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發布時間: 2024-09-30 04:15:09

1. 什麼是SPL

SPL - Standard php Library


SPL - Standard PHP Library SPL is a collection of interfaces and classes that are meant to solve standard problems and implements some efficient data access interfaces and classes. You'll find the classes documented using php code in the file spl.php or in corresponding .inc files in subdirectories examples and internal. Based on the internal implementations or the files in the examples subdirectory there are also some .php files to experiment with.

The .inc files are not included automatically because they are sooner or later integrated into the extension. That means that you either need to put the code of examples/autoload.inc into your autoprepend file or that you have to point your ini setting auto_prepend_file to that file.

Below is a list of interfaces/classes already availabel natively through the SPL extension grouped by category.


2. spl軟體是什麼意思

Spl軟體是什麼意思?Spl代表「Stored Procere Language」,是一種編程語言,用於編寫存儲過程。存儲過程是一組可以執行的SQL語句。Spl可以創建函數、觸發器和存儲過程,完成復雜的資料庫操作。Spl軟體還可以協助開發人員高效地管理和維護資料庫。

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