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㈠ VC++做的ftp代碼服務端


㈡ 多線程FTP程序用VC/C++如何設計


StuffFTP is a free for life FTP client. This FTP client will allow you to connect to FTP servers and upload and download files.

Why did I create and continue to support StuffFTP? First it is a learning experience, and since I just got laid off from my company, I decided to use some of the tools they have provided, its legal as I technically bought them and they do not have other programmers following in my footstep nor do they plan on hiring any, to create something for the community. I also used another FTP program that was freeware for a while and then became pay to use software with little to no notice. That irked me and a friend suggested I create my own FTP client. So I am.

This is currently a work in progress and I would be the first to say there is a lot of work to do. Since I am laid off, I have lots of time on my hands. And this is an excellent chance for me to learn some of the concepts of C++ that I wanted to, but never had the chance while I was working. I was hoping to get a job in San Jose, CA, but decided to hold off and live on saving for a while.

I will support this program as best as I can. I have already setup a website and forum for it, here. I use the forum because I have trouble responding to email especially when I get a whole bunch of SPAM everyday. There is no adware or spyware in the program, and I guarantee that it will be free for the life of the program.

Some people have already asked why I don't open source the project. The main reason is I do not know if I can. StuffFTP uses some proprietary third party libraries. I do not know if I can post the source code or header files to those libraries. So everyone will have to wait until I can get rid of those libraries or hear back from the companies concerning my question about releasing header and associated help files.

* MS Windows XP Professional
* MS Visual Studio .NET C++/MFC
* Clickteam Install Maker
* Clickteam Patch Maker
* Betaone.net forum members
* CXListCtrl by Hans Dietrich

3rd Party Libraries

The application uses Catalyst Socket Tools Library Edition and Professional UI GUI library. So far the support has been fair with Prof-UI and outstanding with Catalyst. The Catalyst tool is for the actual FTP connection and, as the name suggests, Prof-UI is being used for the GUI.

You can find the latest updates here and you can also find my latest ramblings, blogs, and support here. This is where you can find out all the latest versions and information.
How to contribute

Money! Just kidding you can contribute by downloading, using, and giving feedback on the program. That way I can determine which path to take with the application and which features to prioritize or not. Graphics is also where I need lots of help. I am left brained and can not draw a good stick figure to save my life. If you can help with graphics or anything else, please let me know. Also talk to me, I am bored. I have no job at the moment so I can use the company.

* Able to upload/download from server/computer
* Connect to FTP sites using login
* Connect using other ports besides 21
* Delete, rename, and CHMOD a file


* 12/10/2003 - Version 0.11a
* 12/07/2003 - Version 0.10a

㈢ VC編寫的ftp伺服器


㈣ VC實現FTP伺服器上傳功能


㈤ vc++ 編程 CFtpConnection類的getfile函數問題 ! pConnection->GetFile(m_strSName,m_strDName);



ZeroMemory(&bInfo, sizeof(bInfo));
bInfo.hwndOwner =GetSafeHwnd();
bInfo.lpszTitle = _T("選擇文件保存的路徑");

lpDlist = SHBrowseForFolder(&bInfo) ;
if(lpDlist != NULL)
SHGetPathFromIDList(lpDlist, chPath); m_strPath = chPath;


㈥ VC 怎樣上傳文件到FTP伺服器上


㈦ vc 編程 CFtpConnection類的getfile函數問題 !


㈧ 急求VC++編寫的FTP伺服器程序!!謝謝!!!!!!


㈨ VC++怎麼獲取FTP上的文件大小信息

通過CFtpFileFind 得到文件的URL之後,然後通過CHttpFile::QueryInfo 得到文件大小。

㈩ 用vc實現的ftp如何使用,是兩台電腦都安裝了軟體運行嗎

在高級語言中我比較喜歡Delphi,大家不是都說嗎「真正的程序員用VC,聰明的惡意破壞它人的軟體或系統將導致法律刑責, 如果你只是使用電腦,那僅為非法

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