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發布時間: 2022-01-18 08:13:03

『壹』 「埠」 中的數字都代表什麼意思

電腦用來跟外界交換數據 再詳細的話看這里
埠 說明
1 傳輸控制協議埠服務多路開關選擇器
2 compressnet 管理實用程序
3 壓縮進程
5 遠程作業登錄
7 回顯(Echo)
9 丟棄
11 在線用戶
12 我的測試埠
13 時間
15 netstat
17 每日引用
18 消息發送協議
19 字元發生器
20 文件傳輸協議(默認數據口)
21 文件傳輸協議(控制)
22 SSH遠程登錄協議
23 telnet 終端模擬協議
24 預留給個人用郵件系統
25 smtp 簡單郵件發送協議
27 NSW 用戶系統現場工程師
31 MSG驗證
33 顯示支持協議
35 預留給個人列印機服務
37 時間
38 路由訪問協議
39 資源定位協議
41 圖形
42 WINS 主機名服務
43 "綽號" who is服務
44 MPM(消息處理模塊)標志協議
45 消息處理模塊
46 消息處理模塊(默認發送口)
47 NI ftp
48 數碼音頻後台服務
49 TACACS登錄主機協議
50 遠程郵件檢查協議
51 IMP(介面信息處理機)邏輯地址維
52 施樂網路服務系統時間協議
53 域名伺服器
54 施樂網路服務系統票據交換
55 ISI圖形語言
56 施樂網路服務系統驗證
57 預留個人用終端訪問
58 施樂網路服務系統郵件
59 預留個人文件服務
60 未定義
61 NI郵件?
62 非同步通訊適配器服務
64 通訊介面
65 TACACS資料庫服務
66 Oracle sql*NET
67 引導程序協議服務端
68 引導程序協議客戶端
69 小型文件傳輸協議
70 信息檢索協議
71 遠程作業服務
72 遠程作業服務
73 遠程作業服務
74 遠程作業服務
75 預留給個人撥出服務
76 分布式外部對象存儲
77 預留給個人遠程作業輸入服務
78 修正TCP
79 Finger(查詢遠程主機在線用戶等信息)
80 全球信息網超文本傳輸協議(www)
81 HOST2名稱服務
82 傳輸實用程序
83 模塊化智能終端ML設備
84 公用追蹤設備
85 模塊化智能終端ML設備
86 Micro Focus Cobol編程語言
87 預留給個人終端連接
88 Kerberros安全認證系統
89 SU/MIT終端模擬網關
90 DNSIX 安全屬性標記圖
91 MIT Dover假離線
92 網路列印協議
93 設備控制協議
94 Tivoli對象調度
96 DIXIE協議規范
97 快速遠程虛擬文件協議
98 TAC(東京大學自動計算機)新聞協議
99 Telnet服務,開99埠 (Troj.open99)
101 usually from sri-nic
102 iso-tsap
103 gppitnp
104 acr-nema
105 csnet-ns
106 3com-tsmux
107 rtelnet
108 snagas
109 Post Office
110 Pop3 伺服器(郵箱發送伺服器)
111 sunrpc
112 mcidas
113 身份查詢
114 audionews
115 sftp
116 ansanotify
117 path 或 uucp-path
118 sqlserv
119 新聞伺服器
120 cfdptkt
121 BO jammerkillah
123 network
124 ansatrader
125 locus-map
126 unitary
127 locus-con
128 gss-xlicen
129 pwdgen
130 cisco-fna
131 cisco-tna
132 cisco-sys
133 statsrv
134 ingres-net
135 查詢服務 DNS
136 profile PROFILE Naming System
137 NetBIOS 數據報(UDP)
138 NetBios-DGN
139 共享資源埠(NetBios-SSN)
140 emfis-data
141 emfis-cntl
142 bl-idm
143 IMAP電子郵件
144 NeWS
145 uaac
146 iso-tp0
147 iso-ip
148 jargon
149 aed-512
150 sql-net
151 hems
152 bftp
153 sgmp
154 netsc-prod
155 netsc-dev
156 sqlsrv
157 knet-cmp
159 nss-routing
160 sgmp-traps
161 遠程管理設備(SNMP)
162 snmp-trap
163 cmip-man
164 cmip-agent
165 xns-courier Xerox
166 s-net
167 namp
168 rsvd
169 send
170 network Po
171 multiplex Network
172 cl/1 Network
173 xyplex-mux
174 mailq
175 vmnet
176 genrad-mux
177 xdmcp
178 nextstep
179 bgp
180 ris
181 unify
182 audit
183 ocbinder
184 ocserver
185 remote-kis
186 kis
187 aci
188 mumps
189 qft
190 gacp
191 prospero
192 osu-nms
193 srmp
194 Irc
195 dn6-nlm-aud
196 dn6-smm-red
197 dls
198 dls-mon
199 smux
200 src IBM
201 at-rtmp
202 at-nbp
203 at-3
204 at-echo
205 at-5
206 at-zis
207 at-7
208 at-8
209 qmtp
210 z39.50 ANSI
211 914c/g
212 anet
214 vmpwscs
215 softpc Insignia Solutions
216 CAIlic
217 dbase
218 mpp
219 uarps
220 imap3
221 fln-spx
222 rsh-spx
223 cdc
242 direct
243 sur-meas
244 dayna
245 link
246 dsp3270
247 subntbcst_tftp
248 bhfhs
256 rap
257 set
258 yak-chat
259 esro-gen
260 openport
263 hdap
264 bgmp
280 http-mgmt
309 entrusttime
310 bhmds
312 vslmp
315 load
316 decauth
317 zannet
321 pip
344 pdap
345 pawserv
346 zserv
347 fatserv
348 csi-sgwp
349 mftp
351 matip-type-b
351 matip-type-b
353 ndsauth
354 bh611
357 bhevent
362 srssend
365 dtk
366 odmr
368 qbikgdp
371 clearcase
372 ulistproc ListProcessor
373 legent-1
374 legent-2
374 legent-2
375 hassle
376 nip
377 tnETOS
378 dsETOS
379 is99c
380 is99s
381 hp-collector
383 hp-alarm-mgr
384 arns
385 ibm-app
386 asa
387 aurp
388 unidata-ldm
389 ldap
390 uis
391 synotics-relay
393 dis
394 embl-ndt
395 netcp
396 netware-ip
397 mptn
398 kryptolan
399 iso-tsap-c2
400 vmnet0
401 ups Uninterruptible Power Supply
402 genie Genie Protocol
403 decap
404 nced
405 ncld
406 imsp
407 timbuktu
408 prm-sm
409 prm-nm
410 decladebug DECLadebug Remote Debug Protocol
411 rmt
412 synoptics-trap
413 smsp SMSP
414 infoseek
415 bnet
416 silverplatter
417 onmux
418 hyper-g
419 ariel1
420 smpte
421 ariel2
422 ariel3
423 opc-job-start
424 opc-job-track
425 icad-el
426 smartsdp
427 svrloc
428 ocs_cmu
429 ocs_amu
430 utmpsd
431 utmpcd
432 iasd
433 nnsp
434 mobileip-agent
435 mobilip-mn
436 dna-cml
437 comscm
438 dsfgw
439 dasp
440 sgcp
441 decvms-sysmgt
442 cvc_hostd
443 安全服務
444 snpp
445 NT的共享資源新埠(139)
446 ddm-rdb
447 ddm-dfm
448 ddm-ssl
449 as-servermap
450 tserver
451 sfs-smp-net
453 creativeserver
454 contentserver
455 creativepartnr
456 Hackers
457 scohelp
458 appleqtc
459 ampr-rcmd
460 skronk
461 datasurfsrv
462 datasurfsrvsec
463 alpes
464 kpasswd
465 smtps
466 digital-vrc
467 mylex-mapd
468 photuris
469 rcp
470 scx-proxy
471 mondex
472 ljk-login
473 hybrid-pop
474 tn-tl-w1
475 tcpnethaspsrv
476 tn-tl-fd1
477 ss7ns
478 spsc
479 iafserver
480 iafdbase
481 ph Ph
482 bgs-nsi
483 ulpnet
484 integra-sme
485 powerburst Air Soft Power Burst
486 avian
487 saft
488 gss-http
489 nest-protocol
490 micom-pfs
491 go-login
492 ticf-1
493 ticf-2
494 pov-ray
495 intecourier
496 pim-rp-disc
497 dantz
498 siam
499 iso-ill
500 sytek
501 stmf
502 asa-appl-proto
503 intrinsa
504 citadel
505 mailbox-lm
506 ohimsrv
507 crs
508 xvttp
509 snare
510 fcp
511 passgo
512 exec
513 login
514 shell
515 printer
516 videotex
517 talk
518 ntalk
519 utime
520 efs
521 ripng
522 ulp
523 ibm-db2
524 ncp NCP
525 timed
526 tempo newdate
527 stx
528 custix
529 irc-serv
530 courier
531 conference chat
532 netnews
533 netwall
534 mm-admin
535 iiop
536 opalis-rdv
537 nmsp
538 gdomap
539 apertus-ldp
540 uucp
541 uucp-rlogin
542 commerce
543 klogin
544 kshell
545 appleqtcsrvr
546 dhcpv6-client
547 dhcpv6-server
548 afpovertcp
549 idfp
550 new-rwho
551 cybercash
552 deviceshare
553 pirp
554 rtsp
555 dsf
556 remotefs
557 openvms-sysipc
558 sdnskmp
559 teedtap
560 rmonitor
561 monitor
562 chshell chcmd
563 nntps
564 9pfs
565 whoami
566 streettalk
567 banyan-rpc
568 ms-shuttle
569 ms-rome
570 meter
571 meter
572 sonar
573 banyan-vip
574 ftp-agent
575 vemmi
576 ipcd
577 vnas
578 ipdd
579 decbsrv
581 bdp
588 cal
589 eyelink
590 tns-cml
593 http-rpc-epmap
594 tpip
596 smsd
599 acp Aeolon Core Protocol
600 ipcserver Sun IPC server
606 urm Cray
607 nqs
608 sift-uft
609 npmp-trap
610 npmp-local
611 npmp-gui
613 hmmp-op
620 sco-websrvrmgr
621 escp-ip
625 dec_dlm
626 asia
628 qmqp
630 rda
631 ipp
632 bmpp
634 ginad
635 rlzdbase
636 ldaps
637 lanserver
639 msdp
666 doom
667 disclose
668 mecomm
669 meregister
670 vacdsm-sws
671 vacdsm-app
672 vpps-qua
673 cimplex
674 acap
675 dctp
704 elcsd
705 agentx
709 entrust-kmsh
710 entrust-ash
729 netviewdm1
730 netviewdm2
731 netviewdm3
741 netgw
742 netrcs
744 flexlm
747 fujitsu-dev
748 ris-cm
749 kerberos-adm
750 rfile
751 pump
752 qrh
753 rrh
754 tell send
758 nlogin
759 con
760 ns
761 rxe
762 quotad
763 cycleserv
764 omserv
765 webster
769 vid
770 cadlock
771 rtip
772 cycleserv2
773 submit
774 rpasswd
776 wpages
780 wpgs
786 concert Concert
787 qsc QSC
801 device
873 rsync rsync
886 iclcnet-locate
887 iclcnet_svinfo
888 erlogin
900 omginitialrefs
911 xact-backup
990 ftps
991 nas
992 telnets
993 imaps
994 ircs
995 pop3s
996 vsinet
997 maitrd
998 busboy
999 garcon
1000 cadlock
1010 surf
1023 Reserved
1024 NetSpy.698 (YAI)
1025 network blackjack
1026 Win2000 的 Internet 信息服務
1031 iad2
1032 iad3
1033 Netspy
1042 Bla1.1
1047 GateCrasher
1080 Wingate
1058 nim
1059 nimreg
1067 instl_boots
1068 instl_bootc
1080 Wingate
1083 ansoft-lm-1
1084 ansoft-lm-2
1109 kpop
1114 SQL
1123 murray Murray
1155 nfa Network File Access
1212 lupa lupa
1222 nerv SNI R&D network
1239 nmsd NMSD
1243 Sub-7木馬
1245 Vodoo
1248 hermes
1269 Mavericks Matrix
1492 FTP99CMP (BackOriffice.FTP)
1509 Streaming Server
1524 ingreslock後門
1313 bmc_patroldb
1314 pdps
1321 pip PIP
1345 vpjp VPJP
1346 alta-ana-lm
1347 bbn-mmc
1348 bbn-mmx
1349 sbook Registration Network Protocol
1350 editbench
1352 lotusnote
1353 relief
1354 rightbrain
1355 intuitive-edge
1356 cuillamartin
1357 pegboard
1358 connlcli
1359 ftsrv
1360 mimer
1361 linx
1362 timeflies
1363 ndm-requester
1364 ndm-server
1365 adapt-sna
1366 netware-csp
1367 dcs
1368 screencast
1369 gv-us
1370 us-gv
1371 fc-cli
1372 fc-ser
1373 chromagrafx
1374 molly EPI Software Systems
1375 bytex
1376 ibm-pps
1377 cichlid
1378 elan
1379 dbreporter Integrity Solutions
1380 telesis-licman
1381 apple-licman
1382 udt_os
1383 gwha
1384 os-licman
1385 atex_elmd
1386 checksum
1387 cadsi-lm
1388 objective-dbc
1389 iclpv-dm
1390 iclpv-sc
1391 iclpv-sas
1392 iclpv-pm
1393 iclpv-nls
1394 iclpv-nlc
1395 iclpv-wsm
1396 dvl-activemail
1399 cadkey-licman
1400 cadkey-tablet
1402 prm-sm-np
1403 prm-nm-np
1404 igi-lm
1405 ibm-res
1406 netlabs-lm
1407 dbsa-lm
1408 sophia-lm
1409 here-lm
1410 hiq
1411 af AudioFile
1412 innosys
1413 innosys-acl
1414 ibm-mqseries
1415 dbstar
1416 novell-lu6.2
1417 timbuktu-srv1
1418 timbuktu-srv2
1419 timbuktu-srv3
1420 timbuktu-srv4
1421 gandalf-lm
1422 autodesk-lm
1423 essbase
1424 hybrid
1425 zion-lm
1426 sais
1427 mloadd
1428 inFORMatik-lm
1429 nms Hypercom NMS
1430 tp Hypercom TPDU
1431 rgtp
1432 blueberry-lm
1433 ms-sql-s
1434 ms-sql-m
1435 ibm-cics
1436 saism
1437 tabula
1438 eicon-server
1439 eicon-x25
1440 eicon-slp
1441 cadis-1
1442 cadis-2
1443 ies-lm
1444 marcam-lm
1445 proxima-lm
1446 ora-lm
1447 apri-lm
1448 oc-lm
1449 peport
1450 dwf
1451 infoman
1452 gtegsc-lm
1453 genie-lm
1454 interhdl_elmd
1455 esl-lm
1456 dca
1457 valisys-lm
1458 nrcabq-lm
1459 proshare1
1460 proshare2
1461 ibm_wrless_lan
1462 world-lm
1463 nucleus
1464 msl_lmd
1465 pipes
1466 oceansoft-lm
1467 csdmbase
1468 csdm
1469 aal-lm
1470 uaiact
1471 csdmbase
1472 csdm
1473 openmath
1474 telefinder
1475 taligent-lm
1476 clvm-cfg
1477 ms-sna-server
1478 ms-sna-base
1479 dberegister
1480 pacerforum
1481 airs
1482 miteksys-lm
1483 afs
1484 confluent
1485 lansource
1486 nms_topo_serv
1487 localinfosrvr
1488 docstor
1489 dmdocbroker
1490 insitu-conf
1491 anynetgateway
1492 FTP99CMP (BackOriffice.FTP)
1493 netmap_lm
1494 ica
1495 cvc
1496 liberty-lm
1497 rfx-lm
1498 sybase-sqlany
1499 fhc
1500 vlsi-lm
1501 saiscm
1502 shivadiscovery
1503 imtc-mcs
1504 evb-elm
1505 funkproxy
1506 utcd
1507 symplex
1508 diagmond
1509 Streaming Server
1510 mvx-lm
1511 3l-l1
1512 wins
1513 fujitsu-dtc
1514 fujitsu-dtcns
1515 ifor-protocol
1516 vpad
1517 vpac
1518 vpvd
1519 vpvc
1520 atm-zip-office
1521 ncube-lm
1522 ricardo-lm
1523 cichild-lm
1525 orasrv
1525 orasrv
1526 pdap-np
1527 tlisrv
1528 mciautoreg
1529 coauthor
1530 rap-service
1531 rap-listen
1532 miroconnect
1533 virtual-places
1534 micromuse-lm
1535 ampr-info
1536 ampr-inter
1537 sdsc-lm
1538 3ds-lm
1539 intellistor-lm
1540 rds
1541 rds2
1542 gridgen-elmd
1543 simba-cs
1544 aspeclmd
1545 vistium-share
1546 abbaccuray
1547 laplink
1548 axon-lm
1549 shivahose
1550 3m-image-lm
1551 hecmtl-db
1552 pciarray
1553 sna-cs
1554 caci-lm
1555 livelan
1556 ashwin
1557 arbortext-lm
1558 xingmpeg
1559 web2host
1560 asci-val
1561 facilityview
1562 pconnectmgr
1563 cadabra-lm
1564 pay-per-view
1565 winddlb
1566 corelvideo
1567 jlicelmd
1568 tsspmap
1569 ets
1570 orbixd
1571 rdb-dbs-disp
1572 Chipcom License Manager
1573 itscomm-ns
1574 mvel-lm
1575 oraclenames
1576 moldflow-lm
1577 hypercube-lm
1578 Jacobus License Manager
1579 ioc-sea-lm
1580 tn-tl-r1 tn-tl-r1
1581 mil-2045-47001
1582 msims
1583 simbaexpress
1584 tn-tl-fd2
1585 intv
1586 ibm-abtact
1587 pra_elmd
1588 triquest-lm
1589 vqp
1590 gemini-lm
1591 ncpm-pm
1592 commonspace
1593 mainsoft-lm
1594 sixtrak
1595 radio
1596 radio-sm
1597 orbplus-iiop
1598 picknfs
1599 simbaservices
1600 Shiv
1601 aas
1602 inspect
1603 picodbc
1604 icabrowser icabrowser
1605 slp Salutation Manager
1606 Salutation Manager
1607 stt
1608 Smart Corp. License Manager
1609 isysg-lm
1610 taurus-wh
1611 ill Inter Library Loan
1612 NetBill Transaction Server
1613 NetBill Key Repository
1614 NetBill Credential Server
1615 NetBill Authorization Server
1616 NetBill Proct Server
1617 Nimrod Inter-Agent Communication
1618 skytelnet
1619 xs-openstorage
1620 faxportwinport
1621 softdataphone
1622 ontime
1623 jaleosnd
1624 udp-sr-port
1625 svs-omagent
1636 cncp
1637 cnap
1638 cnip
1639 cert
1640 cert-responder
1641 invision
1642 isis-am
1643 isis-ambc
1645 datametrics
1646 sa-msg-port
1647 rsap rsap
1648 concurrent-lm
1649 inspect
1650 nkd
1651 shiva_confsrvr
1652 xnmp
1654 stargatealerts
1655 dec-mbadmin
1656 dec-mbadmin-h
1657 fujitsu-mmpdc
1658 sixnetudr
1659 sg-lm
1660 skip-mc-gikreq
1661 netview-aix-1
1662 netview-aix-2
1663 netview-aix-3
1664 netview-aix-4
1665 netview-aix-5
1666 netview-aix-6
1667 netview-aix-7
1668 netview-aix-8
1669 netview-aix-9
1670 netview-aix-10
1671 netview-aix-11
1672 netview-aix-12
1673 Intel Proshare Multicast
1674 Intel Proshare Multicast
1675 pdp Pacific Data Procts
1676 netcomm1
1677 groupwise
1678 prolink
1679 darcorp-lm
1681 sd-elmd
1682 lanyon-lantern
1683 ncpm-hip
1684 snaresecure
1685 n2nremote
1686 cvmon cvmon
1687 nsjtp-ctrl
1688 nsjtp-data
1689 firefox
1690 ng-umds
1691 empire-empuma
1692 sstsys-lm
1693 rrirtr
1694 rrimwm
1695 rrilwm
1696 rrifmm
1697 rrisat
1698 rsvp-encap-1
1699 rsvp-encap-2
1700 mps-raft
1701 l2f,l2tp
1702 deskshare
1703 hb-engine
1704 bcs-broker
1705 slingshot
1706 jetFORM
1707 vdmplay
1708 gat-lmd
1709 centra
1710 impera
1711 pptconference
1712 registrar resource monitoring service
1713 conferencetalk

『貳』 Godaddy空間經常503錯誤,FTP訪問正常


『叄』 ftp上傳出現這個是為什麼.應該怎麼處理

150 opening ascii mode data connection for /bin/ls.
426 data connection closed, transfer aborted.

這種情況可能是你所在網路安裝了防火牆(或代理),該防火牆(或代理)禁止來自遠程的連接,426 data connection closed, transfer aborted表明了這一點。這時候你可以使用被動傳輸模式(pasv模式),來避免該限制,進行數據傳輸.
解決辦法是在該ftp標簽的站點設置中,設置為被動模式pasv模式.同樣,如果前面有網友出現200 port command successful.

connected. waiting for response.
220 serv-u ftp server v4.0 for winsock ready...
user anonymous
530 sorry, no anonymous access allowed.


connected. waiting for response.
220 serv-u ftp server v4.0 for winsock ready...
user test
331 user name okay, need password.
pass xxxxxx
530 not logged in.

connecting to xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx, port 21 (#1)
error: connection timed out



connecting to xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx port 21 (#1)
error: connection refused


connecting to xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx, port 21 (#1)
connected. waiting for response.
disconnected from server.
connection attempt failed. waiting for retry...

connecting to xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx, port 21 (#1)
connected. waiting for response.
user xxx
331 user name okay, need password
pass xxxxxx
530 not logged in, unauthorized ip address.

227 entering passive mode (218,3,87,224,10,232)
retr hfdx-tsoaf.sub.rar
550 sorry, insufficient credit for download - upload first.

connected. waiting for response.
220 serv-u ftp server v4.0 for winsock ready...
user user
421 too many users - please try again later.

150 opening ascii mode data connection for /bin/ls.
426 data connection closed, transfer aborted.

這種情況可能是你所在網路安裝了防火牆(或代理),該防火牆(或代理)禁止來自遠程的連接,426 data connection closed, transfer aborted表明了這一點。這時候你可以使用被動傳輸模式(pasv模式),來避免該限制,進行數據傳輸.
解決辦法是在該ftp標簽的站點設置中,設置為被動模式pasv模式.同樣,如果前面有網友出現200 port command successful.

Connecting to xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx, Port 21 (#1)
ERROR: Connection timed out
Connecting to xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx Port 21 (#1)
ERROR: Connection refused
Connecting to xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx, Port 21 (#1)
Connected. Waiting for response.
Disconnected from server.
Connection attempt failed. Waiting for retry...

110 Restart marker reply. In this case, the text is exact and not left to
the particular implementation; it must read: MARK yyyy = mmmm where yyyy is
User-process data stream marker, and mmmm server s equivalent marker (note
the spaces between markers and "=").
重新啟動標志回應。這種情況下,信息是精確的並且不用特別的處理;可以這樣看:標記 yyyy = mmm 中 yyyy是 用戶進程數據流標記,mmmm是伺服器端相應的標記(注意在標記和等號間的空格)
120 Service ready in nnn minutes.
125 Data connection already open; transfer starting.
150 File status okay; about to open data connection.
200 Command okay.
202 Command not implemented, superfluous at this site.
211 System status, or system help reply.
212 Directory status.
213 File status.
214 Help message.On how to use the server or the meaning of a particular
non-standard command. This reply is useful only to the human user. 幫助信息。
215 NAME system type. Where NAME is an official system name from the list
in the Assigned Numbers document.
220 Service ready for new user.
221 Service closing control connection.
225 Data connection open; no transfer in progress.
226 Closing data connection. Requested file action successful (for example,
file transfer or file abort).
227 Entering Passive Mode (h1,h2,h3,h4,p1,p2).
230 User logged in, proceed. Logged out if appropriate.
用戶已登入。 如果不需要可以登出。
250 Requested file action okay, completed.
257 "PATHNAME" created.
331 User name okay, need password.
332 Need account for login.
350 Requested file action pending further information
421 Service not available, closing control connection.This may be a reply
to any command if the service knows it must shut down.
421 Too many users - please try again later.
425 Can t open data connection.
426 Connection closed; transfer aborted.
450 Requested file action not taken.
451 Requested action aborted. Local error in processing.
452 Requested action not taken. Insufficient storage space in system.File
unavailable (e.g., file busy).
請求的操作沒有被執行。 系統存儲空間不足。 文件不可用
500 Syntax error, command unrecognized. This may include errors such as
command line too long.
語法錯誤,不可識別的命令。 這可能是命令行過長。
501 Syntax error in parameters or arguments.
502 Command not implemented.
503 Bad sequence of commands.
504 Command not implemented for that parameter.
530 Not logged in.
530 Sorry, no ANONYMOUS access allowed.
530 Not logged in, unauthorized IP address
這個有點麻煩,你的IP不在站長允許訪問的IP范圍內,只有和站長聯系,讓他把你的IP網段加入Allow Access列表裡吧
530 Not logged in, only one(也有可能是two or three) session from same IP allowed at a time.
每個IP只能開一個(也有可能是two or three) 下載,就不要用多線程啦,小心Ban了你。
532 Need account for storing files.
550 Requested action not taken. File unavailable (e.g., file not found, no
551 Requested action aborted. Page type unknown.
552 Requested file action aborted. Exceeded storage allocation (for current
directory or dataset).
對請求文件的操作中止。 超出存儲分配
553 Requested action not taken. File name not allowed
請求操作未被執行。 文件名不允許

『肆』 python ftp permission denied怎麼解決

FTP 550 Permission denied 只能建文件夾,沒法刪除及上傳文件的解決方法,需要的朋友可以參考下。


原創 SU整理(FTP)收藏

150 FILE: %s
150 Opening %s mode data connection for %s (%I64d Bytes).
150 Opening %s mode data connection for %s.
150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for /bin/ls.
150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for MLSD.
200 (end of 'index %s')
200 Command channel switched to clear-text.
200 Command OK, %I64d Bytes available on %s
200 Command okay.
200 EXEC command successful (TID=%u).
200 Message received okay.
200 MODE S ok.
200 MODE Z LEVEL set to %d.
200 MODE Z ok.
200 Noted.
200 Opened OK (but not really).
200 PBSZ command OK. Protection buffer size set to 0.
200 PBSZ=0
200 PORT Command successful.
200 PROT command OK. Using clear data connection.
200 PROT command OK. Using private data connection.
200 STRU F ok.
200 STRU R ok.
200 Transfer progress notification is off.
200 Transfer progress notification is on.
200 Type set to A.
200 Type set to I.
202 Command not implemented, superfluous at this site.
202 Command not implemented, superfluous at this site.
210 UTC%+ld
211 End
211 End of status.
211-Extension supported
211-Status for user %Name from %IP:
213 %I64d
213 %s
214 Direct comments or bugs to [email protected].
214- The following commands are recognized (* => unimplemented).
215 UNIX Type: L8
220 Service ready for new user.
220 Serv-U FTP Server v%s for WinSock ready...
221 Goodbye!
226 ABOR command successful.
226 Transfer complete.
226 Transfer complete.
226 Transfer complete.
227 Entering Passive Mode (%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d)
230 Password changed okay.
230 Switching to SYSTEM MAINTENANCE mode.
230 User logged in, proceed.
230 User logged in.
231 Switching to GROUP MAINTENANCE mode.
232 Switching to DOMAIN MAINTENANCE mode.
233 Switching to READ-ONLY MAINTENANCE mode.
233 User logged in, PASSWORD EXPIRED - please change before proceeding.
234 AUTH command OK. Already have SSL connection.
234 AUTH command OK. Initializing SSL connection.
250 %X
250 DELE command successful.
250 Directory changed to %s
250 End.
250 RMD command successful.
250 RNTO command successful.
250-Listing %s
253 Attributes changed okay.
253 Date/time changed okay.
257 "%s" directory created.
257 "%s" is current directory.
321 Transferred %I64d Bytes.
331 Response to otp-md%d %u %s required for skey.
331 User name okay, need password.
331 User name okay, please send complete E-mail address as password.
350 File or directory exists, ready for destination name
350 Restarting at %I64d. Send STORE or RETRIEVE.
421 Data connection closed (SSL/TLS negotiation failed).
421 Service closing control connection.
425 Cannot open data connection.
425 Cannot open data connection.
425 Cannot open data connection.
425 Try later, data connection in use.
425 Try later, data connection in use.
425 Try later, data connection in use.
425 Try later, out of network sockets.
425 Try later, out of network sockets.
425 Try later, out of network sockets.
425 Unable to listen, too many pending PASV requests from same client IP.
425 Unable to set up passive listening socket.
426 Data connection closed, cannot read file %s.
426 Data connection closed, cannot write file %s - disk full?
426 Data connection closed, error compressing data stream.
426 Data connection closed, error decompressing data stream.
426 Data connection closed, file transfer %s aborted by client.
426 Data connection closed, file transfer %s aborted.
426 Data connection closed, receive file %s aborted.
426 Data connection closed, transfer aborted.
426 Transfer aborted.
431 Account temporarily locked for other user, please try later.
431 Password not changed, no match for old password.
431 Unable to negotiate secure command connection.
432 Password not changed, new password should be at least %d characters in length.
432 Password not changed, new password should contain at least one upper-case character and symbol
432 Password not changed, old and new passwords cannot be identical.
450 Cannot open file %s for reading.
452 Sorry, insufficient disk quota - receive file %s aborted.
500 '%s': command not understood.
501 %s: Not a directory.
501 Cannot EXEC command line (error=%u).
501 Invalid MLST options
501 Invalid option.
501 Not enough space, only %I64d Bytes available on drive %s
501 Permission denied.
501 SITE option not supported.
501 Syntax error in parameters or arguments.
501 Syntax error in parameters or arguments.
501 Syntax error in parameters or arguments.
501 Syntax error in parameters or arguments.
501 Syntax error in parameters or arguments.
501 Syntax error in parameters or arguments.
501 Syntax error in parameters or arguments.
501 Syntax error in parameters or arguments.
501 Syntax error in parameters or arguments.
501 Syntax error in parameters or arguments.
501 Syntax error in parameters or arguments.
501 Syntax error in parameters or arguments.
501 Syntax error in parameters or arguments.
501 Syntax error in parameters or arguments.
501 Syntax error in parameters or arguments.
501 Syntax error in parameters or arguments.
501 Syntax error in parameters or arguments.
501 Syntax error in parameters or arguments.
501 Syntax error in parameters or arguments.
501 Wildcards not allowed.
502 Syntax error - use SITE PSWD "<oldpassword>" "<newpassword>".
503 Bad sequence of commands.
503 Bad sequence of commands.
503 Secure command connection required prior to PBSZ command.
503 Secure command connection required prior to PROT command.
504 Command not implemented for that parameter.
504 Command not implemented for that parameter.
504 Command not implemented for that parameter.
504 Unknown security mechanism.
510 Cannot determine server time zone.
521 Data connection cannot be opened with this PROT setting.
522 SSL/TLS lib refuses to initiate secure data connection.
530 Cannot change Anonymous password.
530 Cannot change password.
530 Not logged in, cannot find home directory.
530 Not logged in, home directory does not exist.

『伍』 godaddy503錯誤網頁顯示Service Unavailable HTTP Error 503. The service is unavailable. ftp訪問正常

ice Unavailable」的提示,刷新幾下又可以訪問。

由於2003的操作系統在提示IIS過多時並非像2000系統提示「鏈接人數過多」,而是提示"Service Unavailable",出現這種情況是由於網站超過了系統資源限製造成的,主要是程序佔用資源太多。
如果一個網站的程序占資源太多或者發生太多的錯誤,系統日誌就會提示:「應用程序池 'xxx' 被自動禁用,原因是為此應用程序池提供服務的進程中出現一系列錯誤,或者提示:應用程序池 'xxx' 超過了其作業限制設置。這時,訪問這個網站就會提示:Service Unavailable。一般系統會在30秒左右恢復正常,多刷新幾次就能正常訪問了。

另外,如果你的網站當前訪問人數過多,超過了系統的iis連接數限制,也會出現Service Unavailable的提示(win2k主機下出現連接過多就會提示:連接過多,請稍後再試;而win2003的主機剛直接提示:Service Unavailable)

二、沒有限制IIS連接,還是遭遇Service Unavailable
一般使用windows 2003 IIS 6的用戶可能這個問題一直正常的系統,突然有一個網站打不開了
提示: Service Unavailable 但這個網站並沒有限制IIS連接數。然後馬上影響到了別的網站,不到一會,其他的網站也全變成了 Service Unavailable
我們分析後可以知道,還是MS的老問題。ACCESS引擎當了。用伺服器醫生的文件醫生修復,查看修復結果時會發現一些文件引起ACCESS引擎「災難性故障」及「未將對象引用設置到對象的實例」的錯誤。 通過文件醫生修復後,系統才會恢復正常。

三、瀏覽一個 Windows SharePoint Services Web 站點時,提示:Service Unavailable

1.Microsoft Internet 信息服務 (IIS) 6.0 中沒有正確地配置用於虛擬伺服器的應用程序池,就可能會發生此問題。
要解決此問題,按照下列步驟操作: 1.驗證是否已為虛擬伺服器配置了應用程序池。默認的應用程序池是 MSSharePointPortalAppPool。
a. 單擊「開始」,指向「管理工具」,然後單擊「Internet 信息服務 (IIS) 管理器」。
b. 展開「ServerName」,展開「Web 站點」,右鍵單擊虛擬伺服器,然後單擊「屬性」。
c. 單擊「主目錄」選項卡。 為虛擬伺服器配置的應用程序池列在「應用程序池」框中。
d. 單擊「確定」。

驗證應用程序池帳戶使用的密碼是否正確。IIS 不會自動輪詢 Active Directory 目錄服務中的密碼更改。如果應用程序池帳戶是一個域帳戶,其密碼已過期,則在為此帳戶重新指定一個新密碼後,您可能會收到本文「症狀」部分所描述的錯誤信息。

驗證應用程序池帳戶是伺服器上的 IIS_WPG 組和 STS_WPG 組的成員。

重新啟動 IIS 以回收應用程序池

『陸』 急!!ftp登錄錯誤,提示 530 not logged in,連接失敗 ,,是怎麼回事啊 求解!!


『柒』 FTP傳不了東西怎麼半啊

150 文件狀態良好,打開數據連接
200 命令成功
202 命令未實現
211 系統狀態或系統幫助響應
212 目錄狀態
213 文件狀態
214 幫助信息,信息僅對人類用戶有用
215 名字系統類型
220 對新用戶服務准備好
221 服務關閉控制連接,可以退出登錄
225 數據連接打開,無傳輸正在進行
226 關閉數據連接,請求的文件操作成功
227 進入被動模式
230 用戶登錄
250 請求的文件操作完成
257 創建"PATHNAME"
331 用戶名正確,需要口令
332 登錄時需要帳戶信息
350 請求的文件操作需要進一步命令
421 連接用戶過多
425 不能打開數據連接
426 關閉連接,中止傳輸
450 請求的文件操作未執行
451 中止請求的操作:有本地錯誤
452 未執行請求的操作:系統存儲空間不足
500 格式錯誤,命令不可識別
501 參數語法錯誤
502 命令未實現
503 命令順序錯誤
504 此參數下的命令功能未實現
530 賬號或密碼錯誤
532 存儲文件需要帳戶信息
550 未執行請求的操作
551 請求操作中止:頁類型未知
552 請求的文件操作中止,存儲分配溢出
553 未執行請求的操作:文件名不合法
●400-Bad request失敗請求錯誤(最常見的錯誤之一)
●404-Not found沒有找到錯誤(最常見的錯誤之二)
●500-Server Error伺服器錯誤
●503-Service unavailable服務不可用錯誤(常見錯誤之三)
●Bad file request錯誤文件請求
●Socks Error代理伺服器出錯
(常見錯誤之?IMG SRC='/big5/images/smiles/smile_sleepy.gif' ALT='sleepy' WIDTH=15 HEIGHT=15 border=0 ALIGN='absmiddle'>
●Request time out連接超時錯誤(常見錯誤之五)

『捌』 埠入侵

一般是 23 135 445 3389這幾個常用
1 傳輸控制協議埠服務多路開關選擇器
2 compressnet 管理實用程序
3 壓縮進程
5 遠程作業登錄
7 回顯(Echo)
9 丟棄
11 在線用戶
12 我的測試埠
13 時間
15 netstat
17 每日引用
18 消息發送協議
19 字元發生器
20 文件傳輸協議(默認數據口)
21 文件傳輸協議(控制)
22 SSH遠程登錄協議
23 telnet 終端模擬協議
24 預留給個人用郵件系統
25 smtp 簡單郵件發送協議
27 NSW 用戶系統現場工程師
31 MSG驗證
33 顯示支持協議
35 預留給個人列印機服務
37 時間
38 路由訪問協議
39 資源定位協議
41 圖形
42 WINS 主機名服務
43 "綽號" who is服務
44 MPM(消息處理模塊)標志協議
45 消息處理模塊
46 消息處理模塊(默認發送口)
48 數碼音頻後台服務
49 TACACS登錄主機協議
50 遠程郵件檢查協議
51 IMP(介面信息處理機)邏輯地址維
52 施樂網路服務系統時間協議
53 域名伺服器
54 施樂網路服務系統票據交換
55 ISI圖形語言
56 施樂網路服務系統驗證
57 預留個人用終端訪問
58 施樂網路服務系統郵件
59 預留個人文件服務
60 未定義
61 NI郵件?
62 非同步通訊適配器服務
64 通訊介面
65 TACACS資料庫服務
66 Oracle SQL*NET
67 引導程序協議服務端
68 引導程序協議客戶端
69 小型文件傳輸協議
70 信息檢索協議
71 遠程作業服務
72 遠程作業服務
73 遠程作業服務
74 遠程作業服務
75 預留給個人撥出服務
76 分布式外部對象存儲
77 預留給個人遠程作業輸入服務
78 修正TCP
79 Finger(查詢遠程主機在線用戶等信息)
80 全球信息網超文本傳輸協議(www)
81 HOST2名稱服務
82 傳輸實用程序
83 模塊化智能終端ML設備
84 公用追蹤設備
85 模塊化智能終端ML設備
86 Micro Focus Cobol編程語言
87 預留給個人終端連接
88 Kerberros安全認證系統
89 SU/MIT終端模擬網關
90 DNSIX 安全屬性標記圖
91 MIT Dover假離線
92 網路列印協議
93 設備控制協議
94 Tivoli對象調度
96 DIXIE協議規范
97 快速遠程虛擬文件協議
98 TAC(東京大學自動計算機)新聞協議
99 Telnet服務,開99埠 (Troj.open99)
101 usually from sri-nic
102 iso-tsap
103 gppitnp
104 acr-nema
105 csnet-ns
106 3com-tsmux
107 rtelnet
108 snagas
109 Post Office
110 Pop3 伺服器(郵箱發送伺服器)
111 sunrpc
112 mcidas
113 身份查詢
114 audionews
115 sftp
116 ansanotify
117 path 或 uucp-path
118 sqlserv
119 新聞伺服器
120 cfdptkt
121 BO jammerkillah
123 network
124 ansatrader
125 locus-map
126 unitary
127 locus-con
128 gss-xlicen
129 pwdgen
130 cisco-fna
131 cisco-tna
132 cisco-sys
133 statsrv
134 ingres-net
135 查詢服務 DNS
136 profile PROFILE Naming System
137 NetBIOS 數據報(UDP)
138 NetBios-DGN
139 共享資源埠(NetBios-SSN)
140 emfis-data
141 emfis-cntl
142 bl-idm
143 IMAP電子郵件
144 NeWS
145 uaac
146 iso-tp0
147 iso-ip
148 jargon
149 aed-512
150 sql-net
151 hems
152 bftp
153 sgmp
154 netsc-prod
155 netsc-dev
156 sqlsrv
157 knet-cmp
159 nss-routing
160 sgmp-traps
161 遠程管理設備(SNMP)
162 snmp-trap
163 cmip-man
164 cmip-agent
165 xns-courier Xerox
166 s-net
167 namp
168 rsvd
169 send
170 network Po
171 multiplex Network
172 cl/1 Network
173 xyplex-mux
174 mailq
175 vmnet
176 genrad-mux
177 xdmcp
178 nextstep
179 bgp
180 ris
181 unify
182 audit
183 ocbinder
184 ocserver
185 remote-kis
186 kis
187 aci
188 mumps
189 qft
190 gacp
191 prospero
192 osu-nms
193 srmp
194 Irc
195 dn6-nlm-aud
196 dn6-smm-red
197 dls
198 dls-mon
199 smux
200 src IBM
201 at-rtmp
202 at-nbp
203 at-3
204 at-echo
205 at-5
206 at-zis
207 at-7
208 at-8
209 qmtp
210 z39.50 ANSI
211 914c/g
212 anet
214 vmpwscs
215 softpc Insignia Solutions
216 CAIlic
217 dbase
218 mpp
219 uarps
220 imap3
221 fln-spx
222 rsh-spx
223 cdc
242 direct
243 sur-meas
244 dayna
245 link
246 dsp3270
247 subntbcst_tftp
248 bhfhs
256 rap
257 set
258 yak-chat
259 esro-gen
260 openport
263 hdap
264 bgmp
280 http-mgmt
309 entrusttime
310 bhmds
312 vslmp
315 load
316 decauth
317 zannet
321 pip
344 pdap
345 pawserv
346 zserv
347 fatserv
348 csi-sgwp
349 mftp
351 matip-type-b
351 matip-type-b
353 ndsauth
354 bh611
357 bhevent
362 srssend
365 dtk
366 odmr
368 qbikgdp
371 clearcase
372 ulistproc ListProcessor
373 legent-1
374 legent-2
374 legent-2
375 hassle
376 nip
377 tnETOS
378 dsETOS
379 is99c
380 is99s
381 hp-collector
383 hp-alarm-mgr
384 arns
385 ibm-app
386 asa
387 aurp
388 unidata-ldm
389 ldap
390 uis
391 synotics-relay
393 dis
394 embl-ndt
395 netcp
396 netware-ip
397 mptn
398 kryptolan
399 iso-tsap-c2
400 vmnet0
401 ups Uninterruptible Power Supply
402 genie Genie Protocol
403 decap
404 nced
405 ncld
406 imsp
407 timbuktu
408 prm-sm
409 prm-nm
410 decladebug DECLadebug Remote Debug Protocol
411 rmt
412 synoptics-trap
413 smsp SMSP
414 infoseek
415 bnet
416 silverplatter
417 onmux
418 hyper-g
419 ariel1
420 smpte
421 ariel2
422 ariel3
423 opc-job-start
424 opc-job-track
425 icad-el
426 smartsdp
427 svrloc
428 ocs_cmu
429 ocs_amu
430 utmpsd
431 utmpcd
432 iasd
433 nnsp
434 mobileip-agent
435 mobilip-mn
436 dna-cml
437 comscm
438 dsfgw
439 dasp
440 sgcp
441 decvms-sysmgt
442 cvc_hostd
443 安全服務
444 snpp
445 NT的共享資源新埠(139)
446 ddm-rdb
447 ddm-dfm
448 ddm-ssl
449 as-servermap
450 tserver
451 sfs-smp-net
453 creativeserver
454 contentserver
455 creativepartnr
456 Hackers
457 scohelp
458 appleqtc
459 ampr-rcmd
460 skronk
461 datasurfsrv
462 datasurfsrvsec
463 alpes
464 kpasswd
465 smtps
466 digital-vrc
467 mylex-mapd
468 photuris
469 rcp
470 scx-proxy
471 mondex
472 ljk-login
473 hybrid-pop
474 tn-tl-w1
475 tcpnethaspsrv
476 tn-tl-fd1
477 ss7ns
478 spsc
479 iafserver
480 iafdbase
481 ph Ph
482 bgs-nsi
483 ulpnet
484 integra-sme
485 powerburst Air Soft Power Burst
486 avian
487 saft
488 gss-http
489 nest-protocol
490 micom-pfs
491 go-login
492 ticf-1
493 ticf-2
494 pov-ray
495 intecourier
496 pim-rp-disc
497 dantz
498 siam
499 iso-ill
500 sytek
501 stmf
502 asa-appl-proto
503 intrinsa
504 citadel
505 mailbox-lm
506 ohimsrv
507 crs
508 xvttp
509 snare
510 fcp
511 passgo
512 exec
513 login
514 shell
515 printer
516 videotex
517 talk
518 ntalk
519 utime
520 efs
521 ripng
522 ulp
523 ibm-db2
524 ncp NCP
525 timed
526 tempo newdate
527 stx
528 custix
529 irc-serv
530 courier
531 conference chat
532 netnews
533 netwall
534 mm-admin
535 iiop
536 opalis-rdv
537 nmsp
538 gdomap
539 apertus-ldp
540 uucp
541 uucp-rlogin
542 commerce
543 klogin
544 kshell
545 appleqtcsrvr
546 dhcpv6-client
547 dhcpv6-server
548 afpovertcp
549 idfp
550 new-rwho
551 cybercash
552 deviceshare
553 pirp
554 rtsp
555 dsf
556 remotefs
557 openvms-sysipc
558 sdnskmp
559 teedtap
560 rmonitor
561 monitor
562 chshell chcmd
563 nntps
564 9pfs
565 whoami
566 streettalk
567 banyan-rpc
568 ms-shuttle
569 ms-rome
570 meter
571 meter
572 sonar
573 banyan-vip
574 ftp-agent
575 vemmi
576 ipcd
577 vnas
578 ipdd
579 decbsrv
581 bdp
588 cal
589 eyelink
590 tns-cml
593 http-rpc-epmap
594 tpip
596 smsd
599 acp Aeolon Core Protocol
600 ipcserver Sun IPC server
606 urm Cray
607 nqs
608 sift-uft
609 npmp-trap
610 npmp-local
611 npmp-gui
613 hmmp-op
620 sco-websrvrmgr
621 escp-ip
625 dec_dlm
626 asia
628 qmqp
630 rda
631 ipp
632 bmpp
634 ginad
635 rlzdbase
636 ldaps
637 lanserver
639 msdp
666 doom
667 disclose
668 mecomm
669 meregister
670 vacdsm-sws
671 vacdsm-app
672 vpps-qua
673 cimplex
674 acap
675 dctp
704 elcsd
705 agentx
709 entrust-kmsh
710 entrust-ash
729 netviewdm1
730 netviewdm2
731 netviewdm3
741 netgw
742 netrcs
744 flexlm
747 fujitsu-dev
748 ris-cm
749 kerberos-adm
750 rfile
751 pump
752 qrh
753 rrh
754 tell send
758 nlogin
759 con
760 ns
761 rxe
762 quotad
763 cycleserv
764 omserv
765 webster
769 vid
770 cadlock
771 rtip
772 cycleserv2
773 submit
774 rpasswd
776 wpages
780 wpgs
786 concert Concert
787 qsc QSC
801 device
873 rsync rsync
886 iclcnet-locate
887 iclcnet_svinfo
888 erlogin
900 omginitialrefs
911 xact-backup
990 ftps
991 nas
992 telnets
993 imaps
994 ircs
995 pop3s
996 vsinet
997 maitrd
998 busboy
999 garcon
1000 cadlock
1010 surf
1023 Reserved
1024 NetSpy.698 (YAI)
1025 network blackjack
1026 Win2000 的 Internet 信息服務
1031 iad2
1032 iad3
1033 Netspy
1042 Bla1.1
1047 GateCrasher
1080 Wingate
1058 nim
1059 nimreg
1067 instl_boots
1068 instl_bootc
1080 Wingate
1083 ansoft-lm-1
1084 ansoft-lm-2
1109 kpop
1114 SQL
1123 murray Murray
1155 nfa Network File Access
1212 lupa lupa
1222 nerv SNI R&D network
1239 nmsd NMSD
1243 Sub-7木馬
1245 Vodoo
1248 hermes
1269 Mavericks Matrix
1492 FTP99CMP (BackOriffice.FTP)
1509 Streaming Server
1524 ingreslock後門
1313 bmc_patroldb
1314 pdps
1321 pip PIP
1345 vpjp VPJP
1346 alta-ana-lm
1347 bbn-mmc
1348 bbn-mmx
1349 sbook Registration Network Protocol
1350 editbench
1352 lotusnote
1353 relief
1354 rightbrain
1355 intuitive-edge
1356 cuillamartin
1357 pegboard
1358 connlcli
1359 ftsrv
1360 mimer
1361 linx
1362 timeflies
1363 ndm-requester
1364 ndm-server
1365 adapt-sna
1366 netware-csp
1367 dcs
1368 screencast
1369 gv-us
1370 us-gv
1371 fc-cli
1372 fc-ser
1373 chromagrafx
1374 molly EPI Software Systems
1375 bytex
1376 ibm-pps
1377 cichlid
1378 elan
1379 dbreporter Integrity Solutions
1380 telesis-licman
1381 apple-licman
1382 udt_os
1383 gwha
1384 os-licman
1385 atex_elmd
1386 checksum
1387 cadsi-lm
1388 objective-dbc
1389 iclpv-dm
1390 iclpv-sc
1391 iclpv-sas
1392 iclpv-pm
1393 iclpv-nls
1394 iclpv-nlc
1395 iclpv-wsm
1396 dvl-activemail
1399 cadkey-licman
1400 cadkey-tablet
1402 prm-sm-np
1403 prm-nm-np
1404 igi-lm
1405 ibm-res
1406 netlabs-lm
1407 dbsa-lm
1408 sophia-lm
1409 here-lm
1410 hiq
1411 af AudioFile
1412 innosys
1413 innosys-acl
1414 ibm-mqseries
1415 dbstar
1416 novell-lu6.2
1417 timbuktu-srv1
1418 timbuktu-srv2
1419 timbuktu-srv3
1420 timbuktu-srv4
1421 gandalf-lm
1422 autodesk-lm
1423 essbase
1424 hybrid
1425 zion-lm
1426 sais
1427 mloadd
1428 inFORMatik-lm
1429 nms Hypercom NMS
1430 tp Hypercom TPDU
1431 rgtp
1432 blueberry-lm
1433 ms-sql-s
1434 ms-sql-m
1435 ibm-cics
1436 saism
1437 tabula
1438 eicon-server
1439 eicon-x25
1440 eicon-slp
1441 cadis-1
1442 cadis-2
1443 ies-lm
1444 marcam-lm
1445 proxima-lm
1446 ora-lm
1447 apri-lm
1448 oc-lm
1449 peport
1450 dwf
1451 infoman
1452 gtegsc-lm
1453 genie-lm
1454 interhdl_elmd
1455 esl-lm
1456 dca
1457 valisys-lm
1458 nrcabq-lm
1459 proshare1
1460 proshare2
1461 ibm_wrless_lan
1462 world-lm
1463 nucleus
1464 msl_lmd
1465 pipes
1466 oceansoft-lm
1467 csdmbase
1468 csdm
1469 aal-lm
1470 uaiact
1471 csdmbase
1472 csdm
1473 openmath
1474 telefinder
1475 taligent-lm
1476 clvm-cfg
1477 ms-sna-server
1478 ms-sna-base
1479 dberegister
1480 pacerforum
1481 airs
1482 miteksys-lm
1483 afs
1484 confluent
1485 lansource
1486 nms_topo_serv
1487 localinfosrvr
1488 docstor
1489 dmdocbroker
1490 insitu-conf
1491 anynetgateway
1492 FTP99CMP (BackOriffice.FTP)
1493 netmap_lm
1494 ica
1495 cvc
1496 liberty-lm
1497 rfx-lm
1498 sybase-sqlany
1499 fhc
1500 vlsi-lm
1501 saiscm
1502 shivadiscovery
1503 imtc-mcs
1504 evb-elm
1505 funkproxy
1506 utcd
1507 symplex
1508 diagmond
1509 Streaming Server
1510 mvx-lm
1511 3l-l1
1512 wins
1513 fujitsu-dtc
1514 fujitsu-dtcns
1515 ifor-protocol
1516 vpad
1517 vpac
1518 vpvd
1519 vpvc
1520 atm-zip-office
1521 ncube-lm
1522 ricardo-lm
1523 cichild-lm
1525 orasrv
1525 orasrv
1526 pdap-np
1527 tlisrv
1528 mciautoreg
1529 coauthor
1530 rap-service
1531 rap-listen
1532 miroconnect
1533 virtual-places
1534 micromuse-lm
1535 ampr-info
1536 ampr-inter
1537 sdsc-lm
1538 3ds-lm
1539 intellistor-lm
1540 rds
1541 rds2
1542 gridgen-elmd
1543 simba-cs
1544 aspeclmd
1545 vistium-share
1546 abbaccuray
1547 laplink
1548 axon-lm
1549 shivahose
1550 3m-image-lm
1551 hecmtl-db
1552 pciarray
1553 sna-cs
1554 caci-lm
1555 livelan
1556 ashwin
1557 arbortext-lm
1558 xingmpeg
1559 web2host
1560 asci-val
1561 facilityview
1562 pconnectmgr
1563 cadabra-lm
1564 pay-per-view
1565 winddlb
1566 corelvideo
1567 jlicelmd
1568 tsspmap
1569 ets
1570 orbixd
1571 rdb-dbs-disp
1572 Chipcom License Manager
1573 itscomm-ns
1574 mvel-lm
1575 oraclenames
1576 moldflow-lm
1577 hypercube-lm
1578 Jacobus License Manager
1579 ioc-sea-lm
1580 tn-tl-r1 tn-tl-r1
1581 mil-2045-47001
1582 msims
1583 simbaexpress
1584 tn-tl-fd2
1585 intv
1586 ibm-abtact
1587 pra_elmd
1588 triquest-lm
1589 vqp
1590 gemini-lm
1591 ncpm-pm
1592 commonspace
1593 mainsoft-lm
1594 sixtrak
1595 radio
1596 radio-sm
1597 orbplus-iiop
1598 picknfs
1599 simbaservices
1600 Shiv
1601 aas
1602 inspect
1603 picodbc
1604 icabrowser icabrowser
1605 slp Salutation Manager
1606 Salutation Manager
1607 stt
1608 Smart Corp. License Manager
1609 isysg-lm
1610 taurus-wh
1611 ill Inter Library Loan
1612 NetBill Transaction Server
1613 NetBill Key Repository
1614 NetBill Credential Server
1615 NetBill Authorization Server
1616 NetBill Proct Server
1617 Nimrod Inter-Agent Communication
1618 skytelnet
1619 xs-openstorage
1620 faxportwinport
1621 softdataphone
1622 ontime
1623 jaleosnd
1624 udp-sr-port
1625 svs-omagent
1636 cncp
1637 cnap
1638 cnip
1639 cert
1640 cert-responder
1641 invision
1642 isis-am
1643 isis-ambc
1645 datametrics
1646 sa-msg-port
1647 rsap rsap
1648 concurrent-lm
1649 inspect
1650 nkd
1651 shiva_confsrvr
1652 xnmp
1654 stargatealerts
1655 dec-mbadmin
1656 dec-mbadmin-h
1657 fujitsu-mmpdc
1658 sixnetudr
1659 sg-lm
1660 skip-mc-gikreq
1661 netview-aix-1
1662 netview-aix-2
1663 netview-aix-3
1664 netview-aix-4
1665 netview-aix-5
1666 netview-aix-6
1667 netview-aix-7
1668 netview-aix-8
1669 netview-aix-9
1670 netview-aix-10
1671 netview-aix-11
1672 netview-aix-12
1673 Intel Proshare Multicast
1674 Intel Proshare Multicast
1675 pdp Pacific Data Procts
1676 netcomm1
1677 groupwise
1678 prolink
1679 darcorp-lm
1681 sd-elmd
1682 lanyon-lantern
1683 ncpm-hip
1684 snaresecure
1685 n2nremote
1686 cvmon cvmon
1687 nsjtp-ctrl
1688 nsjtp-data
1689 firefox
1690 ng-umds
1691 empire-empuma
1692 sstsys-lm
1693 rrirtr
1694 rrimwm
1695 rrilwm
1696 rrifmm
1697 rrisat
1698 rsvp-encap-1
1699 rsvp-encap-2
1700 mps-raft
1701 l2f,l2tp
1702 deskshare
1703 hb-engine
1704 bcs-broker
1705 slingshot
1706 jetFORM
1707 vdmplay
1708 gat-lmd
1709 centra
1710 impera
1711 pptconference
1712 registrar resource monitoring service
1713 conferencetalk
1714 sesi-lm
1715 hou

『玖』 為什麼我的BT下載很慢呢

有可能你的設置有問題。有個方法也是我朋友教我的。把上傳設置為50KB 看個人人品問題了。我也是電信ADSL 我設置了20KB 下載限量是 200 (太快沒好處 傷硬碟)你網快的話可以設置300到500 這個很重要。 還有你下的BT種子沒多少人。當然速度提不上去了。找個熱門的網站下吧。

『拾』 HTTP協議是什麼意思



1960年美國人Ted Nelson構思了一種通過計算機處理文本信息的方法,並稱之為超文本。這成為了HTTP超文本傳輸協議標准架構的發展根基。Ted Nelson組織協調萬維網協會和互聯網工程工作小組共同合作研究,最終發布了一系列的RFC,其中著名的RFC 2616定義了HTTP 1.1。




客戶向伺服器請求服務時,只需傳送請求方法和路徑。請求方法常用的有 GET、HEAD、POST,每種方法規定了客戶與伺服器聯系的類型不同。由於 HTTP 協議簡單,使得 HTTP 伺服器的程序規模小,因而通信速度很快。




HTTP 協議是無狀態協議,無狀態是指協議對於事務處理沒有記憶能力。缺少狀態意味著如果後續處理需要前面的信息,則它必須重傳,這樣可能導致每次連接傳送的數據量增大。另一方面,在伺服器不需要先前信息時它的應答就較快。

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