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A. 「全譯,節譯,改譯,編譯,譯要,綜譯」怎麼翻譯成英文啊

1 Full translation
2 Abridged translation
3 semi-translation -- not true translation, but a kind of translation combined with some creation
4 Edition/Compilation-oriented translation
5 譯要(什麼意思?還望告知!)
6 Overview translation

B. 翻譯 編譯 解譯 的區別 英語的解釋更好

Translation: the language into another language.
Compiler: on the basis of the translation, but it is the preparation of a number of things inside.
Interpretation: In the translation on the basis of his own (or others) to understand (or explain).
【Difference】: the compiler, are interpreted on the basis of the translation.

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