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发布时间: 2022-07-24 19:53:48

① 如何在chromium os中运行Android应用


② 为什么谷歌把铬的元素符号当成是chromium,一个浏览器的名称,有什么特殊含义吗

现在着名的开源项目,莫过于 android了!

③ 怎么让chromium android 体积变小

ionic browser add corsswalk
ionic build android

④ 把Ubuntu+win7+win xp+Chromium os+mac+Android 装到一块硬盘上

一块硬盘可以有三个主分区。先分三个主分区,再分一个扩展分区。扩展分区里再分几个逻辑分区。 第一分区装xp。第二分区装win7。第三分区装mac。扩展分区里第一个逻辑分区装ubuntu。第二个装Chromium。第三个装Android。最后还要几个swap分区。分别分配给mac、ubuntu、Chromium。引导启动统一使用grub2,装到hda()的主引导上。然后用grub2引导xp、win7、ubuntu、Chromium、Android肯定是没有问题的。至于mac我不熟悉不知道gurb2能否引导起来。

⑤ 怎么编译Chrome for Android

编译Chrome for Android目前有两种方式,一是在ROM编译环境下编出libchromeview.so,二是用Chromium主干的代码编译出ContentShell(一个测试用的外壳,只包含核心的代码,不包含Chrome的扩展特性,这两种方式目前都只支持在64位Ubuntu下面进行。


这种方式比较简单,下载当前版本Chrome for Android的tarball,解压后把Chrome目录放入ROM目录的$ROM/external下面,然后按照README.Chrome_for_Android_SourceDistribution里面的说明进行编译即可。
3.可以输出日志(#include "/base/logging.h"),但是没法调试和跟踪(理论上应该可以使用命令行gdb进行调试,不过配置起来应该比较麻烦,没有去尝试);


1.下载Chromium的tarball后需要使用gclient sync -nohooks同步新的代码,tarball里面的svn记录是1.6版本的,如果你的svn是1.7版本,需要先downgrade到1.6版本;
3.gclient runhooks一直失败,不过貌似也不影响编译;
4.如果编译时提示缺少$SRC/build/util/LASTCHANGE文件,可以从上面的Chrome for Android的tarball里面过来;
6.adb_gdb_content_shell实际上调用了adb_gdb,adb_gdb在中文Ubuntu环境下有一个bug,第861行”if [ "$STATE" != "Running" ]; then“可能会失败,因为在中文环境STATE实际值可能是”运行中“,这一行需要改成”if [ "$STATE" != "运行中" ]; then“;

⑥ 如何利用Chromium For Android开发Android浏览器


⑦ 如何编译Chrome for Android

下载 depot_tools
下载 depot_tools(默认下载到当前用户主文件夹下的 chromium 子目录,自行根据需要修改,下载完毕后需要将 depot_tools 的目录添加到 PATH)
cd ~ mkdir chromium cd chromium git clone chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/tools/depot_tools.git
fetch --nohooks android --nosvn=True cd src git checkout master # if you are building for Android: ./build/install-build-deps-android.sh gclient sync --nohooks
配置 GYP
~/chromium$ echo "{ 'GYP_DEFINES': 'OS=android', }" > chromium.gyp_env ~/chromium$ gclient runhooks
安装 Java JDK(如果已经安装可以跳过)
# 安装 Open JDK 1.7 ~/chromium$ sudo apt-get install openjdk-7-jdk # 配置为默认 JDK sudo update-alternatives --config javac sudo update-alternatives --config java sudo update-alternatives --config javaws sudo update-alternatives --config javap sudo update-alternatives --config jar sudo update-alternatives --config jarsigner
编译 Content shell
# 编译 Release 版本并安装到手机上 ~/chromium/src$ ninja -C out/Release content_shell_apk ~/chromium/src$ build/android/adb_install_apk.py --apk ContentShell.apk --release # 编译 Debug 版本并安装到手机上,Debug 版本可用于调试 ~/chromium/src$ ninja -C out/Debug content_shell_apk ~/chromium/src$ build/android/adb_install_apk.py --apk ContentShell.apk --debug

⑧ android怎么关掉chromium日子

“LOG(ERROR) << "chao uaprofile_overidden = " << uaprofile_overidden;”的方式打印出来log。


但是后来查看code发现,include “wtf/Assertions.h”头文件

然后使用WTFLogAlways("ResourceLoader::willSendRequest -2 -- chao");去进行打印
就可以从adb logcat里面看到自己打印的log了。

⑨ 请教android源码中external/chromium

问题要从引擎部分和Java界面部分来看。引擎部分,不准确的说,就是非Java部分的代码,是可以用于一个稳定的产品的。但是Java界面部分的代码,Chromium for Android只是提供了一个很简单的演示程序。距离具体的产品,还是有很多工作要做的。

⑩ 如何评价谷歌将把Chrome OS整合进Android这一举措

在hacker news上看到一条评论,觉得很有道理就贴过来:
Seems everyone here is panicking because they think that this means Chrome OS will be killed and Android will be made to run on Chromebooks - but I actually think the signs point to the opposite - Chrome OS becoming the Phone/Tablet OS under a new guise. I wouldn't read too much into a leak filtered through journalists, and instead look at what Google's actually working on:
- Google has Chromium developers working on a DART-based Mobile UI framework and execution engine, Flutter (Flutter). It's looking to be far better than the existing Android UI system - built for touch and 120fps from the start. This uses the Dartium VM and a bridge to allow the DART apps to use all the native features of the platform, it's much more than just another web framework. Development on this is very active right now, clearly a sizable team working fulltime - and they're building new developer tools also. There was a talk on this a while ago:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PnIWl33YMwA .
- Google has built a Runtime to allow existing Android Java-based apps to run on Chrome OS, and is currently testing this and working with developers to get their apps to run on it. It doesn't make much sense to invest in building that out just for chromebooks, since the experience on a Chromebook with Android apps is pretty awful (can't resize etc), but it makes total sense if it's going to be how legacy Java/Android apps run on the new Chrome based phone OS.
The sad truth is that Android simply isn't a very well engineered system - it's been improved over time, but problems persist - like the complex update process leading to unsatisfied users and security problems, poor UI performance (even now, Android can barely do simple animations at a steady 60fps on the latest Nexus devices, and has little hope of allowing for the beautiful animations the Material Design team has come up with), and poor battery life. Google's also at a dead-end with Java given the ongoing legal battles, and with Apache Harmony dead they have to maintain the standard library implementation themselves.
On the other hand, Chrome OS performs great, has awesome battery life on Chromebooks, is quite possibly the most secure end-user OS ever, and Chromebooks get speedy updates for at least 5 years. I know which one I'd choose as the basis for a merged OS.

而且正如上面贴的评论中指出的,chrome团队搞得这几个项目(开发人数和活跃度都是非常高的,说明不是玩笑),预示着:chrome OS的技术会占据android。
Android的优势是大量的app,品牌影响力和认知度,所以最终的融合可能会是:android的表,chrome OS的芯。


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