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『壹』 求助 用python如何製作個人網站或者博客

最後個人覺的 廖雪峰 的博客不錯,可以自己網路看一下。

『貳』 python有哪些好的學習資料或者博客

python 核心編程 PYTHON 編程手冊。
如果你有其他語言經驗。看完這兩本書就開始學習庫 從標准庫開始 然後是擴展庫。flask dj beautifulsoup request等等吧。一般都有中文文檔。

『叄』 用python+flask搭建一個博客需要學習哪些知識

2、學習flask 整一個hello world
3、結合資料庫、ORM ,整一個增刪改查。
4、按照這個例子寫 blog,dmaslov/flask-blog
5、學習javascript ,ajax等。

『肆』 python 有哪些好的學習資料或者博客

比如說學習Java就去把Java Language Specification讀一讀,學習HTML就去把W3C的HTML規范讀一讀。雖然它們大都是英文的,但是那種程度的英語真不算難。

『伍』 如何用python編寫個人博客

Python內置了支持HTTP協議的模塊,我們可以用來開發單機版功能較少的Web伺服器。Python支持該功能的實現模塊是BaseFTTPServer, 我們只需要在項目中引入就可以了:
from BaseHTTPServer import BaseHTTPRequestHandler,HTTPServer

『陸』 現在國內有沒有比較好的Python的博客

SegMentF 知乎 CSDN 簡書等

『柒』 如何用Python+django開發網站 10分鍾內作出一個blog例子

先說下python程序是怎麼和頁面扯上關系的: 1、頁面的展示是需要html來編寫的 a、python是怎麼讓別人看到你寫的頁面的?在本機上直接雙擊打開就能看見了,但要在網路

『捌』 Python 有哪些好的學習資料或者博客

推薦Full Stack Python 有各種python資源匯總,從基礎入門到各種框架web應用開發和部署,再到高級的ORM、Docker都有。以下是Full Stack Python 上總結的一些教程,我拙劣的翻譯了以下,並調整(調整順序並刪了部分內容)了一下:


A Byte of Python (簡明python教程,這個有中文版簡明 Python 教程)是非常好的入門教程。

Learn Python the Hard Way (Zed Shaw的免費教程,個人強烈推薦)

Python, Django and Flask教程: Real Python (收費,需購買)
short 5 minute video 解釋了為什麼你的出發點應該是要完成什麼項目,或者解決什麼問題,而不是為了學一門語言而去學一門語言。
Dive into Python 3 是一本開源的python教程,提供HTML和PDF版。
Code Academy 有一個為純新手准備的 Python track 。
Introction to Programming with Python 介紹了基本語法和控制結構等,提供了大量代碼示例。
O'Reilly 的書 Think Python: How to Think Like a Computer Scientist 是非常好的入門教材。
Python Practice Book 是一本python練習的書,幫你掌握python基本語法。
想通過做實際項目來學編程?看看這個 this list of 5 programming project for Python beginners(5個適合python初學者的編程項目)。
Reddit的創造者之一寫了一個教程,如何用python構建一個博客網站(use Python to build a blog.),使非常好的web編程入門。
The fullstack python的作者寫了一篇關於如何學習python的文章learning Python 。

2、有開發經驗 ,初學Python
Learn Python in y minutes ,讓你在幾分鍾內快速上手,有個大概了解。
Python for you and me , python的語法,語言的主要結構等,還包含來Flask Web App的教程。
The Hitchhiker』s Guide to Python
How to Develop Quality Python Code ,如何開發高質量的python代碼


The Python Ecosystem: An Introction , 關於python生態系統,虛擬機、python包管理器pip、虛擬環境virtualenv、還有很多進階主題
The Python Subreddit ,就是python的reddit節點(相當於中國的貼吧),是一個活躍的社區,可以交流討論,解決問題等。
Good to Great Python Reads ,收集進階和高級python文章,講了很多細微差異和python語言本身的細節。
博客 Free Python Tips ,有很多python和python生態系統的文章。
Python Books ,有一些免費的Python, Django, 數據分析等方面的書。
Python IAQ: Infrequently Asked Questions ,關於python 經常問到的問題。


一些技術交流會議的視頻錄像: best Python videos

awesome-python ,收集了python各種非常好用非常酷的包,確實非常awesome,讓作者相見恨晚( I wish I had this page when I was just getting started)。

6、 播客(Podcasts)
Talk Python to Me , 關注使用python的人們和組織,每一期都會邀請一些開發者談談他們的工作等。
Podcast.__init__ ,關於python和讓python更牛B的人們。

Python Weekly , 最新的python文章、視頻、項目、資訊 。
PyCoder's Weekly ,和python weekly類似。
Import Python


New to programming
If you're learning your first programming language these books were written with you in mind. Developers learning Python as a second or later language should skip down to the next section for "experienced developers".
To get an introction to Python, Django and Flask at the same time, consider purchasing the Real Python course by Fletcher, Michael and Jeremy.
This short 5 minute video explains why it's better to think of projects you'd like to build and problems you want to solve with programming. Start working on those projects and problems rather than jumping into a specific language that's recommended to you by a friend.
CS for All is an open book by professors at Harvey Mudd College which teaches the fundamentals of computer science using Python. It's an accessible read and perfect for programming beginners.
If you've never programmed before check out the Getting Started page on Learn To Code with Me by Laurence Bradford. She's done an incredible job of breaking down the steps beginners should take when they're uncertain about where to begin.
Learn Python the Hard Way is a free book by Zed Shaw.
Dive into Python 3 is an open source book provided under the Creative Commons license and available in HTML or PDF form.
While not Python-specific, Mozilla put together a Learning the Web tutorial for beginners and intermediate web users who want to build websites. It's worth a look from a general web development perspective.
A Byte of Python is a beginner's tutorial for the Python language.
Code Academy has a Python track for people completely new to programming.
Introction to Programming with Python goes over the basic syntax and control structures in Python. The free book has numerous code examples to go along with each topic.
Google put together a great compilation of materials and subjects you should read and learn from if you want to be a professional programmer. Those resources are useful not only for Python beginners but any developer who wants to have a strong professional career in software.
The O'Reilly book Think Python: How to Think Like a Computer Scientist is available in HTML form for free on the web.
Python Practice Book is a book of Python exercises to help you learn the basic language syntax.
Looking for ideas about what projects to use to learn to code? Check out this list of 5 programming project for Python beginners.
There's a Udacity course by one of the creators of Reddit that shows how to use Python to build a blog. It's a great introction to web development concepts through coding.
I wrote a quick blog post on learning Python that non-technical folks trying to learn to program may find useful.
Experienced developers new to Python
Learn Python in y minutes provides a whirlwind tour of the Python language. The guide is especially useful if you're coming in with previous software development experience and want to quickly grasp how the language is structured.
Python for you and me is an approachable book with sections for Python syntax and the major language constructs. The book also contains a short guide at the end to get programmers to write their first Flask web application.
Kenneth Reitz's The Hitchhiker』s Guide to Python contains a wealth of information both on the Python programming language and the community.
How to Develop Quality Python Code is a good read to begin learning about development environments, application dependencies and project structure.
Beyond the basics
The Python Ecosystem: An Introction provides context for virtual machines, Python packaging, pip, virutalenv and many other topics after learning the basic Python syntax.
The Python Subreddit rolls up great Python links and has an active community ready to answer questions from beginners and advanced Python developers alike.
Good to Great Python Reads is a collection of intermediate and advanced Python articles around the web focused on nuances and details of the Python language itself.
The blog Free Python Tips provides posts on Python topics as well as news for the Python ecosystem.
Python Books is a collection of freely available books on Python, Django, and data analysis.
Python IAQ: Infrequently Asked Questions is a list of quirky queries on rare Python features and why certain syntax was or was not built into the language.
Videos, screencasts and presentations
Videos from conferences and meetups along with screencasts are listed on the best Python videos page.
Curated Python packages lists
awesome-python is an incredible list of Python frameworks, libraries and software. I wish I had this page when I was just getting started.
easy-python is like awesome-python although instead of just a Git repository this site is in the Read the Docs format.
Talk Python to Me focuses on the people and organizations coding on Python. Each episode features a different guest interviewee to talk about his or her work.
Podcast.__init__ is another podcast on "about Python and the people who make it great".
Python Weekly is a free weekly rounp of the latest Python articles, videos, projects and upcoming events.
PyCoder's Weekly is another great free weekly email newsletter similar to Python Weekly. The best resources are generally covered in both newsletters but they often cover different articles and projects from around the web.
Import Python is a newer newsletter than Python Weekly and PyCoder's Weekly. So far I've found this newsletter often pulls from different sources than the other two. It's well worth subscribing to all three so you don't miss anything.

『玖』 從零開始學習python,多久能做博客


『拾』 如何用django開發一個簡易個人Blog-Python












開發是在windows 7,利用sublime text2編輯器。









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