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發布時間: 2022-08-16 12:55:41

❶ eclipse中沒有android-support-v4.jar


❷ sdk里沒有Android Support Library怎麼辦

點擊"Packages" > "Show Obsolete Packages"然後library就出來了

❸ 找不到android.support.v7,怎麼辦


❹ android support repository 沒有

Android Support Library
在SDK Manager中下載Extras -> Android Support Library,Android Support Repository(用Android Studio開發),下載的文件 在<sdk>\extras\android\compatibility (或support)中
在工程根目錄創建libs文件夾,拷貝需要的support jar包,right click JAR file,select Build Path -> Add To Build Path
Android Projects, Test Projects, Library Projects(共享的代碼和資源)
Android Projects
src/.java .aidl文件
bin/.apk output directory
jni/ native code
gen/ R.java generated by ADT
assets/raw asset files
res/anim color drawable layout menu raw values xml
project.propertiescontains project settings,such as the build target,maintain it in a source revision control system(放在版本控制中)
local.propertiescomputer-specific properties,not maintain it in a source revision control system(不放在版本控制中)
ant.propertiesproperties for the build system
build.xmlAnt build file
Library Projects
When you build an application that depends on a library project, the SDK tools compile the library into a temporary JAR file and uses it in the main project, then uses the result to generate the .apk. In cases where a resource ID is defined in both the application and the library, the tools ensure that the resource declared in the application gets priority and that the resource in the library project is not compiled into the application .apk.


在android-support-v4.jar相同的路徑下新建一個「.properties」文件, 文件名與需要關聯的jar包相同, 這里是「android-support-v4 .jar .properties」

Close and re-open your android project

❺ 缺少android.support.v7.app


❻ 找不到android-support-v4.jar,android-support-v7.jar怎麼辦


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