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發布時間: 2022-09-03 19:40:09

1. 做作業用英語怎麼寫


2. 上傳作業的英語

翻譯: upload one's homework.

3. 句子翻譯:「在網上聽課」、「在網上考試」、「在網上上傳作業」

attend a lecture on the Internet. take an examination on the Internet . upload exercise on the Internet

4. 作業的英文該怎麼寫


5. 作業用英語怎麼說

do homework。示例:I often do homework carefully. 我常常認真做家庭作業。

homework讀法英 [ˈhəʊmwɜːk] 美 [ˈhoʊmwɜːrk]


1、Fast to do homework快速做功課;快做功課

2、I must do homework我必需做家庭作業

3、I do homework after我做了家庭作業以後

4、He seldom do homework他很少做作業




3、在英國,文科學校和私立學校通常把「家庭作業」叫做prep.,即preparation of lessons。現在,也有很多人用assignment來表示。

6. 求翻譯 中譯英 謝謝了:)

The characteristics of Student assignment submission system:
As a student to submit work platform, the users focus on the teacher and the students.
The requirements of a: interface is simple and easy to use, functional pertinence; TeacherParty used to publish the work requirements, the student party to take this platform to submit homework. The function of main body should include user login, registration, students,teachers interface operation interface and a mail list, discussion groups and other commonly used functions.
B: in order to rece the teachers computer hard disk load, the system will provide cloud storage service, students upload operation is stored in the cloud, the teachers can be downloaded on demand.
The c: system requires a high stability, can cope with the semester, the final use of the peak of multiple users simultaneously landing upload, download the burden, and the data can be updated in real time, record the upload time.
1: teacher mole
1 grade management 1: score, change.
Through this function, teachers can achieve operation mark online and add comments; in the score still modify permissions, can do correction of fraction. The scoring system of teachers of various subjects are independent of each other, which can only see their own class to modify the students score; unable to query modification students in other subjects.
2: scores of statistics. System integration of statistics and curve generation function, help the teachers to be more intuitive to see the change curve of the students achievement, and theevaluation of teaching effect.
2 operation management of 1: upload, download and check the homework. The teacherthrough the web you can upload homework problems, then you can choose the deadlineoperation, and format of the job and whether the Turnitin link, so the teacher can check thestudents' homework whether there is plagiarism.
2: Operation score system. The teacher by the function to the students' homework score, the teacher's authority is limited to the class of students, can not change the other teacher'sscore.
The 3 class management system: the number of the students in class 1, student informationquery.
2: students mail list management. Convenient for students and teachers and the relationshipto each other, can be directly E - mail relation, system interface suggests that messages also has a blog, Facebook similar personal homepage function.
4 discussion groups. With the teacher, students and administrators is formed between theexchange group.
2: the student mole
The job management -- download, upload, modify operation
A: students can view the job details online, Download job requirements; including print previewand format conversion function, convenient for students to print job. B: homework uploading.For the convenience of the student user, provides the online cloud storage service; in when a job is submitted, the student user can be stored in the cloud data over a choice before, no need to re upload. C we have reserved to modify the replace function, the students evensubmit homework, can still repeat upload to replace the old document before deadline.
The result view function 1: score view. The students will be able to see before submittingonline assignments, as well as the teacher gave the corresponding students comment.Because the fraction of students involved in privacy, each student can only check into theirhomework scores and comments; for other students and the whole class, score situationcannot query.
2: the repetition rate of view. For check job requirements. Students can query the repetition rate the submitted jobs in the system, quotes the relevant in the case of reference.
Third class mail list. This feature allows students to query other users of public information,such as: Teacher's personal information, get the classmates and the teacher's contact method, to promote the communication between teachers and students, between students.
The calendar reminder. The use of friendly user interface, simple and clear to provide layouttime students of each activity and the deadline time. Another provision of addition and modification function, convenient for students to add personal travel; personal travel part is not open to the public, other users can not see.
The reference database. For the convenience of the students to understand the operationbackground as well as the query to the relevant documents. Teachers can provide the references for the job, and collected in the reference library.
The discussion group. Members discussed within the group can be combined freely. Each user has formed discussion groups and exit, forbid people to add their own into thepermissions discussion group.

7. 我們做完的作業會拍照上傳到釘釘軟體上的英語翻譯

譯為:Our pictures were taken in kind,so kind and pictures are the same.
譯為:As long as we receive the money,we will be shipped immediately.
譯為:We are very much trust,so you do not have to worry about.

8. 昨天我已經上傳作業了英語

I have finished my homework yesterday !
have +過去分詞表過去即"己經…"而yet 大多用在疑問句和否定句不用於肯定句!

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