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发布时间: 2023-06-29 12:42:21

Ⅰ mysql 存储过程

你应该在做统计吧,估计你不会的就是mysql存储过程的语法 我之前也写过 很是郁闷 我给你一段代码 是我用mysql写过的一个存储过程 你看看 主要是了解里面的语法 看懂了 你所说的需求并不难
有看不懂的地方一起讨论 :

declare tikk datetime ;
declare done int default 0;
declare userid int default 0;
declare moleid int default 0;
declare couid int default 0;
declare mname varchar(255) ;
declare opsid int default 0;

declare c1 cursor for Select I_userID,I_operationID from space_operation_record where status<>0 group by I_userID,I_operationID order by createtime desc;
declare continue handler for sqlstate '02000' set done =1;
set tikk = now();
open c1;
fetch c1 into userid, opsid;
if not done then
select I_moleID from space_operation where status<>0 and ID=opsid into moleid;
if moleid <> '' then
select Nvc_identification from space_operation where status<>0 and ID=opsid into @identiftion;
if moleid > 0 then
Select Nvc_ename from space_mole where status<>0 and ID=moleid into mname;
set mname = 'space';
end if;

create temporary table if not exists sp_tab1(id bigint(20),Nvc_content MEDIUMTEXT,I_obyuID bigint(20),I_tID bigint(20),createtime datetime);
INSERT INTO sp_tab1 Select ID,Nvc_content,I_objectID,I_tmID,createtime from space_operation_record where status<>0 and I_operationID=opsid and I_userID=userid ;
select count(*) from sp_tab1 into couid;

set @ihod = 0;
set @listp = '';
set @listpp = '';
set @content0p = '';
set @content0 = '';
while couid > 0 do
select ID,Nvc_content,I_obyuID,createtime,I_tID into @iok,@conuiy,@objiplk,@crtimhr,@tmids from sp_tab1 where ID > @ihod order by ID asc limit 0,1;
if @iok <> '' then
if mname = 'blog' then
INSERT INTO space_operation_stat(I_operationID,I_userID,Nvc_content,D_stattime,createtime) VALUES (@iok,userid,@conuiy,@crtimhr,tikk);
elseif mname = 'team' then
if(@identiftion = 'addblog' || @identiftion = 'mdyblog') then
INSERT INTO space_operation_stat(I_operationID,I_userID,Nvc_content,D_stattime,I_tmID,createtime) VALUES (@iok,userid,@conuiy,@crtimhr,@tmids,tikk);
set @listpp = CONCAT(@listpp,CONCAT(@objiplk,','));
set @operarry1p = substring_index(@conuiy,'|',1);
set @operarry2p = substring_index(@conuiy,'|',-1);
set @content0p = CONCAT(@content0p,CONCAT(@operarry2p,SPACE(1)));
set @objlistp = substring(@listpp,1,length(@listpp)-1);
end if;
elseif mname = 'space' then
if(@identiftion = 'headphoto' || @identiftion = 'status') then
INSERT INTO space_operation_stat(I_operationID,I_userID,Nvc_content,D_stattime,I_tmID,createtime) VALUES (@iok,userid,@conuiy,@crtimhr,@tmids,tikk);
set @listppr = CONCAT(@listppr,CONCAT(@objiplk,','));
set @operarry1pr = substring_index(@conuiy,'|',1);
set @operarry2pr = substring_index(@conuiy,'|',-1);
set @content0pr = CONCAT(@content0pr,CONCAT(@operarry2pr,SPACE(1)));
set @objlistpr = substring(@listppr,1,length(@listppr)-1);
end if;
set @listp = CONCAT(@listp,CONCAT(@objiplk,','));
set @operarry1 = substring_index(@conuiy,'|',1);
set @operarry2 = substring_index(@conuiy,'|',-1);
set @content0 = CONCAT(@content0,CONCAT(@operarry2,SPACE(1)));
set @objlist = substring(@listp,1,length(@listp)-1);
end if;
set @ihod = @iok;
end if;
set couid = couid -1;
end while;

if @content0 <> '' then
set @contentp = CONCAT(@operarry1,concat('|',@content0));
Select createtime,ID into @uitimej,@IDjok from space_operation_record where status<>0 and I_operationID=opsid order by createtime desc limit 0,1;
if @uitimej <> '' then
INSERT INTO space_operation_stat(I_operationID,I_userID,Nvc_content,D_stattime,createtime,Nvc_objlist) VALUES(@iok,userid,@contentp,@crtimhr,tikk,@objlist);
end if;
end if;
if @content0p <> '' then
if @identiftion = 'addphoto' then
set @contentp = CONCAT(@operarry1p,CONCAT('|',@content0p));
set @contentp = CONCAT(@operarry1p,CONCAT(@content0p,'|'));
end if;

Select createtime,ID into @uitimej,@IDjok from space_operation_record where status<>0 and I_operationID=opsid order by createtime desc limit 0,1;
if @uitimej <> '' then
INSERT INTO space_operation_stat(I_operationID,I_userID,Nvc_content,D_stattime,createtime,Nvc_objlist,I_tmID) VALUES(@iok,userid,@contentp,@crtimhr,tikk,@objlistp,@tmids);
end if;
end if;
if @content0pr <> '' then
set @contentp = CONCAT(@operarry1p,concat('|',@content0pr));
Select createtime,ID into @uitimej,@IDjok from space_operation_record where status<>0 and I_operationID=opsid order by createtime desc limit 0,1;
if @uitimej <> '' then
INSERT INTO space_operation_stat(I_operationID,I_userID,Nvc_content,D_stattime,createtime,Nvc_objlist,I_tmID) VALUES(@iok,userid,@contentp,@crtimhr,tikk,@objlistp,@tmids);
end if;
end if;
delete from sp_tab1;
end if;
end if;

until done end repeat;
close c1;
drop temporary table if exists sp_tab1 ;

UPDATE space_operation_play SET status=0;
UPDATE space_operation_display SET status=0;
Select createtime into @ptimes from space_operation_stat where status<>0 order by createtime desc limit 0,1;
if @ptimes <>'' then
create temporary table if not exists sp_tab2(id bigint(20),Nvc_content MEDIUMTEXT,I_userID bigint(20),I_lyuID bigint(20),D_stattime datetime);
INSERT INTO sp_tab2 Select ID,Nvc_content,I_userID,I_tmID,D_stattime from space_operation_stat where status<>0 and createtime=@ptimes order by D_stattime desc limit 0,30;
select count(*) from sp_tab2 into @cou1id;
set @uoj = 0;
while @cou1id > 0 do
select ID,Nvc_content,I_userID,D_stattime,I_lyuID into @io1k,@conui1y,@objipl1k,@crtimh1r,@unlpa from sp_tab2 where ID > @uoj order by ID asc limit 0,1;
if @io1k <> '' then
INSERT INTO space_operation_play(I_statID,Nvc_content,D_stattime,I_userID,Createtime,I_tmID) VALUES (@io1k,@conui1y,@crtimh1r,@objipl1k,now(),@unlpa);
set @uoj = @io1k;
end if;
set @cou1id = @cou1id -1;
end while;
drop temporary table if exists sp_tab2 ;
end if;


Ⅱ mysql 存储过程总结(一)


存储过程是事先经过编译并存储在数据库中的一段 SQL 语句的集合,调用存储过程可以简化应用开发 人员的很多工作,减少数据在数据库和应用服务器之间的传输,对于提高数据处理的效率是有好处的。 存储过程思想上很简单,就是数据库 SQL 语言层面的代码封装与重用。


封装,复用 : 可以把某一业务SQL封装在存储过程中,需要用到 的时候直接调用即可。

可以接收参数,也可以返回数据 :再存储过程中,可以传递参数,也可以接收返回 值。

减少网络交互,效率提升 : 如果涉及到多条SQL,每执行一次都是一次网络传 输。 而如果封装在存储过程中,我们只需要网络交互一次可能就可以了。






注意: 在命令行中,执行创建存储过程的SQL时,需要通过关键字 delimiter 指定SQL语句的 结束符。

Ⅲ MYSQL用存储过程求1到100累加


Ⅳ 求一个统计月份mysql 存储过程


Ⅳ 如何查看mysql内的存储过程总数

查看存储过程创建语句可运行下列SQL语句:语法show create {procere|function} sp_name;例如查看存储过程myPro的创建语句show create procere myPro;查看自定义函数myFunc的创建语句show create function myFunc;

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