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php SWFUpload 怎麼創建縮略圖並且保存到指定文件夾裡面

php /* * swfupload圖片上傳 */ if (isset($_POST["PHPSESSID"])) { session_id($_POST["PHPSESSID"]); } session_start(); ini_set("html_errors", "0"); if (!isset($_FILES["Filedata"]) || !is_uploaded_file($_FILES["Filedata"]["tmp_name"]) ||$_FILES["Filedata"]["error"] != 0) { echo "錯誤:無效的上傳!"; exit(0); } // Get the image and create a thumbnail $file_types=explode(".",$_FILES["Filedata"]["name"]); $file_type=$file_types[count($file_types)-1]; if(strtolower($file_type)=='gif' ) { $img = imagecreatefromgif($_FILES["Filedata"]["tmp_name"]); } else if(strtolower($file_type)=='png') { $img = imagecreatefrompng($_FILES["Filedata"]["tmp_name"]); } else if(strtolower($file_type)=='bmp') { $img = imagecreatefromwbmp($_FILES["Filedata"]["tmp_name"]); } else { $img = imagecreatefromjpeg($_FILES["Filedata"]["tmp_name"]); } if (!$img) { echo "錯誤:無法創建圖像 ". $_FILES["Filedata"]["tmp_name"]; exit(0); } $width = imageSX($img); $height = imageSY($img); if (!$width || !$height) { echo "錯誤:無效的高或高"; exit(0); } // Build the thumbnail $target_width = 100; $target_height = 100; $target_ratio = $target_width / $target_height; $img_ratio = $width / $height; if ($target_ratio > $img_ratio) { $new_height = $target_height; $new_width = $img_ratio * $target_height; } else { $new_height = $target_width / $img_ratio; $new_width = $target_width; } if ($new_height > $target_height) { $new_height = $target_height; } if ($new_width > $target_width) { $new_height = $target_width; } $new_img = ImageCreateTrueColor(100, 100); if (!@imagefilledrectangle($new_img, 0, 0, $target_width-1, $target_height-1, 0)) { // Fill the image black echo "錯誤:不能填充新圖片"; exit(0); } if (!@imageresampled($new_img, $img, ($target_width-$new_width)/2, ($target_height-$new_height)/2, 0,0, $new_width, $new_height, $width, $height)) { echo "錯誤:不能調整大小的圖像"; exit(0); } if (!isset($_SESSION["file_info"])) { $_SESSION["file_info"] = array(); } ob_start(); imagejpeg($new_img); $imagevariable = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); $file_id = md5($_FILES["Filedata"]["tmp_name"] + rand()*100000); $_SESSION["file_info"][$file_id] = $imagevariable; echo "FILEID:" . $file_id; // Return the file id to the script include("upimg.class.php"); if(!empty($_FILES["Filedata"]) and count(explode(",",$_SESSION["upload_tem"]))<5) { $folder="upload/images/tem/".date("Y-m-d"); $up = new upimg("$folder","$folder"); //可以寫成:$up = new upimg(); $up->autoThumb = TRUE; //可省略 $up->srcDel=TRUE; $up->thumbWidth = 550; //可省略 $up->thumbHeight = 400; //可省略 $up->maxsize=2014; //上傳文件大小單位是kb $result= $up->upload('Filedata'); // HTML中<input />的name屬性值 $_SESSION["upload_tem"]=$_SESSION["upload_tem"].",".$up->thumbPath; $_SESSION["upload_tem"]=trim($_SESSION["upload_tem"],","); } ?>2. [代碼][PHP]代碼 生成縮略圖類upimg.class.php: <?php class upimg{ public $uploadFolder = 'upload'; // 圖片存放目錄 public $thumbFolder = 'upload/thumb'; // 縮略圖存放目錄 public $thumbWidth = ''; // 縮略圖寬度 public $thumbHeight = ''; // 縮略圖高度 public $autoThumb = ''; // 是否自動生成縮略圖 public $error = ''; // 錯誤信息 public $imgPath = ''; // 上傳成功後的圖片位置 public $thumbPath = ''; // 上傳成功後的縮略圖位置 public $maxsize=''; // 說明:初始化,創建存放目錄 function __construct($uploadFolder = 'upload', $thumbFolder = 'upload/thumb'){ $this->uploadFolder = $uploadFolder; $this->thumbFolder = $thumbFolder; $this->_mkdir(); } // 說明:上傳圖片,參數是<input />的name屬性值;成功返回圖片的相對URL,失敗返回FALSE和錯誤信息(在$this->error里) // bool/sting upload(string $html_tags_input_attrib_name); function upload($inputName){ // 上傳操作,參數是input標簽的name屬性。 if ($this->error){ // 如果有錯,直接返回(例如_mkdir) return FALSE; } if(!$_FILES[$inputName]["name"]){ $this->error = '沒有上傳圖片'; return FALSE; } //檢測文件大小 if($_FILES[$inputName]["size"] > ($this->maxsize*1024)){ $this->error = '上傳文件'.$inputName.'太大,最大支持'.ceil($this->maxsize/1024).'kb的文件'; return FALSE; } if($_FILES[$inputName]["name"]){ $isUpFile = $_FILES[$inputName]['tmp_name']; if (is_uploaded_file($isUpFile)){ $imgInfo = $this->_getinfo($isUpFile); if (FALSE == $imgInfo){ return FALSE; } $extName = $imgInfo['type']; $microSenond = floor(microtime()*10000);// 取一個毫秒級數字,4位。 $newFileName = $uploadFolder . '/' . date('YmdHis') . $microSenond . '.' . $extName ; // 所上傳圖片的新名字。 $location = $this->uploadFolder . $newFileName; $result = move_uploaded_file($isUpFile, $location); if ($result) { if (TRUE == $this->autoThumb) { // 是否生成縮略圖 $thumb = $this->thumb($location, $this->thumbWidth, $this->thumbHeight); if (FALSE == $thumb) { return FALSE; } } //是否刪除原圖 if(TRUE==$this->srcDel) { @unlink ($location); } $this->imgPath = $location; return $location; }else{ $this->error = '移動臨時文件時出錯'; return FALSE; } }else{ $uploadError = $_FILES[$inputName]['error']; if (1 == $uploadError){ // 文件大小超過了php.ini中的upload_max_filesize $this->error = '文件太大,伺服器拒絕接收大於' . ini_get('upload_max_filesize') . '的文件'; return FALSE; }elseif (3 == $uploadError){ // 上傳了部分文件 $this->error = '上傳中斷,請重試'; return FALSE; }elseif (4 == $uploadError){ $this->error = '沒有文件被上傳'; return FALSE; }elseif (6 == $uploadError){ $this->error = '找不到臨時文件夾,請聯系您的伺服器管理員'; return FALSE; }elseif (7 == $uploadError){ $this->error = '文件寫入失敗,請聯系您的伺服器管理員'; return FALSE; }else{ if (0 != $uploadError){ $this->error = '未知上傳錯誤,請聯系您的伺服器管理員'; return FALSE; } } // end if $uploadError } // end if is_uploaded_file else } // end if $_FILES[$inputName]["name"] } // 說明:獲取圖片信息,參數是上傳後的臨時文件,成功返回數組,失敗返回FALSE和錯誤信息 // array/bool _getinfo(string $upload_tmp_file) private function _getinfo($img){ if (!file_exists($img)){ $this->error = '找不到圖片,無法獲取其信息'; return FALSE; } $tempFile = @fopen($img, "rb"); $bin = @fread($tempFile, 2); //只讀2位元組 @fclose($tempFile); $strInfo = @unpack("C2chars", $bin); $typeCode = intval($strInfo['chars1'] . $strInfo['chars2']); $fileType = ''; switch ($typeCode){ // 6677:bmp 255216:jpg 7173:gif 13780:png 7790:exe 8297:rar 8075:zip tar:109121 7z:55122 gz 31139 case '255216': $fileType = 'jpg'; break; case '6677': $fileType = 'bmp'; break; case '7173': $fileType = 'gif'; break; case '13780': $fileType = 'png'; break; default: $fileType = 'unknown'; } if ($fileType == 'jpg' || $fileType == 'gif' || $fileType == 'png' || $fileType == 'bmp'){ $imageInfo = getimagesize($img); $imgInfo['size'] = $imageInfo['bits']; $imgInfo["type"] = $fileType; $imgInfo["width"] = $imageInfo[0]; $imgInfo["height"] = $imageInfo[1]; return $imgInfo; }else{ // 非圖片類文件信息 $this->error = '圖片類型錯誤'; return FALSE; } } // end _getinfo // 說明:生成縮略圖,等比例縮放或拉伸 // bool/string thumb(string $uploaded_file, int $thumbWidth, int $thumbHeight, string $thumbTail); function thumb($img, $thumbWidth = 300, $thumbHeight = 200,$thumbTail = '_thumb') { $filename = $img; // 保留一個名字供新的縮略圖名字使用 $imgInfo = $this->_getinfo($img,$i); if(FALSE == $imgInfo) { return FALSE; } $imgType = $imgInfo['type']; switch ($imgType) { // 創建一個圖,並給出擴展名 case "jpg" : $img = imagecreatefromjpeg($img); $extName = 'jpg'; break; case 'gif' : $img = imagecreatefromgif($img); $extName = 'gif'; break; case 'bmp' : $img = imagecreatefromgif($img); $extName = 'bmp'; break; case 'png' : $img = imagecreatefrompng($img); $extName = 'png'; break; default : // 如果類型錯誤,生成一張空白圖 $img = imagecreate($thumbWidth,$thumbHeight); imagecolorallocate($img,0x00,0x00,0x00); $extName = 'jpg'; } // 縮放後的圖片尺寸(小則拉伸,大就縮放) $imgWidth = $imgInfo['width']; $imgHeight = $imgInfo['height']; if($imgHeight > $imgWidth) { // 豎圖 $newHeight = $thumbHeight; $newWidth = ceil($imgWidth / ($imgHeight / $thumbHeight )); } else if($imgHeight < $imgWidth) { // 橫圖 $newHeight = ceil($imgHeight / ($imgWidth / $thumbWidth )); $newWidth = $thumbWidth; } else if($imgHeight == $imgWidth) { // 等比例圖 $newHeight = $thumbWidth; $newWidth = $thumbWidth; } $bgimg = imagecreatetruecolor($newWidth,$newHeight); $bg = imagecolorallocate($bgimg,0x00,0x00,0x00); imagefill($bgimg,0,0,$bg); $sampled = imageresampled($bgimg,$img,0,0,0,0,$newWidth,$newHeight,$imgWidth,$imgHeight); if(!$sampled ) { $this->error = '縮略圖生成失敗'; $this->path=$this->uploadFolder . '/' . $filename; return FALSE; } $filename = basename($filename); $newFileName = substr($filename, 0, strrpos($filename, ".")) . $thumbTail . '.' . $extName ; // 新名字 $thumbPath = $this->thumbFolder . '/' . $newFileName; switch ($extName){ case 'jpg': $result = imagejpeg($bgimg, $thumbPath); break; case 'gif': $result = imagegif($bgimg, $thumbPath); break; case 'png': $result = imagepng($bgimg, $thumbPath); break; default: // 上邊判斷類型出錯時會創建一張空白圖,並給出擴展名為jpg $result = imagejpeg($bgimg, $thumbPath); } if ($result) { $this->thumbPath = $thumbPath; $this->path=$this->uploadFolder . '/' . $filename; return $thumbPath; } else { $this->error = '縮略圖創建失敗'; $this->path=$this->uploadFolder . '/' . $filename; return FALSE; } } // end thumb // 說明:創建圖片的存放目錄 private function _mkdir() { // 創建圖片上傳目錄和縮略圖目錄 if(!is_dir($this->uploadFolder)) { $dir = explode('/', $this->uploadFolder); foreach($dir as $v) { if($v) { $d .= $v . '/'; if(!is_dir($d)) { $state = mkdir($d); if(!$state) { $this->error = '在創建目錄' . $d . '時出錯!'; } } } } } if(!is_dir($this->thumbFolder) && TRUE == $this->autoThumb) { $dir = explode('/', $this->thumbFolder); foreach($dir as $v) { if($v) { $d .= $v . '/'; if(!is_dir($d)) { $state = mkdir($d); if(!$state) { $this->error = '在創建目錄' . $d . '時出錯!'; } } } } } } } ?>

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