① 在linux下做圖形界面的系統要用到qt 嗎,我下載了qt5.5,這個和linux是獨立的
linux可以用QT 做圖形界面。也有QT的版本。windos的也有,所以你可以直接下一個linux版本的QT 就可以使用了
② qt-opensource-linux-x64-5.6.3.run有沒有對應的32位版本,官網上沒找到,有什麼辦法可以解決
建議用 5.5.1 ,功能差不了太多,要不就得自己在32位系統下從源碼編譯Qt了。
New Features in Qt 5.6
New Features
Qt Core
Reced memory usage of dynamic properties
Allow logging directly to syslog on Linux systems
Added QStorageInfo::blockSize()
new QVersionNumber class
Added key_iterator to QHash and QMap
Added const_iterator QByteArray
Added reverse iterator support to all sequential containers
added QDir::listSeparator()
Lots of performance optimisations in QString
Qt Network
Added QHostAddress::isMulticast()
Support HTTP redirection in QNetworkAccessManager
Improved cross-platform OpenGL ES 3.0 and 3.1 support to help the development of mobile/embedded apps utilizing GLES3 features.
Improved cross-platform high-dpi support.
Raster engine support for rendering internally with 16bits-per-color.
QImageReader now exports gamma values and other meta data for some image formats
Qt Widgets
Allow programmatic resizing of dock widgets
Allow dropping dock widgets into floating docks
Allow the user to re-arrange tabified docks
Allow horizontal scrolling using a mouse wheel in QListView
QOpenGLWidget and QQuickWidget are now supported on WinRT
Qt Testlib
More stable input event handling
Qt Multimedia
New Playlist QML type.
New audio role API for the media player (C++ and QML)
Support for camera focus and video probe on WinRT
New functions in QML AudioEngine to support dynamic object creation
Qt WebEngine
Based on Chromium 45
Support for pepper plugins including Flash
Support for unbundling and linking with system libraries on Linux
Support for following global Qt proxy settings.
More WebActions from QtWebKit and WebAction API in QML.
New QtWebEngineCore mole for shared low-level API
New core API for custom URL schemes
New core API for intercepting and blocking network requests
New core API for tracking or blocking cookies.
Support for writing JavaScript function names to Linux's perf output
Reced overall memory consumption
Moved all the debug services into plugins. Custom debug services can be added width additional plugins.
Font rendering
Optional support for using FreeType on Mac OS X
Embedded platforms
Added support for NVIDIA Jetson TK1 Pro boards running Vibrante Linux via a new eglfs backend utilizing DRM, EGLDevice and EGLStream
Added support for Intel Atom-based NUCs
Desktop platforms
Windows 10 fully supported (classic and WinRT app)
Windows Store apps are now composited inside a XAML layer, allowing for better integration with the native UI layer
Windows embedded
Added support for WEC2013
Qt WebView
Added support for WinRT
Qt Canvas3D
Support for using Qt Quick items as textures
Support for rendering directly to Qt Quick scene background or foreground
Qt Nfc
Added support for Android
Qt Positioning
Added support for OS X
Added support for GPS receivers exposed as a serial port on Windows desktop (all versions)
Removed libgeoclue dependency for the GeoClue backend
Qt Location
Added the Qt Location mole providing maps, navigation and places APIs for Qt Quick
Embedded platforms
libinput, when present, is now the default for eglfs and linuxfb
Image Formats
For security reasons, the MNG and JPEG 2000 handlers will by default no longer be built, unless the corresponding codec libraries are provided by the OS. Hence, the binary Qt releases for Windows and Mac will not contain prebuilt handlers for those formats, but users can still build them from source.
Qt Script
Qt Enginio
Qt WebKit
Qt Declarative (Qt Quick 1)
Other Changes
Deprecated Moles
The following moles are part of Qt 5.6 release, but deprecated and considered for removal in subsequent releases of Qt:
Removed Moles
With Qt 5.6 the following moles are no longer part of the release packages, but users can still build them from source:
③ 如何安裝qt for linux
接下來,在打開的頁面中,注意不單擊那個顯著的Download Now下載按鈕,這其實是下載一個安裝器到本地電腦,用安裝器下載Qt的速度很慢。
我們單擊下面的 View All Downloads 文字鏈接,打開真實的Qt下載地址直接下載。
在 windows 下常見的安裝方式需要下載的組件如下:
1)32 位 Windows,使用 MinGW:下載 Qt 5.4.0 for Windows 32-bit (MinGW 4.9.1) 【註:系統上無須已安裝 MinGW】
2)32 位/64位 Windows,使用 VS2013:下載對應版本的 VS2013 Qt 5.4.0 for Windows 32/64-bit 【註:系統上需要已經安裝 VS2013】
3)32 位/64位 Windows,使用 OpenGL:下載對應版本的 Qt 5.4.0 for Windows 32/64-bit VS 2010/2012/2013, OpenGL【註:系統上需要已經安裝 VS2010/2012/2013】
1)要根據自己的電腦系統來選擇組件。比如以上下載鏈接請先認準是在 windows 主機一欄下的鏈接。如果是 Linux 系統,則應到 Linux 主機一欄下去找下載鏈接
2)無需另外下載 Qt Creator 集成開發環境,以上每組組件均已包含
④ 如何下載qt-embedded-linux-opensource-src-4.6.3.tar.gz
⑤ Linux怎麼下載QT怎麼安裝QT怎麼找不到QT的安裝包主要回答一下怎麼弄到QT安裝包謝謝
作為開發者,我們需要下載的是QT SDK。
在QT SDK的安裝過程中,用戶可以自主選擇要安裝的組件。 另外,用戶會將會收到插件更新提醒,例如, QT Creator和/或新目標,並不需要額外的升級和多餘的下載。