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『壹』 c語言之父是哪一個人


丹尼斯里奇,C語言之父,UNIX之父。曾擔任朗訊科技公司貝爾實驗室 下屬的計算機科學研究中心系統軟體研究部的主任一職。1978年與布萊恩科爾尼干一起出版了名著《C程序設計語言》,現在此書已翻譯成多種語言,成為C語言方面最權威的教材之一。2011年10月9日,丹尼斯里奇去世,享年70歲。



1967年加入貝爾實驗室,他的父親阿利斯泰爾·里奇(Alistair E. Ritchie)在那裡有長時間的工作經歷,他的父親對晶體管電路類的東西很有研究,正是由於父親的影響,也使得他走上了科學研究之路。


『貳』 丹尼斯·里奇(C語言之父)的英文介紹 要英文!要長的 不能太短!!!!好的補50分!!急用!!!!!

Dennis MacAlistair Ritchie (born September 9, 1941) is an American computer scientist notable for his influence on C and other programming languages, and on operating systems such as Multics and Unix. He received the Turing Award in 1983 and the National Medal of Technology in 1998. Ritchie was the head of Lucent Technologies System Software Research Department when he retired in 2007.

Born in Bronxville, New York, Ritchie graated from Harvard with degrees in physics and applied mathematics. In 1967, he began working at the Bell Labs' Computing Sciences Research Center.

Ritchie is best known as the creator of the C programming language and a key developer of the Unix operating system, and as co-author of the definitive book on C, The C Programming Language, commonly referred to as 'K/R' or K&R (in reference to the authors Kernighan and Ritchie).

Ritchie's invention of C and his role in the development of Unix alongside Ken Thompson, has placed him as an important pioneer of modern computing. The C language is still widely used today in application and operating system development and its influence is seen in most modern programming languages. Unix has also been influential, establishing concepts and principles that are now well-established precepts of computing. The popular Linux operating system and its tools are descendants of Ritchie's work and the Windows operating systems include Unix compatibility tools and C compilers for developers.

Ritchie has said that creating the C language 'looked like a good thing to do' and that anyone else in the same place at the same time would have done the same thing, though Bell Labs colleague Bjarne Stroustrup, developer of C++, said that "if Dennis had decided to spend that decade on esoteric math, Unix would have been stillborn."

Following the success of Unix, Ritchie continued research into operating systems and programming languages with contributions to the Plan 9 and Inferno operating systems and the Limbo programming language.

In 1983, Ritchie and Ken Thompson jointly received the Turing Award for their development of generic operating systems theory and specifically for the implementation of the UNIX operating system. Ritchie's Turing Award lecture was titled, "Reflections on Software Research."

On April 27, 1999, Thompson and Ritchie jointly received the 1998 National Medal of Technology from President Bill Clinton for co-inventing the UNIX operating system and the C programming language which together have led to enormous advances in computer hardware, software, and networking systems and stimulated growth of an entire instry, thereby enhancing American leadership in the Information Age

Dennis Ritchie is often referred to as "dmr" (his Bell Labs email address) in technical discussion groups.

『叄』 c語言的創始人

C語言之所以命名為C,是因為 C語言源自 Ken Thompson 發明的 B語言,而 B語言則源自BCPL語言。
1967年,劍橋大學的 Martin Richards 對CPL語言進行了簡化,於是產生了BCPL(Basic Combined Programming Language)語言。
20世紀60年代,美國AT&T公司貝爾實驗室(AT&T Bell Laboratory)的研究員Ken Thompson閑來無事,手癢難耐,想玩一個他自己編的,模擬在太陽系航行的電子游戲——Space Travel。他背著老闆,找到了台空閑的機器——PDP-7。但這台機器沒有操作系統,而游戲必須使用操作系統的一些功能,於是他著手為PDP-7開發操作系統。後來,這個操作系統被命名為——UNIX。
1970年,美國貝爾實驗室的 Ken Thompson。以BCPL語言為基礎,設計出很簡單且很接近硬體的B語言(取BCPL的首字母)。並且他用B語言寫了第一個UNIX操作系統。
1971年,同樣酷愛Space Travel的Dennis M.Ritchie為了能早點兒玩上游戲,加入了Thompson的開發項目,合作開發UNIX。他的主要工作是改造B語言,使其更成熟。
1972年,美國貝爾實驗室的 D.M.Ritchie 在B語言的基礎上最終設計出了一種新的語言,他取了BCPL的第二個字母作為這種語言的名字,這就是C語言。
1973年初,C語言的主體完成。Thompson和Ritchie迫不及待地開始用它完全重寫了UNIX。此時,編程的樂趣使他們已經完全忘記了那個"Space Travel",一門心思地投入到了UNIX和C語言的開發中。隨著UNIX的發展,C語言自身也在不斷地完善。直到今天,各種版本的UNIX內核和周邊工具仍然使用C語言作為最主要的開發語言,其中還有不少繼承Thompson和Ritchie之手的代碼。
1977年,Dennis M.Ritchie發表了不依賴於具體機器系統的C語言編譯文本《可移植的C語言編譯程序》。[1]
1978年由美國電話電報公司(AT&T)貝爾實驗室正式發表了C語言。Brian Kernighan 和 Dennis Ritchie 出版了一本書,名叫《The C Programming Language》。這本書被 C語言開發者們稱為"K&R",很多年來被當作 C語言的非正式的標准說明。人們稱這個版本的 C語言為"K&R C"。
1983年美國國家標准局 (American National Standards Institute,簡稱ANSI)成立了一個委員會,來制定 C語言標准。
1989年 C語言標准被批准,被稱為 ANSI X3.159-1989 "Programming Language C"。這個版本的C語言標准通常被稱為ANSI C。
1990年,國際標准化組織ISO(International Organization for Standards)接受了89 ANSI C 為I SO C 的標准(ISO9899-1990)。1994年,ISO修訂了C語言的標准。
2011年12月8日,ISO正式公布C語言新的國際標准草案:ISO/IEC 9899:2011,即C11

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