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Ⅰ young for you中文版是什麼呀

《young for you》中文版《I LOMO you》


Ⅱ 中船重工713到底怎麼樣啊,待遇是多少啊,往年招的都是哪些學校的啊在鄭州研究所的地位啊


Ⅲ 西柚 是什麼



















Ⅳ 冒險島的電光磁盾哪愛暴啊```或者楓葉盾`````


Ⅳ 誰知道中國工商銀行的英文簡介呀

Introction of Instrial and Commercial Bank of China in 2008

Since its foundation in 1984, Instrial and Commercial Bank of China has fully undertaken instrial and commercial credits and savings businesses which were originally transacted by People's Bank of China, therefore it has taken on the responsibility of accumulating the social wealth and supporting the national construction.

In 2005, Instrial and Commercial Bank of China has reformed the shareholding system and officially changed its name to "Instrial and Commercial Bank of China Ltd." (hereinafter referred to as "ICBC"). In 2006, ICBC has been successfully listed in both cities of Shanghai and Hong Kong simultaneously. After being listed in public market, ICBC altogether has 250,962,348,064 A shares, 83,056,501,962 H shares, and total equity of 334,018,850,026 shares.

With its leading market position, high-quality customer base, diversified business structure, strong ability of innovation, market competitiveness and excellent brand value in China, ICBC is now helping customers from all over the world to manage assets and create wealth with its sincere services and professional abilities, aiming at developing and improving itself to a leading international modern financial enterprise.

[Strong Capacity]
ICBC has very strong profitability. In 2007, the group has 81.99 billion yuan for after-tax profits, which is 65.9% growth than last year. Since the international audit has been introced in 2003, ICBC's after-tax profits compound annual growth rate exceeded 38%. The cost-income ratio was 34.48%, continuing to maintain a reasonable level. It has won 0.24 yuan per share, an increase of 41.2%. By the end of 2007, its total market value rose to 338.934 billion U.S. dollars, an increase of 35%, it has the largest market value among listed banks in the world.

In order to enhancing the sustainability, ICBC has been implementing business transformation strategy. To satisfy the requirements of macro-control policies, Credit loans keep proper increase and structural optimization; improving the investment structures, expanding the financial businesses, and the capital operation profits has been increased to a great extent; vigorously developing intermediary businesses to diversify revenue growth channels. In 2007, the net interest yield was 2.80%, 0.39 percents more than the same period of last year; non-credit interest income accounted for 30.36% of total income; commissions and charges income increased 110.4%, 4.49 percents more than the same period of last year.

ICBC has also paced up in the implementation of comprehensive operation and international development strategies. Since the foundation of financial leasing company in 2007, ICBC's non-banking license businesses have been extended to markets like investment banks, funds and leasing. Purchasing shares of the largest banks in Macau and Africa, entering Russia, Indonesia and other new markets, ICBC has got 112 oversea institutions and built up a global service network covering main international finance centers and China's major trading and exchanging areas.

[Excellent Services]
In China and 13 other countries and areas all over the world, ICBC has 381,713 motivated, experienced staff, providing various and excellent financial procts and services for 170 million indivial customers and 2.72 million corporate customers.

Nearly 17,000 domestic and oversea institutions cover China's most big and middle-sized cities and main international financial centers, providing excellent services directly to customers. China's leading internet banking platform and four easily reachable channels of internet, telephone, mobile and self-service bank, provide six major categories of services including fund management, fees collections and payments, marketing services, financial management, sales agency, and e-commerce. VIP financing center, telephone bank, exclusive channel for internet bank, and professional financing planners, provide special services to VIP customers. ICBC has also established agent bank relationship with over 1,400 banks in China and other 122 countries and areas in the world, to further perfect the global service networks.

ICBC has made the first year after its listing as "excellent services year", improving and promoting services in various aspects such as business proceres, distribution channels, services patterns and proct categories, aiming to develop itself to the financial corporation with the best services in China.

[Diversified Business]
As the biggest commercial bank in China, ICBC provides diversified, professional financial services to corporate and personal customers.

Corporate Finance Business
ICBC, the biggest corporate bank in China, has got 2,720,000 corporate customers by the end of 2007.

ICBC insists on steadily developing credit business and maintains to be the first credit bank in China. ICBC keeps strengthening on keystone instries and areas, promoting the construction of "green credit" and enriching financing procts. By the end of 2007, domestic corporate loans balance amounted to 2.914993 trillion yuan, an increase of 15.2 percents; domestic corporate deposits balance amounted to 3.402683 trillion yuan, an increase of 20.1 percents.

ICBC has developed financial procts and perfected financial procts linkage marketing mechanism, providing comprehensive financial services to SMEs. By the end of 2007, there were 44,963 small enterprises with domestic financing balance, an increase of 23.3% compared to that of the beginning of the year.

With 28 domestic agent cooperating insurance companies, 98 third party depository business cooperating securities traders, and 73 domestic agent banks, the bank-insurance business of ICBC continues to take market-leading place, and other institution businesses such as bank-securities, bank-futures, inter-bank and financial cooperation are developing rapidly.

Notes discount balance market shares maintain to be the biggest among the instry. ICBC has successfully transformed the pricing mechanism of financing instruments from fixed to floating interest rate, becoming the first commercial bank that fully adopts Shibor as the pricing mechanism of financing instruments.

ICBC has both consolidated advantages in traditional settlement procts and been increasing add-value services. Its public settlement accounts exceeded 2,300,000, and its public RMB settlement amounts to 400 trillion yuan, an increase of 53.8%. Cash management service has extended from single funds-centralized management to comprehensive financing business, with 58,563 cash management customers. It has won the title of "Best Cash Management Bank in China" by "The Assets" and "Finance Asia" in Hong Kong.

Perennial financing consulting business customers have been increased steadily. Structured financing, syndicated organization, merger and reorganization have been improved. Programs such as "Bao Gang Group merges Ba Yi Steel" were accomplished. In 2007, ICBC's short-term financing bonds underwriting balance amounted to 53.6 billion yuan, became the largest bonds underwriting agency in China.

ICBC provides financing services covering international and domestic trading financing proceres for the customers, and works out international settlement and trade financing centralized operation schemes. In 2007, trading finance from domestic branches accumulated to 223.646 billion yuan, an increase of 132.9%; accumulatively transacting international settlement business 593.3 billion dollars, an increase of 48.5%.

There are 82 trust security investment funds, leading the domestic trust fund market. National social security fund trusts, corporate pension fund trusts, QFII, QDII, and other global trusts, insurance assets trust have increased rapidly. With the total net value of trust assets amount to 1316 billion yuan, ICBC became the first domestic trust bank to surpass trillion. It won the honor of "Best Trust Bank in China Mainland" from "The Assets" in Hong Kong, and "Best Trust Bank in China" from "Global Finance" in the US.

The pension business keeps the leading role in the market. ICBC is qualified to deal with all the businesses of corporate pension funds management, managing 3,477,000 corporate pension indivial accounts and trust pension fund 18.78 billion yuan.

The noble metal business develops rapidly. The first gold bar with the brand name of "wishes gold" has sold out over 50,000. Indivial accounts gold and agent practical gold keep developing. In 2007, the self dealing and agent business of noble metal accumulated to 288 tons, acting for Shanghai gold exchange with settlement amounting to 90.7 billion yuan, keeping its advantage in agent gold settlement business.

ICBC develops domestic and foreign currency agent financing business in all aspects. It has created new agent oversea financing procts and launched "financing + trusting" financing procts, to enrich relative procts in capital market. In 2007, ICBC issued corporation financing procts amounting to 115.2 billion yuan, an increase of 175.6%. There were all together 5 financing procts listed in "2007 Best Bank Financing Procts" of "Financing Weeks".

Personal Finance Business
ICBC insists on market oriented, customers centered policies, speeds up business innovations, improves customer services, ICBC develops itself to be "the First Retail Bank" in China. It has won the honor of "Best State-Owned Retail Bank in China" from "Asian Bankers" magazine in Singapore.

Emphasizing on maintaining and developing excellent customer, ICBC has been speeding up the innovations of deposit procts, promoting development of deposits and various other financing business. By the end of 2007, domestic deposit balance amounted to 3,244.074 billion yuan.

With great effort in developing personal loans business which mainly includes personal house, personal consumption and personal operation loans, ICBC has promoted the market value of "Happy Loans" brand. By the end of 2007, domestic personal loans balance amounted to 752.113 billion yuan, took the first place of personal loans market shares.

In accordance with the warming-up needs of customer financing, ICBC has launched various procts to satisfy personal investors, such as new share purchase, fund optimization and agent oversea financing. In 2007, ICBC launched 35 RMB financing procts and 24 foreign currency financing procts, accumulating sales to 154.4 billion yuan, keeps to be the leading role among the instry; ICBC acted for sales of various financing procts of 964.3 billion yuan, an increase of 200.7%, at the leading place among the instry in the aspects of funds agent sum, funds stocks, customer number, market share of agent bank insurance procts and national debt sales. Personal financing procts domestic sales amounted to 1,118.7 billion yuan, an increase of 182.4%.

As an exclusive brand for middle-and-high end personal customers, "financing funds account" service improves continuously, with customers exceeds 3,020,000. By the end of 2007, it had 1,112 financing centers, 95588 telephone bank, internet bank and other electronic channels to provide exclusive services. ICBC launched "Wealth Stage" theme marketing activity to provide add-value service. AFP and CFP amounted respectively to 5,083 and 861, 27.2% and 38.1% in the market share, took the first place among the instry.

Bank Card Business
ICBC is the largest credit card issuing bank with the most complete card categories in China. It keeps launching new procts, such as euro credit card, Peony Express Business Card, Peony UnionPay Card, Peony Sports Card, new Peony Traffic Card, ect. It has constructed operation outlets service system and VIP service center. It has enhanced the cooperation with international card organization and chose oversea agent issuing institutions. By the end of 2007, the issuing volume of credit cards amounted to 23,380, and the consumption volume amounted to 161.9 billion yuan, still at the leading place with both issuing volume and consumption volume. The overdraft balance of credit card amounted to 8.241 billion yuan, with an increase of 59.5%.

With debit card as its platform, ICBC has built up a personal financial service pattern. With multi-accounts and multi-functions advantages of Peony Money Link Card, ICBC has enhanced marketing channels and exerted payment and settlement functions to diffluent the counter pressure. By the end of 2007, the issuing volume of debit cards amounted to 187 million, an increase of 8.58 million, and the yearly consumption reached 454.3 billion yuan, with an increase of 71.4%.

By the end of 2007, the issuing volume of bank card breached 210 million, an increase of 21.49 billion, accomplishing business income 4.537 billion yuan, an increase of 40.6%.

Funds Business
ICBC considers the funds business as its strategic emphasis to promote operation reformation and develop future market competitiveness, steadily improving its operation of domestic and foreign currency in various financial markets.

In 2007, domestic institutions had financed RMB inwardly and outwardly altogether 6,096.7 billion yuan, an increase of 27.6%, of which outwardly financing 4,113.3 billion yuan, inwardly 1,983.4 billion yuan. The trade volume of foreign currency market in the whole year amounted to 868.2 billion U.S. dollars, an increase of 43.5%.

As an intermediate merchant between the banks, the bonds performing bilateral quoting include 5 terms of 3 levels of credit ranks, and daily quoting bonds amounted to 12, and counter market quoting bonds amounted to 33. In 2007, the trading volume of counter book-entry bonds amounted to 1.53 billion yuan, still at the first place of market shares. The trading volume of RMB trading bonds in the whole year breached 2 trillion yuan. The trading volume of foreign currency bonds in the whole year amounted to 5.12 billion U.S. dollars.

RMB bonds investment emphasizes on preventing the interest rate risk. ICBC is mainly involved in the middle and short term RMB bonds. By the end of 2007, RMB bank account bond investment balance amounted to 2,858.554 billion yuan. Facing the crisis caused by the sub-mortgage market in the US, ICBC has adjusted to the combination of foreign currency bonds and investment, improving the investment profits remarkably.

ICBC provides its customers with RMB and foreign exchange trading procts such as spot foreign exchange settlement and sales, long-term foreign exchange settlement and sales, RMB foreign exchange swaps, acting for foreign exchange trading, foreign exchange forwards, swaps, options and other financial derivatives. Meanwhile, ICBC provides various businesses of domestic and foreign currency financing and asset debts management, and it also provides personal customers with account gold trading service. In 2007, the trading volume of agent foreign exchange amounted to 275.831 billion dollars.

Internet Bank Business
Internet bank business of ICBC maintains its leading place in the market in the aspects of channel, proct, customer and brand. By the end of 2007, there has been 4013 outlets building up internet banking service; the customers of internet bank amount to 80.96 million; the trading volume, amounted to 102.88 trillion, achieved a great increase of 127.5%; businesses breach 37.2% of the whole instry, enhancing the diffluent counter pressure.

In 2007, corporate internet bank achieved a trading volume of 85.74 trillion yuan, and personal internet bank achieved 4.15 trillion yuan, increasing respectively by 133.8% and 205.1%; personal and corporate internet bank customers amounted to 39.08 million and 0.98 million. ICBC has won "Best Personal Internet Bank in China" from "Global Finance" in the US for consecutive five years, "Best Deposits Service Internet Bank in Asia" and "Best Deposits Service Internet Bank in the World" for the first time; it won the first place with absolute advantage in the second "Internet Bank Test" hosted by "Hexun"; it also won the honor of "Best Internet Bank in China" in 2007 awarded by CFCA.

The procts and functions of telephone bank have been enriched, and the intensiveness has been further improved. In 2007, total incoming calls amounted to 250 million, among which manual answer amounted to 28.51 million. In the "Best Call Center in China" contest, ICBC won "Best National Call Center Management Team", "Best Call Center Manager"; in the fourth Asia-Pacific Best Call Center election, ICBC won "Special Contribution Honor of Call Center in China".

Self-help equipments have had increasingly large input, and the self-help bank networks have been expanded rapidly. By the end of 2007, ICBC has got 4890 self-help bank center, 23,420 ATMs, with the trading volume of ATMs amounting to 1,069.6 billion yuan, an increase of 71.0%.

[Advanced Technology]
Adopting "technology-orientated" strategy, ICBC maintains its leading place among the domestic banking instry in the aspect of information technology, remarkably improving its business development and operation management capacity. In 2007, ICBC was listed among the top in "China's Corporation Informationization Top 500", and won "2007 Technology Honor---Global Bank Cash Management Honor" held by "the Bankers" magazine in the UK.

ICBC was making breakthroughs by innovation, owning 63 patents. The information system, customer financing, cash management, internet bank and other procts have been enriched, and various inner management systems have been completed.

The information system runs securely and steadily. ICBC has constructed a wholly system within city and between different cities for anti-disaster preparation. The capacity, performance and technology of the system are all among the world's top ones.

Ⅵ やくそくのうた





Ⅶ 什麼是Word零日漏洞

該漏洞和以前的Office漏洞類似,我們預測電子郵件將成為初始的傳播方式,在電子郵件中往往包含附件,而且它會誘騙客戶運行附件文檔。這些漏洞通常會再連接到遠程黑客網站(都是一些木馬下載網站)來載入額外的攻擊代碼。Websense Threatwatcher能夠挖掘從木馬站點下載的惡意代碼。雖然過去的攻擊數量是有限的,但是,利用Word零日漏洞實施的攻擊,仍有大規模爆發的可能性。漏洞詳情,請查看 http://www.microsoft.com/technet/security/advisory/929433.mspx。關於檢測和防止這類攻擊的詳細信息,請查詢:http://www.websensesecuritylabs.com/alerts/alert.php?AlertID=713

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