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① 學java英語要好嗎


② 介紹JAVA的英語短文


Java is a programming language originally developed by James Gosling at Sun Microsystems and released in 1995 as a core component of Sun Microsystems' Java platform. The language derives much of its syntax from C and C++ but has a simpler object model and fewer low-level facilities. Java applications are typically compiled to bytecode that can run on any Java virtual machine (JVM) regardless of computer architecture.

The original and reference implementation Java compilers, virtual machines, and class libraries were developed by Sun from 1995. As of May 2007, in compliance with the specifications of the Java Community Process, Sun made available most of their Java technologies as free software under the GNU General Public License. Others have also developed alternative implementations of these Sun technologies, such as the GNU Compiler for Java and GNU Classpath.

One characteristic of Java is portability, which means that computer programs written in the Java language must run similarly on any supported hardware/operating-system platform. One should be able to write a program once, compile it once, and run it anywhere.

This is achieved by compiling the Java language code, not to machine code but to Java bytecode – instructions analogous to machine code but intended to be interpreted by a virtual machine (VM) written specifically for the host hardware. End-users commonly use a Java Runtime Environment (JRE) installed on their own machine for standalone Java applications, or in a Web browser for Java applets.

Standardized libraries provide a generic way to access host specific features such as graphics, threading and networking. In some JVM versions, bytecode can be compiled to native code, either before or ring program execution, resulting in faster execution.

A major benefit of using bytecode is porting. However, the overhead of interpretation means that interpreted programs almost always run more slowly than programs compiled to native executables would, and Java suffered a reputation for poor performance. This gap has been narrowed by a number of optimization techniques introced in the more recent JVM implementations.

One such technique, known as just-in-time (JIT) compilation, translates Java bytecode into native code the first time that code is executed, then caches it. This results in a program that starts and executes faster than pure interpreted code can, at the cost of introcing occasional compilation overhead ring execution. More sophisticated VMs also use dynamic recompilation, in which the VM analyzes the behavior of the running program and selectively recompiles and optimizes parts of the program. Dynamic recompilation can achieve optimizations superior to static compilation because the dynamic compiler can base optimizations on knowledge about the runtime environment and the set of loaded classes, and can identify hot spots - parts of the program, often inner loops, that take up the most execution time. JIT compilation and dynamic recompilation allow Java programs to approach the speed of native code without losing portability.

Another technique, commonly known as static compilation, or ahead-of-time (AOT) compilation, is to compile directly into native code like a more traditional compiler. Static Java compilers translate the Java source or bytecode to native object code. This achieves good performance compared to interpretation, at the expense of portability; the output of these compilers can only be run on a single architecture. AOT could give Java something close to native performance, yet it is still not portable since there are no compiler directives, and all the pointers are indirect with no way to micro manage garbage collection.

Java's performance has improved substantially since the early versions, and performance of JIT compilers relative to native compilers has in some tests been shown to be quite similar.[12][13] The performance of the compilers does not necessarily indicate the performance of the compiled code; only careful testing can reveal the true performance issues in any system.

One of the unique advantages of the concept of a runtime engine is that even the most serious errors (exceptions) in a Java program should not 'crash' the system under any circumstances, provided the JVM itself is properly implemented. Moreover, in runtime engine environments such as Java there exist tools that attach to the runtime engine and every time that an exception of interest occurs they record debugging information that existed in memory at the time the exception was thrown (stack and heap values). These Automated Exception Handling tools provide 'root-cause' information for exceptions in Java programs that run in proction, testing or development environments. Such precise debugging is much more difficult to implement without the run-time support that the JVM offers.

③ java中常用的英語

abstract (關鍵字) 抽象 ['.bstr.kt]
access vt.訪問,存取 ['.kses]『(n.入口,使用權)
algorithm n.演算法 ['.lg.riem]
annotation [java]代碼注釋 [.n.u'tei..n]
anonymous adj.匿名的[.'n.nim.s]『 (反義:directly adv.直接地,立即[di'rektli, dai'rektli])
apply v.應用,適用 [.'plai]
application n.應用,應用程序 [,.pli'kei..n]『 (application crash 程序崩潰)
arbitrary a.任意的 ['ɑ:bitr.ri]
argument n.參數;爭論,論據 ['ɑ:gjum.nt]『(縮寫args)
assert (關鍵字) 斷言 [.'s.:t] 『 (java 1.4 之後成為關鍵字)
associate n.關聯(同伴,夥伴) [.'s.u.ieit]
attribute n.屬性(品質,特徵) [.'tribju:t]
boolean (關鍵字) 邏輯的, 布爾型
call n.v.調用; 呼叫; [k.:l]
circumstance n.事件(環境,狀況) ['s.:k.mst.ns]
crash n.崩潰,破碎 [kr..]
cohesion 內聚,黏聚,結合 [k.u'hi:..n]

a class is designed with a single, well-focoused purpose.

command n. 命令,指令 [k.'mɑ:nd](指揮, 控制)

(command-line 命令行)
Comments [java]文本注釋 ['k.ments]
compile [java] v.編譯 [k.m'pail]『

Compilation n.編輯[,k.mpi'lei..n]
const (保留字)
constant n. 常量, 常數, 恆量 ['k.nst.nt]
continue (關鍵字)
coupling 耦合,聯結 ['k.pli.]
making sure that classes know about other classes only through their APIs.
declare [java]聲明 [di'kl..]
default (關鍵字) 默認值 ; 預設值 [di'f.:lt]
delimiter 定義符; 定界符
Encapsulation [java]封裝 (hiding implementation details)
Exception [java]例外; 異常 [ik'sep..n]
entry n.登錄項, 輸入項, 條目['entri]
enum (關鍵字) 枚舉
execute vt.執行 ['eksikju:t]
exhibit v.顯示, 陳列 [ig'zibit]
exist 存在, 發生 [ig'zist] 『(SQL關鍵字exists)
extends (關鍵字) 繼承、擴展 [ik'stend]
false (關鍵字)
final (關鍵字) finally (關鍵字)
fragments 段落; 代碼塊 ['fr.gm.nt]
FrameWork [java]結構,框架 ['freimw.:k]
Generic [java]泛型 [d.i'nerik]
goto (保留字) 跳轉
heap n.堆 [hi:p]
implements (關鍵字) 實現 ['implim.nt]
import (關鍵字) 引入(進口,輸入)
Info n.信息
(information [,inf.'mei..n] )
Inheritance [java]繼承 [in'herit.ns] (遺傳,遺產)
initialize 預置初始化 [i'ni..laiz]
instanceof (關鍵字) 運算符,用於引用變數,以檢查這個對象 是否是某種類型。返回 boolean 值。
interface (關鍵字) 介面 ['int.feis]
invoke vt.調用 [in'v.uk]『 (invocation [,inv.u'kei..n])
Iterator [java]迭代器, 迭代程序
legal 合法的 ['li:g.l]
log n.日誌,記錄 [l.g]
native (關鍵字) ['neitiv]
nested [java]嵌套的 ['nestid] 『如:內部類(nested classes)
Object [java]對象 ['.bd.ekt]
Overload [java]方法的重載(不同參數列表的同名方法) [,.uv.'l.ud]
Override [java]方法的覆蓋(覆蓋父類的方法) [,.uv.'raid]
polymiorphism [java]多態 (polymorphism 多形性[,p.li'm.:fizm])
allowing a single object to be seen as having many types.
principle n.原則,原理,主義 ['prinsipl]
priority n. 優先順序 [prai'.riti]
process n. 程序, 進程 ['pr.ses]
protected (關鍵字) 受保護的,私有的 [pr.'tektid]
provide v.規定(供應,准備,預防)[pr.'vaid]
refer to v.引用 [ri'f.:][tu:]
reference n. 參考(引用,涉及)['ref.r.ns]『 –>reference variable 參量, 參考變數,引用變數
Reflection [java]反射 [ri'flek..n]
script n.手寫體,小型程序 [skript]
serialized vt.序列化,串列化 ['si.ri.laiz]『 (serializable adj.)(deserialize反序列化,反串列化)
Socket [java]網路套接字['s.kit]
stack n.堆棧 [st.k] (對應heap 堆)
statement 程序語句; 語句 ['steitm.nt]『 n. 陳述,指令
subclass n.子類 ['s.bklɑ:s]『 (supertype 父類)
switch (關鍵字) 選擇語句。 n.開關,道岔 [swɪtʃ]
synchronized (關鍵字) 同步(鎖) ['si.kr.naiz]
Thread [java]線程 [θred]
throw (關鍵字) throws (關鍵字) [θr.u] 拋出(異常)
transient (關鍵字) 瞬變;臨時的['tr.nzi.nt]『(可序列化)
valid 正確的,有效的 ['v.lid]
variable n.變數 a.可變的['v..ri.bl]
volatile (關鍵字) 不穩定的['v.l.tail]
while (關鍵字) 循環語句。當…的時候 [hwail]

④ java的英文全稱是什麼謝了


⑤ java中的英語單詞


⑥ java 英文

至於 literal,翻譯後意思是:照字面的; 原義的; 逐字的; 平實的,避免誇張

⑦ java相關英語


⑧ java對英語要求高嗎

都說Java不會英語那就是扯蛋 ,我和同事們都深深的感受到了,你不認識那個單詞,代碼的什麼東西根本記不住,你知道邏輯,你寫不出來,英語別人寫的代碼你都不知道寫的啥,你寫的出來代碼 ?就算是搞了10年的Java的人,他只會中文和英語,你讓他用韓國或者日本的語言來寫個代碼,照樣屁都放不出來一個。所以沒有一定的英語底子,不要搞編程,因為你會後悔。就算是搞,你也只能是學個基礎,不適合長遠發展。

⑨ Java用英語怎麼讀




⑩ JAVA英文全稱是什麼

爪哇是一種可以撰寫跨平台應用軟體的面向對象的程序設計語言,是由Sun Microsystems公司於1995年5月推出的Java程序設計語言和Java平台(即JavaEE, JavaME, JavaSE)的總稱。Java自面世後就非常流行,發展迅速,對C++語言形成了有力沖擊。Java技術具有卓越的通用性、高效性、平台移植性和安全性,廣泛應用於個人PC、數據中心、游戲控制台、科學超級計算機、行動電話和互聯網,同時擁有全球最大的開發者專業社群。在全球雲計算和移動互聯網的產業環境下,Java更具備了顯著優勢和廣闊前景。

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