❶ 求一個基於Java編寫的醫院預約系統源碼
摘 要
根據前幾個階段的分析和設計,本系統在設計方面採用B/S模式,同時使用JSP技術進行基本頁面的設計與功能實現,後台資料庫選用sql Server 2000資料庫。本系統的設計實施為醫院預約掛號系統的運行做基礎,為醫院預約掛號管理工作提供良好的條件。
In the 21st century, the unprecedented development of the network to the people's work and life has brought great convenience, information technology has become operational cost savings, improve efficiency of choice. In contrast, a considerable number of domestic small and medium hospitals, hospital appointment registration work is relatively conservative with manual work, data query and the high cost of storage, but the efficiency is very low. To make an appointment by registered hospital management more efficient, more science, decided to develop the hospital appointment registration platform.
In this paper, structural analysis, a function described in detail more powerful platform for the hospital before and after the appointment register sets and development, operational processes, and some of the key technologies involved. First, a feasibility analysis, and system analysis, business process through the actual research, analyze business processes and organizational structure of the system to complete the data flow analysis and data dictionary; then completed the system design phase is mainly divided into functional moles, elaborated the idea of the system design, database design and system design tools and techniques. This phase of the system function of each mole in detail the design, forming a functional block diagram of the system; database design first tested the concept design, followed by a logic design, and finally completed the data table design.
According to the first few stages of the analysis and design, the system used in the design of B / S mode, JSP technology, the basic page design and implementation of function, use SQL Server 2000 database backend database. Implementation of the system design registration system for the operation of the hospital appointment as a foundation for the hospital management to provide a good appointment registration conditions.
Key Words:Appointment registration; structural analysis; platform
目 錄
摘 要... I
Abstract II
一、引言... 1
(一)項目開發的背景... 1
(二)項目開發的目的... 1
二、可行性分析及總體設計原則... 2
(一)可行性分析... 2
1.技術可行性... 2
2.經濟可行性... 2
3.社會可行性... 3
(二)總體設計原則... 3
三、系統分析... 5
(一)業務流程分析... 5
(二)數據流圖... 6
(三)數據字典... 9
四、系統設計... 13
(一)系統功能設計... 13
(二)系統資料庫設計... 14
1.概念結構設計... 14
2.邏輯結構設計... 18
3.資料庫表設計... 18
(三)系統開發工具與開發模式的選擇... 20
1.系統開發工具... 20
2.系統設計模式... 21
五、系統實現... 22
(一)用戶模塊... 22
1.登錄及注冊管理模塊... 22
2.首界面... 23
3.用戶注冊界面... 24
4.公告界面... 25
5.科室預約界面... 26
6.留言界面... 27
(三)管理員模塊... 28
1.登錄界面... 28
2.科室管理界面... 28
3.添加專家界面... 29
六、性能測試與分析... 30
(一)測試的重要性... 30
(二)測試實例的研究與選擇... 30
(三)測試環境與測試條件... 31
(四)實例測試... 32
(五)系統評價... 32
(六)測試結果... 33
參 考 文 獻... 35
致 謝... 36
❷ 基於android的預約掛號系統源碼怎麼樣
小型醫院醫療管理系統的設計與實現 醫院作為一種醫療資源的集合,醫療和用戶的資料非常繁多,涉及很多的信息數據的管理,現今,雖然大多數醫院都使用了單機版管理系統或區域網管理系統,但還是沒法滿足這個起來越網路化的時代的要求。該小型醫院醫療管理系統傳襲了醫院醫療管理系統甚至手工管理系統在信息處理方面的長處,彌補了醫院醫療管理系統在網路化服務方面的缺失,使醫院的服務在服務質量沒有減弱的前提下,更方便病人,貼近病人。此系統設計上採用三層結構、Web Service技術,使之在選用平台、採用技術上具有先進性、前瞻性、擴充性,從而保證建成的系統具有良好的穩定性、可擴充性。系統設計按標准化、規范化,分層設計,構件化實現。採用軟體構件化的開發方式,使系統結構分層,業務與實現分離,邏輯與數據分離;以統一的服務介面規范為核心,使用開放標准。從功能上來說,系統是比較完備的,系統以Web界面與用戶交互,為用戶提供信息並接受其操作,同時通過資料庫管理系統來存儲信息數據。系統實現了對信息數據的瀏覽、查詢、編輯和管理等基本資料庫操作,採用了模塊化設計方法,根據用戶的需求及程序的應用與維護的易用性,將各個部分置於不同的模塊當中,方便了程序的擴展與維護,同時建立了程序功能復用的基礎。 / 關鍵詞:ASP 醫療管理 資料庫 sql 2000 畢業設計(論文)外文摘要 The Reaserch And Implement Of Network Saling System Based On B/S Abstract: The system is an online car saling system, using the model to Customised ASP sql 2000 running a small e-commerce platform. The network distribution system bands franchiser and workflow of the enterprise together, and cuts an effective channel from the enterprise to franchiser. The system can also improve the work's efficiency and increases the sale through breaking the obstacle between branch and branch, enterprise and enterprise. From the functional point of view, the system is relatively complete. Web interface with the system to users in the world, providing information to users and accept its operation, and through the database managemen [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] 下一頁
❸ 適合醫療行業的微信公眾號預約掛號系統源碼求介紹好用些的
覺得想做生活服務的話不如去微信城市服務裡面申請,只要當地還沒有的版塊都可以申請,微信的客戶群肯定是要比其他的多的,而且微信城市服務就是功能都在一起 這樣給別人感覺就是省事 以前需要辦什麼就要下載一個app 這樣就很煩 現在微信裡面直接就能處理了 誰還會下載app
❹ 掛號搶號神器哪個最快