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❶ 簡述終端服務的功能,以及如何連接到終端伺服器上,如何開啟對方的終端服務


1,利用Windows 2000自帶的終端服務工具mstse.exe
2,使用windows XP 自帶的終端服務連接器mstse.exe

❷ 在伺服器端存儲過程中開啟事務,在客服端方法中還需開啟事務嗎


❸ 電腦連接不上伺服器是怎麼回事

SER1 新三國策IV南方更新伺服器
SER2 新三國策IV北方更新伺服器
SER3 三國策IV其它更新伺服器

❹ 往資料庫中插入一條數據 都會建立一次資料庫連接 開啟一個事務嗎

向資料庫中插入一條數據 不一定都會建立一次資料庫連接 開啟一個事務。

❺ 怎麼啟動分布式事務處理協調器(DTC)








❻ navicate怎麼在mysql的定時事務開啟

1、啟動Navicat for MySQL,新建資料庫連接,打開資料庫,可能有點啰嗦。

2、可以先查看定時任務的是否開啟。通過以下命令:show variables like '%sche%';

3、如果其設置值為為 OFF 或 0 ,通過執行下列語句,來開啟event_scheler,set global event_scheler =1,把設置為設為ON 或 1。

4、新建一個函數 ,取名為update_qian ,內容為 UPDATE week7_user SET isqian = 0


❼ 事務操作對應於資料庫怎麼管理

















❽ 在區域網內,想訪問其他計算機,系統提示說伺服器沒有設置事務處理,哪位高手幫幫忙多謝了

自Windows 2000系統以後,微軟就不再用NETBIOS來注冊計算機名,也不再靠WINS對計算機名稱進行解析,而是全部交付給了DNS。
那麼Windows系統是如何通過以上名稱注冊和解析原理來實現在「網上鄰居」上的瀏覽的呢?這就是要涉及到Windows系統中的一個非常重要的服務--Computer Browser Service(計算機瀏覽器服務)。 計算機瀏覽服務是一系列分布式的含有可用的網路資源列表,這些列表分布在一些計算機上,提出瀏覽請求的計算機充當瀏覽工作站,而提供瀏覽列表的計算機充當瀏覽伺服器。
域主瀏覽器―――僅用於域環境。在默認情況下,域的主域控制器 (PDC) 完成該任務。 收集和維護域中可用伺服器的主瀏覽列表,以及網路中其他域和工作組的名稱。分配和同步其他子網中主瀏覽器的主瀏覽列表,該子網有屬於相同域的計算機。
主瀏覽器 ―――收集和維護子網中可用網路伺服器的主瀏覽列表。完全復制列出的包括主瀏覽列表的信息以獲得網路的完整瀏覽列表。向同一子網上的備份瀏覽器分發完整列表。



(1)選舉是通過發廣播來實現的,如果哪個計算機的選舉條件比它收到的報文要好,則它將廣播自己的選舉條件,收到別人的選舉條件後每個計算機根據自己在域中的角色延遲不等的時間後再做反應,這樣能減少選舉條件較差的計算機發送選舉報文。 (2)當一個計算機選舉成為主瀏覽器並且它的瀏覽列表是空時,它將廣播一個請求通知的報文,強迫所有的計算機必須在30秒內給予答復,這個30秒的時間是為了防止伺服器過載或報文丟失。 (3)除了承擔主瀏覽器和備份瀏覽器任務的計算機外,其他計算機將向主瀏覽器周期性地發布通知,告知自己是可利用的資源。這個時間開始是1分鍾、2分鍾、4分鍾、8分鍾,以後就是每12分鍾一次了。 (4)如果某個計算機關機了,主瀏覽器連續3個周期也就是36分鍾沒有收到它的消息,將認定它不可用,並從瀏覽列表中刪掉它。但是它還留在備份瀏覽器的計算機里,備份瀏覽器每隔15分鍾呼叫主瀏覽器一次以獲得更新的網路資源列表,也就是說不可用的資源最多要等到36+15=51分鍾後才會從網上徹底消失。這就是為什麼有的計算機改了名,但舊名字依舊留在網上一段時間的原因。 在一個工作組里有一個主瀏覽器,那麼在多個工作組、多個域甚至多個子網里中又將如何呢?這就需要一個域主瀏覽器,每個工作組或域的主瀏覽器要周期性地向這個域主瀏覽器發送自已所管轄的列表,這個周期開始是1分鍾,5次後是15分鍾。如果3個周期內沒有收到這個報文,域主瀏覽器也將它從自己的列表中去除。也就是說,當一個工作組失效後,它還將在主列表中保留45分鍾。域主瀏覽器默認為主域控制器,Windows XP Professional版本的計算機不能擔此重任。當收到瀏覽列表後,計算機必須能解析裡面的NetBIOS名,這就要求網路的WINS服務或DNS服務必須正常,瀏覽才能正常,因為瀏覽的選舉過程是通過UDP廣播實現的。
注意:重啟伺服器上的COMPUTER BROWSER服務,打開伺服器上的ipc$,確保客戶端全部打開,在伺服器端用「ping 客戶端IP」逐一ping過來,確保可以全部ping通。如果客戶端是win2000的話,也要重啟一下COMPUTER BROWSER服務,


解決的辦法就是:先在區域網中找一台WIN2K,改個工作組名,然後依次改剩下的機器的(如果區域網中有WIN2K SERVER的就先改SERVER)

2、文章分類: 區域網
文章標題: 點擊網上鄰居的工作組,出現伺服器沒有設置事務處理
關 鍵 字: 0
文章作者: alonglee 轉
文章來源: 0
發表時間: 2004-6-20 1:59:00


這是一個以前遇見過的問題,就是A win2000 ,發現自己的c,d默認共享沒有了,ipc共享也沒有了,別人在網上鄰居訪問A計算機會出現,「伺服器沒有設置事務處理」,自己訪問自己用unc路徑也不能訪問,但A win2000訪問別人沒有問題,查了一下資料,發現是中毒了。
首先,我在進程中查看到一個叫wuamgrd.exe這個進程,證明中了一種叫「w32.spybot.worm的病毒「,在進程中結束她,然後在%SYSTEM%\SYSTEM32 下找\wuamgrd.EXE,把它刪除,重新啟動,發現問題解決,共享恢復,unc訪問正常。

W32.Spybot.Worm is a detection for a family of worms that spreads using KaZaA file-sharing and mIRC. This worm can also spread to computers infected with common back door Trojan horses.

W32.Spybot.Worm can perform different back door-type functions by connecting to a configurable IRC server and joining a specific channel to listen for instructions.

Discovered on: April 16, 2003
Last Updated on: May 20, 2004 02:27:17 PM

W32.Spybot.Worm is a detection for a family of worms that spreads using KaZaA file-sharing and mIRC. This worm can also spread to computers infected with common back door Trojan horses.

W32.Spybot.Worm can perform different back door-type functions by connecting to a configurable IRC server and joining a specific channel to listen for instructions.
Note: The October 8, 2003, virus definitions contain a modified W32.Spybot.Worm detection which accounts
for a minor variation discovered on October 7, 2003.
Also Known As: Worm.P2P.SpyBot.gen [KAV], W32/Spybot-Fam [Sophos], W32/Spybot.worm.gen [McAfee], WORM_SPYBOT.GEN [Trend], Win32.Spybot.gen [CA]

Type: Worm
Infection Length: various

Systems Affected: Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Me
Systems Not Affected: Macintosh, OS/2, UNIX, Linux

Virus Definitions (Intelligent Updater) *
April 16, 2003

Virus Definitions (LiveUpdate™) **
April 16, 2003
Intelligent Updater definitions are released daily, but require manual download and installation.
Click here to download manually.

LiveUpdate virus definitions are usually released every Wednesday.
Click here for instructions on using LiveUpdate.


Number of infections: More than 1000
Number of sites: More than 10
Geographical distribution: High
Threat containment: Easy
Removal: Moderate
Threat Metrics



Releases confidential info: Sends personal data to an IRC channel.
Compromises security settings: Allows unauthorized commands to be executed on an infected machine.

Shared drives: Spreads using the KaZaA file-sharing network, as well as spreading through mIRC.

When W32.Spybot.Worm is executed, it does the following:

Copies itself to the %System% folder.

Note: %System% is a variable. The worm locates the System folder and copies itself to that location.
By default, this is C:\Windows\System (Windows 95/98/Me), C:\Winnt\System32 (Windows NT/2000),
or C:\Windows\System32 (Windows XP).
如果是WINDOWS 2000系統,這個病毒會將自身復制在%SYSTEM%\SYSTEM32\下,

Can be configured to creates and share a folder on the KaZaA file-sharing network,
by adding the following registry value:

"dir0"="012345:<configurable path>"

to the registry key:


Copies itself to the configured path as file names that are designed to
trick other users into downloading and executing the worm.

Can be configured to perform Denial of Service (DoS) attacks on specified servers.

Can be configured to terminate security proct processes

Connects to specified IRC servers and joins a channel to receive commands.
One such command is to itself to many hard-coded Windows Startup Folders, such as the following:

Documents and Settings\All Users\Menu Start\Programma』s\Opstarten
WINDOWS\All Users\Start Menu\Programs\StartUp
WINNT\Profiles\All Users\Start Menu\Programs\Startup
WINDOWS\Start Menu\Programs\Startup
Documenti e Impostazioni\All Users\Start Menu\Programs\Startup
Dokumente und Einstellungen\All Users\Start Menu\Programs\Startup
Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu\Programs\Startup

Note: Symantec Security Response has received reports of variants of this worm creating zero-byte files in the Startup folder. These files may have file names such as Tftp780 or
TFTP###, where # can be any number.

Adds a variable registry value to one or more of the following registry keys:


For example:

"Microsoft Update" = "wuamgrd.exe"

May log keystrokes to a file in the System folder.
May send personal information, such as the operating system, IP address, user name, and so on, to the IRC server.

May open a back-door port.

The following instructions pertain to all current and recent Symantec antivirus procts,
including the Symantec AntiVirus and Norton AntiVirus proct lines.

1.Disable System Restore (Windows Me/XP).
2.Update the virus definitions.
3.Restart the computer in Safe mode.
4.Run a full system scan, and delete all files that are detected as W32.Spybot.Worm.
Delete the value that was added to the registry.
Delete any zero-byte files in the Startup folder.

For specific details on each of these steps, read the following instructions

1. Disabling System Restore (Windows Me/XP)
If you are running Windows Me or Windows XP, we recommend that you temporarily
turn off System Restore. Windows Me/XP uses this feature, which is enabled by default,
to restore the files on your computer in case they become damaged. If a virus, worm, or
Trojan infects a computer, System Restore may back up the virus, worm, or Trojan on the computer.

Windows prevents outside programs, including antivirus programs, from modifying System Restore.
Therefore, antivirus programs or tools cannot remove threats in the System Restore folder.
As a result, System Restore has the potential of restoring an infected file on your computer,
even after you have cleaned the infected files from all the other locations.

Also, a virus scan may detect a threat in the System Restore folder even though you have removed the threat.

For instructions on how to turn off System Restore, read your Windows documentation or one of the following articles:
"How to disable or enable Windows Me System Restore"
"How to turn off or turn on Windows XP System Restore"

For additional information, and an alternative to disabling Windows Me System Restore,
see the Microsoft Knowledge Base article, "Antivirus Tools Cannot Clean Infected Files in the _Restore Folder,"
Article ID: Q263455.

2. Updating the virus definitions
Symantec Security Response fully tests all virus definitions for quality assurance before they are posted to our servers.
There are two ways to obtain the most recent virus definitions:
Running LiveUpdate, which is the easiest way to obtain virus definitions
These virus definitions are posted to the LiveUpdate servers once each week (usually on Wednesdays),
unless there is a major virus outbreak. To determine whether definitions for
this threat are available by LiveUpdate, refer to the Virus Definitions (LiveUpdate).
Downloading the definitions using the Intelligent Updater
The Intelligent Updater virus definitions are posted on U.S. business days (Monday through Friday).
You should download the definitions from the Symantec Security Response Web site and manually install them.
To determine whether definitions for this threat are available by the Intelligent Updater, refer to the
Virus Definitions (Intelligent Updater).

The Intelligent Updater virus definitions are available: Read "How to update virus definition files using the
Intelligent Updater" for detailed instructions.

3. Restarting the computer in Safe mode
Restart the computer in Safe mode. All the Windows 32-bit operating systems, except for Windows NT, can be restarted in Safe mode.

NOTE: The following instructions are basic and can vary slightly depending on the operating system.

If the computer is running, shut down Windows and then turn off the power.
Wait 30 seconds, and then turn on the computer.
Start tapping the F8 key.
When the Startup Menu appears, ensure that the Safe mode option is selected. In most cases, i
t is the first item in the list and is selected by default. (If it is not selected, use the arrow keys to select it.)
Press Enter. The computer will start in Safe mode. This can take a few minutes.
When you are finished with all the troubleshooting, close all the programs and restart the
computer as you normally would.

4. Scanning for and deleting the infected files
Start your Symantec antivirus program and make sure that it is configured to scan all the files.
For Norton AntiVirus consumer procts
Read the document "How to configure Norton AntiVirus to scan all files."
For Symantec AntiVirus Enterprise procts
Read the document "How to verify that a Symantec Corporate antivirus proct is set to scan all files."
Run a full system scan.
If any files are detected as infected with W32.Spybot.Worm, write down the file names, and then click Delete.

5. Deleting the value from the registry

WARNING: Symantec strongly recommends that you back up the registry before making any
changes to it. Incorrect changes to the registry can result in permanent data loss or corrupted files.
Modify the specified keys only. Read the document, "How to make a backup of the Windows registry,
" for instructions.

Click Start, and then click Run. (The Run dialog box appears.)
Type regedit

then click OK. (The Registry Editor opens.)

Navigate to the key:


In the right pane, delete any values that refer to the file name that was detected as infected with W32.Spybot.Worm.

Navigate to the following key:


In the right pane, delete any values that reference the file name in step d.

Navigate to the following key:


In the right pane, delete any values that reference the file name in step d.

Navigate to the following key:


In the right pane, delete any values that reference the file name in step d.

Exit the Registry Editor.

6. Delete the zero-byte files from the Startup folder
Follow the instructions for your version of Windows:

NOTE: There may be legitimate files on your system that start with "tftp." Delete only the zero-byte files from the Startup folder.

To delete zero-byte files in Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000
On the Windows taskbar, click Start > Find (or Search) > Files or Folders.
Make sure that "Look in" is set to (C:) and that "Include subfolders" is checked.
In the "Named" or "Search for..." box, type--or and paste--the following file name:


Click Find Now or Search Now.
Delete the files that are zero-bytes in size and contained within any folder whose name ends with "Startup".

To delete zero-byte files in Windows XP
On the Windows taskbar, click Start > Search.
Click "All files and folders."
In the "All or part of the file name" box, type--or and paste--the following file name:


Verify that "Look in" is set to "Local Hard Drives" or to (C:).
Click "More advanced options."
Check "Search system folders."
Check "Search subfolders."
Click Search.
Delete the files that are zero-bytes in size and contained within any folder whose name ends with "Startup".

Revision History:

May 17, 2004: Added reference to possible registry key modification.
October 8, 2003: Added information regarding updated detection released in virus definitions on this day.
August 13, 2003: Updated removal instructions for Safe Mode.
August 7, 2003:
Upgraded from Category 1 to Category 2 e to increased prevalence.
Added information pertaining to the existence of 0-byte files in the StartUp folder.


❾ 如何實現跨伺服器的事務操作

exec sp_addlinkedserver 'ITSV', ' ', 'SQLOLEDB', '遠程伺服器名或ip地址 '
exec sp_addlinkedsrvlogin 'ITSV', 'false ',null, '用戶名', '密碼'

MSDTC服務提供分布式事務服務,如果要在資料庫中使用分布式事務,必須在參與的雙方伺服器啟動MSDTC(Distributed Transaction Coordinator)服務。

MSDTC服務依賴於RPC(Remote Procere Call (RPC))服務,RPC使用135埠,保證RPC服務啟動,如果伺服器有防火牆,保證135埠不被防火牆擋住。
使用「telnet IP 135」命令測試對方埠是否對外開放。也可用埠掃描軟體(比如Advanced Port Scanner)掃描埠以判斷埠是否開放

create trigger t_test on test
for insert,update,delete
set xact_abort on
begin distributed tran
delete from openrowset('sqloledb','xz';'sa';'',test.dbo.test)
where id in(select id from deleted)
insert into openrowset('sqloledb','xz';'sa';'',test.dbo.test)
select * from inserted
commit tran

select * from ITSV.資料庫名.dbo.表名

select * into 表 from ITSV.資料庫名.dbo.表名

exec sp_dropserver 'ITSV ', 'droplogins '

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