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① mex文件的MEX的編寫

mex的編譯結果實際上就是一個帶輸出函數mexFunction 的dll文件,所以寫MEX程序其實就是寫一個DLL程序。編寫MEX程序的編輯器可以使用MATLAB的代碼編輯器,也可使用自己的C++編輯器,如VS2008等。 #includemex.hvoidmexFunction(intnlhs,mxArray*plhs[],intnrhs,constmxArray*prhs[]){}四個參數分別用來輸出和輸入數據: nlhs 是輸出參數個數,plhs 是輸出參數指針;nrhs 是輸入參數個數,prhs 是輸入參數指針。
注意: 對輸出和輸入參數的操作都是通過指針的方式進行的。 對輸入數據進行操作,需要通過MEX函數mxGetPr 得到數據的指針地址。 mxGetM 和 mxGetN 得到矩陣數據的行和列 (返回整數)。對於實矩陣,我們可以定義 double *M; 來對實矩陣數據操作。如: double*M;intm,n;//指針指向第一個參數的數據地址M=mxGetPr(prhs[0]);m=mxGetM(prhs[0]);n=mxGetN(prhs[0]);MATLAB矩陣數據的存儲順序是從上到下,從左到右的,這點和Fortran是一樣的。也就是說對於MATLAB的m x n的矩陣A。 A(1,1) 就是 *M,A(2,1) 就是 *(M+1) ,以此類推,A(i,j) 就是 *(M + n*(j-1) + (i-1)).
注意: MATLAB的指標從1開始,C的指標從0開始。 創建文件 timestwoalt.c,其內容如下: #includemex.hvoidtimestwo_alt(double*y,doublex){*y=2.0*x;}voidmexFunction(intnlhs,mxArray*plhs[],intnrhs,constmxArray*prhs[]){double*M;intm,n;//指針指向第一個參數的數據地址M=mxGetPr(prhs[0]);m=mxGetM(prhs[0]);n=mxGetN(prhs[0]);plhs[0]=mxCreateDoubleMatrix(m,n,mxINT32_CLASS,mxREAL);//生成mxn的實矩陣,分配內存空間double*A;A=mxGetPr(plhs[0]);timestwo_alt(A,*M);//調用並直接賦值到指針指向的輸出變數}

② MATLAB mex 找不到編譯器怎麼辦




方法一:如果以預設選項安裝了SDK7.1(不改變默認安裝路徑),可以嘗試輸入n後,選擇 [14] (注意:是14,不是11!),強制定位該編譯器(網上有人用這種方法成功了:http://mlinking.blog.163.com/blog/static/185801922201331464626365/)



③ 用mex編譯.c文件怎麼指定.c文件要包含的頭文件

mex Compile mex-function

mex [options ...] file [files ...]

mex compiles and links source files into a shared library called a
mex-file, executable from within MATLAB. It also builds executable
files for standalone MATLAB engine and MAT-file applications.

Command Line Options Available on All Platforms:
Compile only. Creates an object file but not a mex-file.
-client engine
Build standalone MATLAB engine or MAT-file application.
Build a mex-file using the MATLAB Version 7.2 array-handling
API, which limits arrays to 2^31-1 elements. This option is the
default, but in the future the -largeArrayDims option will be
the default.
Define a symbol name to the C preprocessor. Equivalent to a
"#define <name>" directive in the source. Do not add a space
after this switch.
Define a symbol name and value to the C preprocessor. Equivalent
to a "#define <name> <value>" directive in the source. Do not
add a space after this switch.
-f <optionsfile>
For advanced users. Specify location and name of the mex
configuration file to use. Overrides mex's default compiler
selection mechanism.
Create a mex-file containing additional symbolic information for
use in debugging. This option disables mex's default behavior of
optimizing built object code (see the -O option).
Display this message.
Add <pathname> to the list of directories to search for #include
files. Do not add a space after this switch.
Link with object library. On Windows, <name> expands to
"<name>.lib" or "lib<name>.lib". On Linux, to "lib<name>.so".
On Mac, to "lib<name>.dylib". Do not add a space after this
Add <folder> to the list of folders to search for
libraries specified with the -l option. Do not add a space
after this switch.
Build a mex-file using the MATLAB large-array-handling API. This
API can handle arrays with more than 2^31-1 elements when
compiled on 64-bit platforms. -compatibleArrayDims is the
default option.
No execute mode. Display commands that mex would otherwise
have executed, but do not actually execute any of them.
Optimize the object code. Optimization is enabled by default and
by including this option on the command line. If the -g option
appears without the -O option, optimization is disabled.
-outdir <dirname>
Place all output files in folder <dirname>.
-output <resultname>
Create mex-file named <resultname>. The appropriate mex-file
extension is automatically appended. Overrides mex's default
mex-file naming mechanism.
-setup <lang>
Change the default compiler to build <lang> language mex-files.
When this option is specified, no other command line
input is accepted.
Suppress informational messages. The mex function still reports
errors and warnings, even when you specify -silent.
Remove any initial definition of the C preprocessor symbol
<name>. (Inverse of the -D option.) Do not add a space after
this switch.
Verbose mode. Display the values for important internal
variables after all command line arguments are considered.
Displays each compile step and final link step fully evaluated.
Override default setting for variable <name>. This option is
processed after all command line arguments are considered.

Command Line Options Available Only on Windows Platforms:
Include contents of the text file <rspfile> as command line
arguments to mex.

④ matlab mex 編譯器怎麼編譯文件

MEX文件的後綴名為 .mexw32
>> mex –setup按照提示進行,最後出現Done…系統配置完畢。
1. MEX文件的結構
a) 計運算元程序
b) 入口子程序,void mexFunction(int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[],int nrhs,const mxArray *prhs[]){ /*用戶特定的代碼….*/ }
2. 創建timestwoalt.c
#include "mex.h"
void timestwo_alt(double *y, double x)
*y = 2.0*x;
void mexFunction( int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[],
int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[] )
double *y;
/* 檢查參數 */
if (nrhs != 1) {
mexErrMsgTxt("One input argument required.");
} else if (nlhs > 1) {
mexErrMsgTxt("Too many output arguments.");
} else if (!mxIsNumeric(prhs[0])) {
mexErrMsgTxt("Argument must be numeric.");
} else if (mxGetNumberOfElements(prhs[0]) != 1 || mxIsComplex(prhs[0])) {
mexErrMsgTxt("Argument must be non-complex scalar.");
/* 為輸出參數創建變數 */
plhs[0] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(1,1,mxREAL);
為參數 x、y賦值,x為值,而y為指針
x = mxGetScalar(prhs[0]);
y = mxGetPr(plhs[0]);
/* 調用timestwo_alt 子函數 */
3. 編譯鏈接C語言的MEX文件源程序,在MATLAB的控制窗口中輸入:mex timestwoalt.c生成一個名為timestwoalt.mexw32的MEX文件
4. 運行:在MATLAB的控制窗口中輸入
MEX文件實現了一種C語言與MATLAB的介面,其實際的計算功能仍在C語言形式的計運算元程序中完成,而入口子程序的功能是檢查參數以匹配C語言的參數規范(how to?)。

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