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Ⅰ stm32f107 網路使用

我用過stm32F107乙太網通訊,單片機作為客戶端與PC機服務端通訊, 需要移植Lwip協議棧,Lwip協議棧提供了UDP、TCP、Socket 的API函數,使用時直接調用;建議你先看看此開發板自帶的常式源碼,裡面用了Lwip實現了telnet、http、ftp通訊。如果你沒有的話,我可以發給你。


Ⅱ gethostbyname()的源碼

struct hostent* gethostbyname(const char *name)
err_t err;
ip_addr_t addr;
/* buffer variables for lwip_gethostbyname() */
HOSTENT_STORAGE struct hostent s_hostent;
HOSTENT_STORAGE char *s_aliases;
HOSTENT_STORAGE ip_addr_t s_hostent_addr;
HOSTENT_STORAGE ip_addr_t *s_phostent_addr[2];
/* query host IP address */
err = netconn_gethostbyname(name, &addr);
if (err != ERR_OK) {
LWIP_DEBUGF(DNS_DEBUG, (lwip_gethostbyname(%s) failed, err=%d , name, err));
h_errno = HOST_NOT_FOUND;
return NULL;

Ⅲ 如何查看lwip源碼的當前版本

在Linux內核的頂層Makefile中,扒昌頂端就蠢蔽有,格式為 VERSION = 3 PATCHLEVEL = 0 SUBLEVEL = 8 EXTRAVERSION = NAME = Sneaky Weasel 以上的版春檔扒本號就是3.08

Ⅳ 求解LWIP 1.4.0源碼里#define TCP_PCB_COMMON(type)


Ⅳ STM32F4怎麼用LWIP協議棧裡面的TFTP協議上傳文件

第一步:用tftpserver.c中的err_t tftp_send_message(struct udp_pcb *upcb, struct ip_addr *to_ip, int to_port, char *buf, int buflen)向指定地沖中址發送寫文件請求;
第二步:用tftpserver.c中的void process_tftp_request(struct pbuf *pkt_buf, struct ip_addr *addr, u16_t port)函陸悶數處理回應,如果接收到回應後,process_tftp_request函數中的int tftp_process_write(struct udp_pcb *upcb, struct ip_addr *to, int to_port, char *FileName)函數發送數據文件。
基本流程就是上述所說散悉山,但是tftp_send_message()函數中的參數struct udp_pcb *upcb,數據結構非常復雜
struct udp_pcb {
/* Common members of all PCB types */

/* Protocol specific PCB members */

struct udp_pcb *next;

u8_t flags;
/* ports are in host byte order */
u16_t local_port, remote_port;

/* outgoing network interface for multicast packets */
struct ip_addr multicast_ip;
#endif /* LWIP_IGMP */

/* used for UDP_LITE only */
u16_t chksum_len_rx, chksum_len_tx;
#endif /* LWIP_UDPLITE */

/* receive callback function
* addr and port are in same byte order as in the pcb
* The callback is responsible for freeing the pbuf
* if it's not used any more.
* ATTENTION: Be aware that 'addr' points into the pbuf 'p' so freeing this pbuf
* makes 'addr' invalid, too.
* @param arg user supplied argument (udp_pcb.recv_arg)
* @param pcb the udp_pcb which received data
* @param p the packet buffer that was received
* @param addr the remote IP address from which the packet was received
* @param port the remote port from which the packet was received
void (* recv)(void *arg, struct udp_pcb *pcb, struct pbuf *p,
struct ip_addr *addr, u16_t port);
/* user-supplied argument for the recv callback */
void *recv_arg;

Ⅵ stm32+lwip作為MCU與tcp/ip協議棧,其為一般TCP客戶端,具有斷開重連機制,並作為HTTP的服務端,求代碼!



你要實現客戶端斷開不影響HTTP伺服器的運行,就需要建立兩個不同的TCP_SERVER_pcb和TCP_CLI ENT_pcb結構體,分別用於客戶端和伺服器的TCP/IP協議棧控制。並且需要兩個不同的發送和接收緩存,不然是不行的。


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