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『壹』 vlc播放器是用什麼寫出來的


Third party libraries used by VLC
You'll find a complete list on the wiki.

But, here are the most important libraries.

Audio/Video codecs
liba52 - an ATSC A/52 (aka AC3) audio decoder
libmad - an MPEG audio decoder
libmpeg2 - an MPEG1/2 video decoder
libavcodec (ffmpeg) - an extensive audio/video codec library which supports several formats like MPEG4, H263, WMV/A etc...
libogg - an Ogg bitstream parser
libvorbis - a Vorbis audio decoder
libflac - a FLAC (Free Lossless Audio Codec) audio decoder
libspeex - a Speex (Free speech codec) audio decoder
libtheora - a Theora video decoder
libfaad2 - an AAC audio decoder
libdv - a DV video decoder (deprecated in favor of libavcodec)
libxvidcore (xvid) - an ISO MPEG-4 compliant video codec (deprecated in favor of libavcodec)
libdca - A DTS Coherent Acoustics decoding library.

GUI framework libraries
wxWidgets - a cross-platform C++ GUI framework that keeps the look and feel of each platform
QT4 - a C++ Cross-Platform Rich Client Development Framework

Audio/Video output libraries
libsdl - a cross-platform multimedia library designed to provide level access to audio, and 2D video framebuffer

Miscellaneous libraries
libdvdcss - a library for accessing encrypted DVDs
libdvdnav - a library for DVD navigation
libdvdread - a library for reading DVD-Video images
libdvbpsi - a library designed for decoding and generation of MPEG TS and DVB PSI tables
libopenslp - an open-source implementation of Service Location Protocol
gettext - a set of tools that provides a framework to help applications proce multi-lingual messages
libfreetype2 - a software font engine that is designed to be small, efficient, highly customizable and portable while capable of procing high-quality output (glyph images).
fribidi - A Free Implementation of the Unicode Bidirectional Algorithm
liveMedia - C++ libraries for multimedia streaming (RTP/RTCP, RTSP, SIP)
matroska - a new, extensible open standard Audio/Video container format

If you're using those libs to compile VLC for windows with mingw-gcc 3.3.1, you can use our Win32 contribs.


『貳』 解決Android Vlc編譯報錯couldn't find "libcompat.7.so







『叄』 android 編程的開源視頻lvc運行源碼的時候出現如下問題,怎麼解決


『肆』 android 如何使用vlc進行二次開發


『伍』 如何解決android ndk r8c 老是重新編譯源代碼的問題

ndk編譯是針對jni的。jni是java native interface的縮寫,意為java本地介面。 java本地介面一般是用c語言來實現一些功能,然後通過特定的格式暴露介面給java調用。但是C語言的代碼不能直接被java使用,而是需要通過ndk進行編譯,編譯後會在libs目錄下生成.so文件,這事動態運行庫,這時C語言曝露出的介面才能被java調用。 樓主可以檢查你的vlc項目中的libs目錄下,是否包含了.so文件,如果有的話一般是不需要ndk進行 編譯的。不過如果樓主修改了c語言中的代碼,那麼為了使修改生效必須從新用ndk編譯,編譯後會刪除原來生成的.so,並生成新的.so文件。 使用ndk-r7以及更高版本的ndk,可以免安裝cygwin而直接使用命令行進行編譯,非常方便。 方法: 將ndk的根目錄設置環境變數,然後dos命令行進入需要編譯的項目的根目錄,執行命令 ndk-build

『陸』 編譯android-vlc支持rtsp,是不是需要添加live555

我在開發板上移植了live555MediaServer,可以實現正常的傳輸。但似乎性能很不高,當進行16路D1的數據傳輸時,系統從硬碟上讀取文件,CPU的idle時間幾乎為0,以下是我用top命令看到的系統性能: Live555MediaServer 進程佔用CPU-- 50%

『柒』 求vlc播放器的源代碼

最新版源碼下載地址: http://download.videolan.org/pub/videolan/vlc/1.1.7/vlc-1.1.7.tar.bz2
- http://wiki.videolan.org/Win32CompileMSYS
- http://wiki.videolan.org/Win32CompileCygwin

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