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發布時間: 2022-03-13 01:25:46

1. 如何在阿里雲linux伺服器安裝git

Gentoo: emerge git Centos: yum install git Ubuntu: apt-get install git Debian: apt-get install git 其它:下載源代碼包,然後編譯安裝,或者用其它的包管理制。

2. 在阿里雲ESC上搭建的gitlit只能配置127.0.0.1作為IP訪問地址,請問如何配置可以讓外網能訪問


3. 在阿里雲上買的雲伺服器可以干什麼用




注重短期投資回報率,對產品的性價比要求較高;個性化需求強,傾向於全價值鏈、傻瓜型產品 。用戶在採用傳統的伺服器時,由於成本、運營商選擇等諸多因素,不得不面對各種棘手的問題,而彈性的雲計算伺服器的推出,則有效的解決了這一問題。

4. 怎麼用git把阿里雲的數據備份下來

使用阿里雲Ubuntu 12.0.4 64位操作系統做git伺服器。 首先git伺服器有兩種訪問方式可以選擇:http方式和ssh的方式,http方式更容易使用。 1、http方式的git伺服器搭建以及使用git命令行訪問: On the Server 1) Install Ubuntu Server, this is the base of our git server obviously 2) Now we need to install a couple of packages, these being 『git-core』 and 『apache2′, we do this like so:- apt-get update apt-get install apache2 git-core 3) Now we need to create a new folder for your new repository and set some inital permissons, we do this like so:- cd /var/www mkdir test-repo.git cd test-repo.git git --bare init git update-server-info chown -R www-data.www-data . 4) We now need to enable WebDAV on Apache2 of which we will use to serve the repository:- a2enmod dav_fs 5) We now need to configure the access restrictions to our repository by creating the following file:- /etc/apache2/conf.d/git.conf Then fill it in with the following content:- <Location /test-repo.git> DAV on AuthType Basic AuthName "Git" AuthUserFile /etc/apache2/passwd.git Require valid-user </Location> Then save and close the file, lets move on to the next bit.. 6) Next we need to create a user account of which you will need to use to browse of commit to the repository.. htpasswd -c /etc/apache2/passwd.git <user> You could then be prompted to enter the password for the user too and confirm it! 7) Ok that』s it for the server side configuration… we just need to restart Apache2 like so and then we should be ready to move on to the client side stuff! /etc/init.d/apache2 restart …you can now move on to the client side stuff! On the client side Ok so now we need to create a local (on your desktop machine) repository and then we』ll initiate the new remote repository… So, if your using Linux/MacOSX bring up the terminal and type the following commands:- mkdir ~/Desktop/test-project cd ~/Desktop/test-project git init git remote add origin <user>@<server name or IP address>/test-project.git touch README git add . git commit -a -m 「Initial import」 git push origin master Done! – Your intiial file named 『README』 which currently is just blank has now been committed and you』ve pushed your code to your new git server which has now completed the Git reposity creation process, now in future you can 『clone』 your resposity like so:- git clone <user>@<server name or IP address>/test-project.git 注意上面連接<user>@<server name or IP address>/test-project.git中的user就是你htpasswd -c /etc/apache2/passwd.git <user>輸入的用戶名。 另外新建倉庫的時候,只需執行: cd /var/www mkdir 項目名 cd 項目名 git --bare init git update-server-info chown -R www-data.www-data . 然後在/etc/apache2/conf.d/git.conf中對應添加上面類似段即可。 其中: AuthUserFile 密碼文件名 後面的文件就是你指定的密碼文件,你可以 htpasswd -c 密碼文件名 <user> 對應指定該項目的用戶名和密碼即可。添加用戶是不要-c參數: htpasswd 密碼文件名 <user>

5. 如何將自己開發的網站部署到阿里雲上


6. 怎麼在阿里雲伺服器搭建gitlab



7. Linux安裝git


8. 有人用國內的代碼託管服務嗎哪個體驗比較好

本主題適用於:版本Visual BasicC#F#C++Web Developer學習版僅限託管專業版、高級專業版和旗艦版僅限託管從 Visual Studio 2008 SP1 開始,默認情況下,調試器會在託管代碼中逐過程執行屬性和運算符。在大多數情況下,這會提供較好的調試體驗。 如果您希望調試器單步執行屬性或運算符,則可以禁用此行為。 使用「單步執行特定函數」 命令,可以單步執行屬性或運算符,即使關閉了自動單步執行屬性和運算符的功能也是如此。有關「單步執行特定函數」命令的信息,請參見

9. 阿里雲伺服器主要用途是什麼










10. 阿里雲伺服器 怎麼用git部署代碼

使用阿里雲Ubuntu 12.0.4 64位操作系統做git伺服器。
On the Server
1) Install Ubuntu Server, this is the base of our git server obviously
2) Now we need to install a couple of packages, these being 『git-core』 and 『apache2′, we do this like so:-
apt-get update
apt-get install apache2 git-core
3) Now we need to create a new folder for your new repository and set some inital permissons, we do this like so:-
cd /var/www
mkdir test-repo.git
cd test-repo.git
git --bare init
git update-server-info
chown -R www-data.www-data .
4) We now need to enable WebDAV on Apache2 of which we will use to serve the repository:-
a2enmod dav_fs
5) We now need to configure the access restrictions to our repository by creating the following file:-
Then fill it in with the following content:-
<Location /test-repo.git>
DAV on
AuthType Basic
AuthName "Git"
AuthUserFile /etc/apache2/passwd.git
Require valid-user
Then save and close the file, lets move on to the next bit..
6) Next we need to create a user account of which you will need to use to browse of commit to the repository..
htpasswd -c /etc/apache2/passwd.git <user>
You could then be prompted to enter the password for the user too and confirm it!
7) Ok that』s it for the server side configuration… we just need to restart Apache2 like so and then we should be ready to move on to the client side stuff!
/etc/init.d/apache2 restart
…you can now move on to the client side stuff!
On the client side
Ok so now we need to create a local (on your desktop machine) repository and then we』ll initiate the new remote repository… So, if your using Linux/MacOSX bring up the terminal and type the following commands:-
mkdir ~/Desktop/test-project
cd ~/Desktop/test-project
git init
git remote add origin http://<user>@<server name or IP address>/test-project.git
touch README
git add .
git commit -a -m 「Initial import」
git push origin master
Done! – Your intiial file named 『README』 which currently is just blank has now been committed and you』ve pushed your code to your new git server which has now completed the Git reposity creation process, now in future you can 『clone』 your resposity like so:-
git clone <user>@<server name or IP address>/test-project.git

注意上面連接http://<user>@<server name or IP address>/test-project.git中的user就是你htpasswd -c /etc/apache2/passwd.git <user>輸入的用戶名。
cd /var/www
mkdir 項目名
cd 項目名
git --bare init
git update-server-info
chown -R www-data.www-data .
AuthUserFile 密碼文件名
htpasswd -c 密碼文件名 <user>
htpasswd 密碼文件名 <user>

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