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『壹』 BP演算法及其改進








Feed forward Neural Networks Training Algorithm Based on Convex Optimization and Its Application in Deposit Forcasting
JIA Wen-chen (Computer Application)
Directed by YE Shi-wei


The paper studies primarily the application of convex optimization theory and algorithm for feed forward neural networks』 training and convergence performance.

It reviews the history of feed forward neural networks, points out that the training of feed forward neural networks is essentially a non-linear problem and introces BP algorithm, its advantages as well as disadvantages and previous improvements for it. One of the big disadvantages of BP algorithm and its improvement algorithms is: because its error target function is non-convex in the weight values between neurons in different layers and exists local minimum point, thus, if the weight values enter local minimum point in weight values space when network is trained, it is difficult to skip local minimum point and reach the global minimum point (i.e. the most optimal point).If this happening, the training of networks will be unsuccessful. To overcome these essential disadvantages, the paper constructs a new error target function including restriction item according to convex function, Fenchel inequality in the conjugate of convex function and punishment function method in restriction optimization theory.
When feed forward neural networks based on the new target function is being trained, hidden layers』 outputs are seen as optimization variables. The main characteristics of the new target function are as follows:

1.With fixed hidden layers』 outputs, the new target function is convex in connecting weight variables; with fixed connecting weight values, the new target function is convex in hidden layers』 outputs. Thus, when connecting weight values and hidden layers』 outputs are optimized alternately, the new target function is convex in them, doesn』t exist local minimum point, and the algorithm』s sensitiveness is reced for original weight values .
2.Because the punishment factor is increased graally, weight values 』 searching space gets much bigger, so big networks can be trained and the possibility of entering local minimum point can be reced to a certain extent in network training process.

Using these characteristics can overcome efficiently in the former feed forward neural networks』 training algorithms the big disadvantage that networks training enters local minimum point easily. This creats a new idea for feed forward neural networks』 learning algorithms by using convex optimization theory .In networks training, connecting weight variables and hidden layer outputs can be optimized alternately. The new algorithm is much better than traditional algorithms for feed forward neural networks. The numerical experiments show that the new algorithm is successful.

By comparing the new algorithm with the traditional ones, a primary conclusion of their relationship is reached. It is proved theoretically that when the punishment factor nears infinity, the new algorithm is BP algorithm yet. The meaning and function of the punishment factor are also explained by numerical experiments. For three-layer feed forward neural networks, when the punishment factor is smaller, hidden layer outputs』 variable range is bigger and this is in favor to updating of the connecting weights values, when the punishment factor is bigger, hidden layer outputs』 variable range is smaller and this is not in favor to updating of the connecting weights values but it can improve precision of networks. This explains the reason that the punishment factor should be increased graally in networks training process. It also explains feasibility of the new algorithm and BP algorithm』s disadvantage that connecting weigh values can not be updated sometimes.

Deposit forecasting is very important in deposit geology. The previous algorithms』 effect is not good in deposit forecasting because of much more input samples. The paper applies the new algorithm to deposit forecasting and expectant result is reached.
The paper points out the new algorithm』s strongpoint as well as to-be-improved places in the end.

Keywords: feed forward neural networks, convex optimization theory, training algorithm, deposit forecasting, application








Feed forward Neural Networks Training Algorithm Based on Convex Optimization and Its Application in Deposit Forcasting
JIA Wen-chen (Computer Application)
Directed by YE Shi-wei


The paper studies primarily the application of convex optimization theory and algorithm for feed forward neural networks』 training and convergence performance.

It reviews the history of feed forward neural networks, points out that the training of feed forward neural networks is essentially a non-linear problem and introces BP algorithm, its advantages as well as disadvantages and previous improvements for it. One of the big disadvantages of BP algorithm and its improvement algorithms is: because its error target function is non-convex in the weight values between neurons in different layers and exists local minimum point, thus, if the weight values enter local minimum point in weight values space when network is trained, it is difficult to skip local minimum point and reach the global minimum point (i.e. the most optimal point).If this happening, the training of networks will be unsuccessful. To overcome these essential disadvantages, the paper constructs a new error target function including restriction item according to convex function, Fenchel inequality in the conjugate of convex function and punishment function method in restriction optimization theory.
When feed forward neural networks based on the new target function is being trained, hidden layers』 outputs are seen as optimization variables. The main characteristics of the new target function are as follows:

1.With fixed hidden layers』 outputs, the new target function is convex in connecting weight variables; with fixed connecting weight values, the new target function is convex in hidden layers』 outputs. Thus, when connecting weight values and hidden layers』 outputs are optimized alternately, the new target function is convex in them, doesn』t exist local minimum point, and the algorithm』s sensitiveness is reced for original weight values .
2.Because the punishment factor is increased graally, weight values 』 searching space gets much bigger, so big networks can be trained and the possibility of entering local minimum point can be reced to a certain extent in network training process.

Using these characteristics can overcome efficiently in the former feed forward neural networks』 training algorithms the big disadvantage that networks training enters local minimum point easily. This creats a new idea for feed forward neural networks』 learning algorithms by using convex optimization theory .In networks training, connecting weight variables and hidden layer outputs can be optimized alternately. The new algorithm is much better than traditional algorithms for feed forward neural networks. The numerical experiments show that the new algorithm is successful.

By comparing the new algorithm with the traditional ones, a primary conclusion of their relationship is reached. It is proved theoretically that when the punishment factor nears infinity, the new algorithm is BP algorithm yet. The meaning and function of the punishment factor are also explained by numerical experiments. For three-layer feed forward neural networks, when the punishment factor is smaller, hidden layer outputs』 variable range is bigger and this is in favor to updating of the connecting weights values, when the punishment factor is bigger, hidden layer outputs』 variable range is smaller and this is not in favor to updating of the connecting weights values but it can improve precision of networks. This explains the reason that the punishment factor should be increased graally in networks training process. It also explains feasibility of the new algorithm and BP algorithm』s disadvantage that connecting weigh values can not be updated sometimes.

Deposit forecasting is very important in deposit geology. The previous algorithms』 effect is not good in deposit forecasting because of much more input samples. The paper applies the new algorithm to deposit forecasting and expectant result is reached.
The paper points out the new algorithm』s strongpoint as well as to-be-improved places in the end.

Keywords: feed forward neural networks, convex optimization theory, training algorithm, deposit forecasting, application


2.1 BP演算法步驟






2.2 最優步長ηk的確定




3°令h=2h, η1=η0+h;








2.3 改進BP演算法的特點分析



『貳』 BP神經網路的核心問題是什麼其優缺點有哪些

人工神經網路,是一種旨在模仿人腦結構及其功能的信息處理系統,就是使用人工神經網路方法實現模式識別.可處理一些環境信息十分復雜,背景知識不清楚,推理規則不明確的問題,神經網路方法允許樣品有較大的缺損和畸變.神經網路的類型很多,建立神經網路模型時,根據研究對象的特點,可以考慮不同的神經網路模型. 前饋型BP網路,即誤差逆傳播神經網路是最常用,最流行的神經網路.BP網路的輸入和輸出關系可以看成是一種映射關系,即每一組輸入對應一組輸出.BP演算法是最著名的多層前向網路訓練演算法,盡管存在收斂速度慢,局部極值等缺點,但可通過各種改進措施來提高它的收斂速度,克服局部極值現象,而且具有簡單,易行,計算量小,並行性強等特點,目前仍是多層前向網路的首選演算法.

  • 多層前向BP網路的優點:

  • 網路實質上實現了一個從輸入到輸出的映射功能,而數學理論已證明它具有實現任何復雜非線性映射的功能。這使得它特別適合於求解內部機制復雜的問題;

  • 網路能通過學習帶正確答案的實例集自動提取「合理的」求解規則,即具有自學習能力;

  • 網路具有一定的推廣、概括能力。

  • 多層前向BP網路的問題:

  • 從數學角度看,BP演算法為一種局部搜索的優化方法,但它要解決的問題為求解復雜非線性函數的全局極值,因此,演算法很有可能陷入局部極值,使訓練失敗;

  • 網路的逼近、推廣能力同學習樣本的典型性密切相關,而從問題中選取典型樣本實例組成訓練集是一個很困難的問題。

  • 難以解決應用問題的實例規模和網路規模間的矛盾。這涉及到網路容量的可能性與可行性的關系問題,即學習復雜性問題;

  • 網路結構的選擇尚無一種統一而完整的理論指導,一般只能由經驗選定。為此,有人稱神經網路的結構選擇為一種藝術。而網路的結構直接影響網路的逼近能力及推廣性質。因此,應用中如何選擇合適的網路結構是一個重要的問題;

  • 新加入的樣本要影響已學習成功的網路,而且刻畫每個輸入樣本的特徵的數目也必須相同;

  • 網路的預測能力(也稱泛化能力、推廣能力)與訓練能力(也稱逼近能力、學習能力)的矛盾。一般情況下,訓練能力差時,預測能力也差,並且一定程度上,隨訓練能力地提高,預測能力也提高。但這種趨勢有一個極限,當達到此極限時,隨訓練能力的提高,預測能力反而下降,即出現所謂「過擬合」現象。此時,網路學習了過多的樣本細節,而不能反映樣本內含的規律

  • 由於BP演算法本質上為梯度下降法,而它所要優化的目標函數又非常復雜,因此,必然會出現「鋸齒形現象」,這使得BP演算法低效;

  • 存在麻痹現象,由於優化的目標函數很復雜,它必然會在神經元輸出接近0或1的情況下,出現一些平坦區,在這些區域內,權值誤差改變很小,使訓練過程幾乎停頓;

  • 為了使網路執行BP演算法,不能用傳統的一維搜索法求每次迭代的步長,而必須把步長的更新規則預先賦予網路,這種方法將引起演算法低效。

『叄』 多層感知器訓練樣本過多,預測不準,訓練樣本小則訓練精度好!

多層感知器是一種單向傳播的多層前饋網路模型,由於具有高度的非線性映射能 力,是目前神經網路研究與應用中最基本的網路模型之一,廣泛應用於模式識別、圖 像處理、函數逼近、優化計算、最優預測和自適應控制等領域。而多層感知器採用的 是BP演算法。BP演算法的收斂速度慢是個固有的缺點,因為它是建立在基於只具有局 部搜索能力的梯度法之上的,是只具有局部搜索能力的方法,若用於多個極小點的目 標函數時,是無法避免陷入局部極小和速度慢的缺點的。因此,對BP演算法的研究一 直以來都是非常重要的課題。
畢業設計課題旨在對多層感知器的學習演算法進行研究,並提出一種新的學習算 法。由於BPWE (權值外推BP)演算法和TBP (三項BP)演算法都是基於權值調整的改 進演算法,而考慮將TBP演算法中的均衡因子融入到BPWE演算法中,從而使後者對權值 的調整由原來的兩項增加為三項,從而提出一種新的學習演算法TWEBP演算法。為了 驗證本演算法的優點,採用了三個例子,分別對異或問題、三分類問題和函數逼近問題 進行了實驗,發現其收斂速度和逃離局部極小點的能力都優於傳統演算法。

『肆』 bp神經網路對輸入數據和輸出數據有什麼要求



BP神經網路模型拓撲結構包括輸入層(input)、隱層(hide layer)和輸出層(output layer)。BP網路具有高度非線性和較強的泛化能力,但也存在收斂速度慢、迭代步數多、易於陷入局部極小和全局搜索能力差等缺點。







『伍』 BP學習演算法是什麼類型的學習演算法它主要有哪些不足














『陸』 簡要說明前饋神經網路的BP演算法學習過程,並指出其具有什麼缺點及其原因


『柒』 RBF神經網路的缺點!

1.RBF 的泛化能力在多個方面都優於BP 網路, 但是在解決具有相同精度要求的問題時, BP網路的結構要比RBF 網路簡單。2. RBF 網路的逼近精度要明顯高於BP 網路,它幾乎能實現完全逼近, 而且設計起來極其方便, 網路可以自動增加神經元直到滿足精度要求為止。但是在訓練樣本增多時, RBF 網路的隱層神經元數遠遠高於前者, 使得RBF 網路的復雜度大增加, 結構過於龐大, 從而運算量也有所增加。3. RBF神經網路是一種性能優良的前饋型神經網路,RBF網路可以任意精度逼近任意的非線性函數,且具有全局逼近能力,從根本上解決了BP網路的局部最優問題,而且拓撲結構緊湊,結構參數可實現分離學習,收斂速度快。4. 他們的結構是完全不一樣的。BP是通過不斷的調整神經元的權值來逼近最小誤差的。其方法一般是梯度下降。RBF是一種前饋型的神經網路,也就是說他不是通過不停的調整權值來逼近最小誤差的,的激勵函數是一般是高斯函數和BP的S型函數不一樣,高斯函數是通過對輸入與函數中心點的距離來算權重的。5. bp神經網路學習速率是固定的,因此網路的收斂速度慢,需要較長的訓練時間。對於一些復雜問題,BP演算法需要的訓練時間可能非常長,這主要是由於學習速率太小造成的。而rbf神經網路是種高效的前饋式網路,它具有其他前向網路所不具有的最佳逼近性能和全局最優特性,並且結構簡單,訓練速度快。

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