岩体麦伦斯基硫化物矿脉的形成与岩浆的混合作用有关。
图 7 赤柏松 1 号岩体岩浆混熔过程中化学成分变异图解
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A Genetic Model for Ore Magma ofThe Chisong Copper-NickelSulphide Deposit,Jilin
Through geological, geochemical, physicochemical and thermodynamic studies of theChisong nickel-bearing rock bodies,this paper deals with the genetic model for ore magma ofthe Chisong Cu-Ni sulphide deposit.
( 1) The ore-bearing bodies occur on the margins of an old platform and are controlled by alower Proterozoic rift zone. The potassium-argon model ages of the ore-bearing bodies range from1900 to 2200Ma.
( 2) The ore-bearing body is a composite intrusion with a heterrogeneous texture formed bymultiple intrusions.
( 3) Ore-bearing intrusive rocks occur as dikes and hardly show good crystalli-zation differen-tiation.
( 4) The spatial position of the orebodies is mainly controlled by the intrusive fracture-contactstructural or ore-bearing intrusive rock facies and is not restricted at the bottom only.
( 5) The percentage of orebodies in the rock body is too high to be explained by the theory ofin-situ crystallization liquation. Fluidal structure is well developed in ore-bearing rock facies,which indicates the dominance of dynamic processes.
( 6) δ18O = 6. 1‰ ~ 7. 7‰ for plagioclase;87Sr /86Sr = 0. 70321 ~ 0. 70888 for plagioclaseand pyroxene; δ34S = - 0. 5‰ ~ + 0. 5‰ and32S /34S = 22. 218 ~ 22. 236 for ores. So rock-form-ing and ore-forming substances were derived from the upper mantle.
( 7) The order of crystallization of major rock-forming minerals in the rocks is divine→pyrox-ene→plagioclase. The crystallization temperature of the olivine was 1412℃ and that of the plagio-clase,1155. 81℃ ~ 1206. 26℃.
( 8) The pressure for the formation of intrusive bodies was 6. 48 × 108Pa.
( 9) fo2for the formation of the ore-bearing intrusive body ranged between 10-4.7× 105~10-2.1× 105Pa.
( 10) pH = 4 ~ 7 and Eh = - 0. 1 ~ + 0. 16 for the formation of the orebodies indicate thatthe orebodies were formed in acidic media and under rection conditions.
( 11) There occur clinopyroxenes with two compositional series ( End-Aug and Di-Sal) andtwo formation temperatures ( > 1000℃ and < 1000℃ ) are in the same ore-bearing rock faci-es. The results of this research indicate that their formation is related to the mixing of magmas.
Therefore,the author concludes that the Chisong copper-nickel sulphide deposit wasformed by multiple injections of sulfide-rich ore magma resulting from deep-seated liquation of pri-mary ore-bearing magma driven under regional stress; crystallization gravitative differentization insitu was only a secondary factor in the process of ore magma injection; and hence; according tothe genetic type this ore deposit belongs to an “abyssal ore magma in jection deposit”.
Key words: Chisong, Chang Mountains, copper-nickel deposit, genetic model ofore magma