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❷ python正則表達式是什麼




pattern = r'times'

string = "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times."



「正則表達式,又稱規則表達式(英語:Regular Expression,在代碼中常簡寫為regex、regexp或re),是計算機科學的一個概念。正則表達式通常被用來檢索、替換那些符合某個模式(規則)的文本」,那使用正則表達式的目的是什麼呢?網路中只寫了兩句話:

1. 給定的字元串是否符合正則表達式的過濾邏輯(稱作「匹配」)。

2. 可以通過正則表達式,從字元串中獲取我們想要的特定部分。


❸ Python正則表達式的幾種匹配用法

下面列出: 1.測試正則表達式是否匹配字元串的全部或部分regex=ur"" #正則表達式
if re.search(regex, subject): do_something()else: do_anotherthing() 2.測試正則表達式是否匹配整個字元串 regex=ur"/Z" #正則表達式末尾以/Z結束
if re.match(regex, subject): do_something()else: do_anotherthing() 3.創建一個匹配對象,然後通過該對象獲得匹配細節(Create an object with details about how the regex matches (part of) a string) regex=ur"" #正則表達式
match = re.search(regex, subject)if match: # match start: match.start() # match end (exclusive): atch.end() # matched text: match.group() do_something()else: do_anotherthing() 4.獲取正則表達式所匹配的子串(Get the part of a string matched by the regex) regex=ur"" #正則表達式
match = re.search(regex, subject)if match: result = match.group()else: result ="" 5. 獲取捕獲組所匹配的子串(Get the part of a string matched by a capturing group) regex=ur"" #正則表達式
match = re.search(regex, subject)if match: result = match.group(1)else: result ="" 6. 獲取有名組所匹配的子串(Get the part of a string matched by a named group) regex=ur"" #正則表達式
match = re.search(regex, subject)if match:result = match.group"groupname")else:result = "" 7. 將字元串中所有匹配的子串放入數組中(Get an array of all regex matches in a string) result = re.findall(regex, subject) 8.遍歷所有匹配的子串(Iterate over all matches in a string) for match in re.finditer(r"<(.*?)/s*.*?//1>", subject) # match start: match.start() # match end (exclusive): atch.end() # matched text: match.group() 9.通過正則表達式字元串創建一個正則表達式對象(Create an object to use the same regex for many operations) reobj = re.compile(regex) 10.用法1的正則表達式對象版本(use regex object for if/else branch whether (part of) a string can be matched) reobj = re.compile(regex)if reobj.search(subject): do_something()else: do_anotherthing() 11.用法2的正則表達式對象版本(use regex object for if/else branch whether a string can be matched entirely) reobj = re.compile(r"/Z") #正則表達式末尾以/Z 結束
if reobj.match(subject): do_something()else: do_anotherthing() 12.創建一個正則表達式對象,然後通過該對象獲得匹配細節(Create an object with details about how the regex object matches (part of) a string) reobj = re.compile(regex) match = reobj.search(subject)if match: # match start: match.start() # match end (exclusive): atch.end() # matched text: match.group() do_something()else: do_anotherthing() 13.用正則表達式對象獲取匹配子串(Use regex object to get the part of a string matched by the regex) reobj = re.compile(regex) match = reobj.search(subject)if match: result = match.group()else: result ="" 14.用正則表達式對象獲取捕獲組所匹配的子串(Use regex object to get the part of a string matched by a capturing group) reobj = re.compile(regex) match = reobj.search(subject)if match: result = match.group(1)else: result ="" 15.用正則表達式對象獲取有名組所匹配的子串(Use regex object to get the part of a string matched by a named group) reobj = re.compile(regex) match = reobj.search(subject)if match: result = match.group("groupname")else: result ="" 16.用正則表達式對象獲取所有匹配子串並放入數組(Use regex object to get an array of all regex matches in a string) reobj = re.compile(regex) result = reobj.findall(subject) 17.通過正則表達式對象遍歷所有匹配子串(Use regex object to iterate over all matches in a string) reobj = re.compile(regex)for match in reobj.finditer(subject): # match start: match.start() # match end (exclusive): match.end() # matched text: match.group()字元串替換 1.替換所有匹配的子串 #用newstring替換subject中所有與正則表達式regex匹配的子串
result = re.sub(regex, newstring, subject) 2.替換所有匹配的子串(使用正則表達式對象) reobj = re.compile(regex) result = reobj.sub(newstring, subject) 字元串拆分 1.字元串拆分 result = re.split(regex, subject) 2.字元串拆分(使用正則表示式對象) reobj = re.compile(regex) result = reobj.split(subject)

❹ python正則表達式是什麼








正則表達式(簡稱為 regex)是一些由字元和特殊符號組成的字元串, 描述了模式的重復或者表述多個字元。正則表達式能按照某種模式匹配一系列有相似特徵的字元串。換句話說, 它們能夠匹配多個字元串。

孤立的一個正則表達式並不能起到匹配字元串的作用,要讓其能夠匹配目標字元,需要創建一個正則表達式對象。通常向compile()函數傳入一個原始字元形式的正則表達式,即 r'.....'。


❺ python 正則表達式 匹配以數字開頭和結尾的字元串,中間任意


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