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『壹』 Delphi的命令行編譯命令

Borland出品的Delphi,有著閃電般的編譯速度,但是在界面控制項使用較多、工程項目較大的時候,編譯一個工程仍需要一段時間,打開龐大的Delphi IDE,也需要時間。其實,在一個工程開發結束,調試完成之後的Release編譯,完全可以用命令行來執行,因為Delphi的編譯器參數不像C++編譯器那樣復雜。

筆者把Delphi聯機手冊中關於命令行編譯(command-line compiler)的幾篇主題作了翻譯,希望對Delphi開發人員有幫助。

1. Command-line compiler
2. Command-line compiler options
3. Compiler directive options
4. Compiler mode options
5. DCC32.CFG file
6. Debug options
7. Directory options
8. IDE command-line options
9. Generated files

Command-line compiler
Delphi's command-line compiler (dcc32.EXE) lets you invoke all the functions of the IDE compiler (DELPHI32.EXE) from the DOS command line (see IDE command-line options. Run the command-line compiler from the DOS prompt using the syntax:
dcc32 [options] filename [options]
dcc32 [選項] [文件名] [選項]
where options are zero or more parameters that provide information to the compiler and filename is the name of the source file to compile. If you type dcc32 alone, it displays a help screen of command-line options and syntax.
If filename does not have an extension, the command-line compiler assumes .dpr, then .pas, if no .dpr is found. If the file you're compiling to doesn't have an extension, you must append a period (.) to the end of the filename.
If the source text contained in filename is a program, the compiler creates an executable file named filename.EXE. If filename contains a library, the compiler creates a file named filename.DLL. If filename contains a package, the compiler creates a file named filename.BPL. If filename contains a unit, the compiler creates a unit file named filename.dcu.
You can specify a number of options for the command-line compiler. An option consists of a slash (/) or immediately followed by an option letter. In some cases, the option letter is followed by additional information, such as a number, a symbol, or a directory name. Options can be given in any order and can come before or after the file name.

Command-line compiler options
The IDE lets you set various options through the menus; the command-line compiler gives you access to these options using the slash (/) delimiter. You can also precede options with a hyphen (-) instead of a slash (/), but those options that start with a hyphen must be separated by blanks. For example, the following two command lines are equivalent and legal:
The first command line uses hyphens with at least one blank separating options. The second uses slashes and no separation is needed.
The following table lists the command-line options. In addition to the listed options, all single-letter compiler directives can be specified on the command line, as described in Compiler directive options.
Option Description
選項 描述
Aunit=alias 設置單元別名
B 編譯所有單元
CC 編譯控制台程序
CG 編譯圖形界面程序
Ddefines 編譯條件符號定義
Epath 可執行文件輸出路徑
Foffset 查找運行期間錯誤
GD 生成完整.Map文件
GP 生成.Map文件Public段
GS 生成.Map文件Segment段
H 輸出提示信息
Ipaths 文件包含路徑
J 生成.Obj目標文件
JP 生成C++類型.Obj目標文件
Kaddress Set image base address
LEpath 包.BPL文件輸出路徑
LNpath .dcp文件輸出路徑
LUpackage 使用運行期間包列表
M 編譯有改動的源文件
Npath dcu/dpu文件輸出目錄
Opaths .Obj文件(匯編目標代碼文件)路徑
P 按8.3格式文件名查找
Q 安靜模式
Rpaths 資源文件(.RES)路徑
TXext 目標文件擴展名
Upaths 單元文件路徑
V 為Turbo Debugger生成調試信息文件
VN 以.Giant格式生成包含命名空間的調試信息文件(將用於C++Builder)
VR 生成調試信息文件.rsm
W 輸出警告信息
Z Disable implicit compilation
$directive Compiler directives
--Help 顯示編譯選項的幫助。同樣的,如果你在命令行單獨輸入dcc32,也會顯示編譯選項的幫助。
--version 顯示產品名稱和版本

Compiler directive options
Delphi supports the compiler directives described in Compiler directives. The $ and D command-line options allow you to change the default states of most compiler directives. Using $ and D on the command line is equivalent to inserting the corresponding compiler directive at the beginning of each source file compiled.
Switch directive option
The $ option lets you change the default state of all of the switch directives. The syntax of a switch directive option is $ followed by the directive letter, followed by a plus (+) or a minus (-). For example:
dcc32 MYSTUFF -$R-
compiles MYSTUFF.pas with range-checking turned off, while:
dcc32 MYSTUFF -$R+
compiles it with range checking turned on. Note that if a {$R+} or {$R-} compiler directive appears in the source text, it overrides the -$R command-line option.
You can repeat the -$ option in order to specify multiple compiler directives:
dcc32 MYSTUFF -$R--$I--$V--$U+
Alternately, the command-line compiler lets you write a list of directives (except for $M), separated by commas:
dcc32 MYSTUFF -$R-,I-,V-,U+
Only one dollar sign ($) is needed.
Note that, because of its format, you cannot use the $M directive in a list of directives separated by commas.
Conditional defines option
The -D option lets you define conditional symbols, corresponding to the {$DEFINE symbol} compiler directive. The -D option must be followed by one or more conditional symbols separated by semicolons (;). For example, the following command line:
「-D」選項允許你定義一個編譯條件,符合你用{$DEFINE symbol}定義的編譯器指令。「-D」選項後必須跟隨一或多個用分號分隔的編譯條件符號,如下命令:
defines three conditional symbols, iocheck, debug, and list, for the compilation of MYSTUFF.pas. This is equivalent to inserting:
at the beginning of MYSTUFF.pas. If you specify multiple -D directives, you can concatenate the symbol lists. Therefore:

is equivalent to the first example.

Compiler mode options
A few options affect how the compiler itself functions. As with the other options, you can use these with either the hyphen or the slash format. Remember to separate the options with at least one blank.
Make (-M) option
The command-line compiler has built-in MAKE logic to aid in project maintenance. The -M option instructs command-line compiler to check all units upon which the file being compiled depends. Using this option results in a much quicker compile time.
A unit is recompiled under the following conditions:
The source file for that unit has been modified since the unit file was created.
Any file included with the $I directive, any .OBJ file linked in by the $L directive, or any .res file referenced by the $R directive, is newer than the unit file.
The interface section of a unit referenced in a uses statement has changed.
Units compiled with the -Z option are excluded from the make logic.
If you were applying this option to the previous example, the command would be:
dcc32 MYSTUFF -M
Build all (-B) option
編譯所有 選項(-B)
Instead of relying on the -M option to determine what needs to be updated, you can tell command-line compiler to update all units upon which your program depends using the -B option. You can't use -M and -B at the same time. The -B option is slower than the -M option and is usually unnecessary.
If you were using this option in the previous example, the command would be
dcc32 MYSTUFF -B
Find error (-F) option
查找錯誤 選項(-F)
When a program terminates e to a runtime error, it displays an error code and the address at which the error occurred. By specifying that address in a -Faddress option, you can locate the statement in the source text that caused the error, provided your program and units were compiled with debug information enabled (via the $D compiler directive).
In order for the command-line compiler to find the runtime error with -F, you must compile the program with all the same command-line parameters you used the first time you compiled it.
As mentioned previously, you must compile your program and units with debug information enabled for the command-line compiler to be able to find runtime errors. By default, all programs and units are compiled with debug information enabled, but if you turn it off, using a {$D-} compiler directive or a -$D- option, the command-line compiler will not be able to locate runtime errors.
Use packages (-LU) option
Use the -LU option to list additional runtime packages that you want to use in the application being compiled. Runtime packages already listed in the Project Options dialog box need not be repeated on the command line.
Disable implicit compilation (-Z) option
The -Z option prevents packages and units from being implicitly recompiled later. With packages, it is equivalent to placing {$ IMPLICITBUILD OFF} in the .dpk file. Use -Z when compiling packages that provide low-level functionality, that change infrequently between builds, or whose source code will not be distributed.
Target file extension (-TX) option
The -TX option lets you override the default extension for the output file. For example,
generates compiled output in a file called MYSTUFF.SYS.
Quiet (-Q) option
The quiet mode option suppresses the printing of file names and line numbers ring compilation. When the command-line compiler is invoked with the quiet mode option
dcc32 MYSTUFF -Q its output is limited to the startup right message and the usual statistics at the end of compilation. If any errors occur, they will be reported.


DCC32.CFG file
You can set up a list of options in a configuration file called DCC32.CFG, which will then be used in addition to the options entered on the command line. Each line in configuration file corresponds to an extra command-line argument inserted before the actual command-line arguments. Thus, by creating a configuration file, you can change the default setting of any command-line option.
The command-line compiler lets you enter the same command-line option several times, ignoring all but the last occurrence. This way, even though you've changed some settings with a configuration file, you can still override them on the command line.
When dcc32 starts, it looks for DCC32.CFG in the current directory. If the file isn't found there, dcc32 looks in the directory where DCC32.EXE resides.
Here's an example DCC32.CFG file, defining some default directories for include, object, and unit files, and changing the default states of the $O and $R compiler directives:
Now, if you type:
the compiler performs as if you had typed the following:

Debug options
The compiler has two sets of command-line options that enable you to generate external debugging information: the map file options and the debug info options.
Map file (-G) options
The -G option instructs the command-line compiler to generate a .map file that shows the layout of the executable file. Unlike the binary format of executable and .dcu files, a .map file is a legible text file that can be output on a printer or loaded into the editor. The -G option must be followed by the letter S, P, or D to indicate the desired level of information in the .map file. A .MAP file is divided into three sections:
Line Numbers
-GS outputs only the Segment section, -GP outputs the Segment and Publics section, and -GD outputs all three sections. -GD also generates a .DRC file that contains tables of all string constants declared using the resourcestring keyword.
-GS選項只輸出Segment Section,-GS選項輸出Segment和Publics,-GD輸出所有的三個Sections.-GD選項也生成一個擴展名為.DRC的文件包含所有的用resourcestring關鍵字聲明的字元串常量。
For moles (program and units) compiled in the {$D+,L+} state (the default), the Publics section shows all global variables, proceres, and functions, and the Line Numbers section shows line numbers for all proceres and functions in the mole. In the {$D+,L-} state, only symbols defined in a unit's interface part are listed in the Publics section. For moles compiled in the {$D-} state, there are no entries in the Line Numbers section.
用默認的編譯選項{$D+,L+}編譯模塊(程序或單元),Publics Section列舉所有的全局變數、過程和函數,Line Numbers Section列舉模塊中所有的過程和函數的行號。如果用{$D+,L-}編譯選項編譯模塊,Publics Section中僅列舉在單元的interface部分定義的符號。如果用{$D-}選項編譯模塊,在Line Numbers Section沒有任何入口。
Debug info (-V) options
The -V options (-V, -VN. and -VR), which cause the compiler to generate debug information, can be combined on the command line.
Generate Turbo Debugger debug info (-V) option
生成Turbo Debugger使用的調試信息的選項(-V)
When you specify the -V option on the command line, the compiler appends Turbo Debugger 5.0-compatible external debug information at the end of the executable file. Turbo Debugger includes both source- and machine-level debugging and powerful breakpoints.
當你在命令行中使用-V選項時,編譯器會在可執行文件的末尾附加與Turbo Debugger5.0一致的外部調試信息。Turbo Debugger包含代碼和硬體級別的強大的斷點。
Even though the debug information generated by -V makes the resulting executable file larger, it does not affect the actual code in the executable, and does not require additional memory to run the program.
The extent of debug information appended to the executable file depends on the setting of the $D and $L compiler directives in each of the moles (program and units) that make up the application. For moles compiled in the {$D+,L+} state, which is the default, all constant, variable, type, procere, and function symbols are known to the debugger. In the {$D+,L-} state, only symbols defined in a unit's interface section are known to the debugger. In the {$D-} state, no line-number records are generated, so the debugger cannot display source lines whe

『貳』 我有一個delphi的源碼,編譯的時候有錯:找不到se_controls.pas

用Delphi編譯的時候,每一個單元都對應一個pas文件,所以你找不到這個pas文件,只能說明幾種情況,你的編譯文件夾下缺失了這個單元文件,或者你在重新編譯另存的時候沒有把這個文件保存過來,你還是找找你這個源碼的來源地,然後把pas文件拷過來,要是沒有pas文件,你就把相應的這部分的代碼源碼保存並命名為se_controls.pas;要是都沒有的話,要麼這個Delphi源碼你放棄好了;要麼在主文件裡面的代碼去掉USE這個單元的代碼。在編譯的主文件中你創建一個新的單元,裡面代碼就會增加一句use unit1,Unit2。。。。。。之類的,去掉那個,還有其他單元裡面有引用到這個單元的代碼也要去掉,不過很麻煩就是了。建議你另找尋新源代碼。

『叄』 delphi 帶包編譯 怎麼理解


『肆』 如何使用C++Builder編譯Delphi使用Obj文件

一直以來,Delphi 都可以用命令行 dcc32 ProjectName.dpr 對項目進行編譯鏈接,非常方便,Delphi對項目文件的參數配置處理的很簡單,便於閱讀處理起來也很直觀,編譯的中間文件也很簡單(dcu,dcp)。
而C++Builder就沒那麼幸運了,因為包含了C++的特徵,各種編譯的中間文件:lib,obj,res,map,tds。後來新版又增加了一些預編譯文件:ilc,ild,ilf,...,pch,#00,...等等等等,各種搜索路徑(Include Path,Library Path,Browse Path...),要是用bcc32及ilink32手工進行編譯鏈接,命令的參數都足夠寫上大半天。幸好,在舊版C++Builder中,如果要用命令行編譯BCB項目,只要將bpr文件轉換為mak文件,再使用make命令進行編譯鏈接也比較方便,不需要過多的處理:
[plain] view plainprint?
bpr2mak -oProject1.mak Project1.bpr
make -fProject1.mak

自從Delphi/C++Builder開始使用 MSBuild* 編譯系統後(好像是RAD Studio 2006開始,具體忘記了),Delphi項目在保存為dpr的同時,也會保存一份dproj的項目文件,dpr依舊沿用舊格式,dproj 則以MSBuild規范以XML格式保存,除了可以用舊方式命令行編譯dpr外,也可以用:

[plain] view plainprint?
msbuild.exe /t:Rebuild /p:Config=Debug ProjectName.dproj

進行編譯,但msbuild必須設定一些環境變數,RAD Studio自帶了一個命令行工具已經做好了這些,其實就是設定了以下幾個環境變數($(BDS)\bin\rsvars.bat):

[plain] view plainprint?
@SET BDS=C:\Embarcadero\RAD Studio\7.0
@SET BDSCOMMONDIR=C:\Users\Public\Documents\RAD Studio\7.0
@SET FrameworkDir=C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727
@SET FrameworkVersion=v2.0.50727
@SET FrameworkSDKDir=
@SET PATH=%FrameworkDir%;%FrameworkSDKDir%;%PATH%

C++Builder則又更杯具了一些,bpr2mak.exe工具已經沒有了,所以只能採用MSBuild進行命令行編譯。更加杯具的是,隨著Delphi和BCB被多次轉賣收購,新版本的發布似乎總會有各種各樣的Bug,比如手頭的RAD Studio 2009進行命令行編譯,Delphi正常,BCB則報出超過100個錯誤,類似如下:

[plain] view plainprint?
C:\Embarcadero\RAD Studio\7.0\Bin\CodeGear.Cpp.Targets(2175,3): error : Error: Unresolved external '__fastcall Strhlpr::UnicodeFree(System::UnicodeString&)' referenced from C:\EMBARCADERO\RAD STUDIO\7.0\LIB\DEBUG\VCLE.LIB|ustring
C:\Embarcadero\RAD Studio\7.0\Bin\CodeGear.Cpp.Targets(2175,3): error : Error: Unresolved external 'Typinfo::BooleanIdents' referenced from C:\EMBARCADERO\RAD STUDIO\7.0\LIB\DEBUG\VCLE.LIB|vclinit

檢查了一下發現編譯過程(bcc32.exe)沒有問題,只是在ilink32.exe鏈接過程中報錯,在IDE中打開此項目進行編譯,查看Message->Output窗口,比較兩者的ilink32命令行參數,發現兩者有兩個地方有明顯差異,一個是IDE生成的命令中沒有類似 C:\Embarcadero\RAD Studio\7.0\lib\EN\debug 的路徑(指的是EN這個目錄,去除上面rsvars.bat中的@SET LANGDIR=EN 就可以避免產生這樣的搜索路徑) ,但是雖然這個目錄不存在,也應該不至於導致出錯。第二個差異是缺少了rtl.bpi和vcl.bpi的附加obj參數,解決辦法是在$(BDS)\bin目錄中找到 CodeGear.Cpp.Targets 文件,用記事本打開,搜索字元「memmgr.lib「,在前面加上"rtl.bpi;vcl.bpi" (用;分隔,不含引號),一共有兩處要修改。或者查找 "c0w32",在後面加上 "rtl.bpi;vcl.bpi",只有一處修改 —— 因為IDE的命令行中 rtl.bpi vcl.bpi是在c0w32和memmgr.lib中間的。—— (注意:在XE2中,加在c0w32後面已經不管用了,編譯會報另一個錯誤VCL.BPIW.OBJ不存在,Targets文件有很大變化,可能參數的位置變動過了,導致與其他參數混在一起,所以還是加到memmgr.lib處更加合理)。

一些組件包比如DevExpress的Package,沒有dproj或者cproj 項目文件,只能通過IDE進行轉換,但坑爹的是bpk在好幾個版本以前(CRS 2007?)已經不支持bpk項目,根本打不開也談不上轉換了,但它其實是一個make文件,可惜用make命令編譯還是要出錯,不想去研究了。總之,BCB永遠活在Delphi的陰影下。

『伍』 delphi編譯器效率高到底是指什麼


1、編譯連接時間短,這一點是其他任何編譯器都無法相比的(一般來說,VC, VB編譯過程所用的時間是Delphi的幾倍),原因很簡單:Pascal語法限制嚴格,用戶必須規范地編碼,省去了編譯器的很多麻煩。




Delphi的致命缺點,其實不是技術——技術它是領先的,毫無疑問,問題是市場策略和公司實力(Borland只是家小公司),微軟「攜操作系統以令諸侯」,誤導了眾多軟體開發公司,讓它們以為微軟的才正宗和好用,造成了事實上的VB,VC用戶群遠比Borland的龐大,源代碼數量也一樣是C/C++遠遠占優,而Borland的C++ Builder卻開發得太晚難以形成市場優勢。

概括來說,如果你要開發上層應用為主的程序,特別是資料庫方面的程序,那麼Delphi能讓你省不少時間;而若開發底層些的軟體,為能有更多相關代碼可以參考利用,為能容易地招聘到更合適的程序員,以及為了代碼維護方便,都適合用C/C++去做,當然,C++ Builder從技術上說是個不錯的選擇,只是用戶群還太小。

『陸』 Delphi寫的程序怎麼編譯成可執行文件


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